Reads - Mind-body connection


Welcome to our Recommended Reads section. Here we will share some of our favourite books based on each of the pillars we explore at Ora Collective.

A brain-body imbalance can affect your physical and mental health. Through the books below you can explore these two separate ideas through the lens of the holistic health approach, treating them as one overarching theme.

We have decided to redirect you to Better World Books because their purpose and vision aligns with ours. For every book you buy through them, one is gifted to a person with limited access to education.

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The body keeps the score

by Bessel van der Kolk


The biology of belief

by Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.



by Dr. Jeffrey Rediger


How your mind can heal your body

by David R. Hamilton Ph.D.

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Breaking the habit of being yourself

by Dr. Joe Dispenza

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The mind-gut connection

by Emeran Mayer, MD

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Healing emotions

by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

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Becoming supernatural

by Dr. Joe Dispenza


The somatic therapy workbook

by Livia Shapiro


Reads - Spirituality


Reads - Relationships