Improving your home environment


The way our home environment looks and feels can impact us on several levels, from sleep to productivity, concentration and stress. Lighting, colour and furniture layout can influence how we behave in certain spaces and ultimately affect our mood. In the same way that we eat certain foods to reduce inflammation or meditate to calm our minds, treating our home well can make a huge difference to the way we feel in it.

It’s important to create an environment that feels soothing, peaceful and safe. Adding some simple stress reducing measures to your home can make all the difference. This is where the ancient Taoist concept of feng shui comes into play. Feng shui is the practice of arranging the pieces in your living space to balance the energies within that space. It is said to create balance with the natural world and the flow of energy. Tidiness, indoor plants and lamps are all observed in feng shui.

Clear the clutter

Messy environments are stressful and are said to reflect what’s happening in the mind. Living in a disorganised and cluttered space can feel overwhelming as we end up putting our energy into managing all our stuff, rather than being in the moment. If something isn’t being used, you can donate it, pass it on or sell it. Be mindful of what you have and ensure things that don’t serve you aren’t taking up unnecessary space in your life. When we hold onto things we don’t need, it can be a sign of holding onto the past or worrying about the future. We are missing the opportunity to be fully present. 

Create habits around organisation to prevent clutter from accumulating in the first place. Have a place for your keys and put something back where you found it. This means your time and energy isn’t spent searching for something or constantly clearing up messes. It will help you to become empowered by your environment and not overwhelmed by it. Sometimes we mistake a little mess for clutter - dirty dishes staring at you while you eat dinner, for example - but these can be the most used items in our home or the objects we love the most looking a little messy. So, go easy on yourself, there’s no need to be too rigid or strive for perfection.

A neat ritual

Clearing clutter from our homes is an ongoing process. We are constantly changing and evolving, setting new goals and revisiting intentions. We feel most comfortable in our home environment when our living space and things reflect who we are at that moment in time. You may have fallen out of love with an item you used a year ago because it doesn’t have the same meaning or serve the same purpose for you today, and that’s ok. Instead bring your attention to the idea of connection, presence and enjoying your home. 

When we clear this clutter from our home, we have more room to take up emotional space which can cultivate creativity and deepen connections with ourselves, loved ones and the world around us. The act of getting rid of clutter is also quite meditative. Instead of looking at the process as a dreaded chore, reframe it as an act of self-care. It may even evolve into a calming ritual. 

Your relaxing haven

Consider form, functionality and aesthetics when creating a more wellness-oriented living space. Your home is your sanctuary. Try to keep it free of as many toxic materials as possible. In particular, your bedroom should feel calming and free from distractions. This encourages rest, improving your sleep quality, mood and overall wellbeing.

Be strategic with scents. Scent is associated with memories; it can trigger old ones and create new ones. How do you feel when you walk in the front door of your home? Is it welcoming? What does it smell like? Can you feel a particular energy? Moving through your home should be a multi-sensory experience that uplifts you with positive energy. Essential oils and scented candles are a great way to set the tone of any room in your home. Certain smells like lavender and bergamot have calming properties while eucalyptus and peppermint can energise a space. Use scents that reflect the mood of the room and how you want to feel when you are in it.

But it’s not just about appearance, how you live is also key. Try switching out your commercial cleaning products which may contain synthetic fragrances and phthalates for more homemade concoctions or natural versions with fewer ingredients. Stock your pantry and fridge with healthy food and keep lots of fruit and vegetables on hand. This will ensure your kitchen is a place of creativity, nourishment and healing rather than stress. Always keep your fridge clean and tidy too - it’s a great way for improving your kitchen feng shui. From beautiful scents to healthy food and decluttered spaces, making your home a true sanctuary is easier than you think.

For more ways of improving your home feng shui, we have created a special workbook exclusively for Ora Collective members. Find it in your Ora library. If you aren’t a member yet, try 14 days for free here.


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