Tips for a smoother & healthier holiday season


We’re quickly approaching the end of the year and for many of us, that brings the tendency to overindulge. So, we’ve put together a little guide to help you feel slightly more in-tune and stay healthy this holiday season. Everything from eating that bit cleaner to becoming more mindful. You’ll thank us later.

Settle the mind

Find your moments of silence and embrace them. During the festivities, it can be an all-go, pretty hectic kind of season. Try to set aside a few minutes in the morning or evening for meditation, breathwork or a voice practice. It can be anything from 2 minutes and longer. It’s a proven way to help release tension in the body and enable you to feel more present in the moment so you can enjoy time with family and friends that bit more. Just a few mindful minutes to yourself can bring comfort and peace before you walk into any social situation.

Adjust your routine

Wherever you may be during the holiday period, it’s set to be a busy and often, unsettling time for many. You might find yourself having more errands to run, people to meet, things to do and places to go. Your work schedule will be disrupted as you take time off and rush to meet deadlines. Expect and understand that this is a busy time and your routine will not remain the same. With that in mind, be kind to yourself. That means adjusting your expectations and realising that you may have less control over things you usually do - and that’s ok. Having this self-compassion will enable you to be flexible with your days and how you show up for yourself.

Change your thoughts on food

You’re probably already excited about the indulgent food this festive season but with that, fears of overeating and / or thoughts of a clean-eating January detox may already be creeping in. Stop there. Be realistic and mindful when it comes to your food choices. Instead of saying you’ll quit sugar, steer off alcohol and exercise like a maniac in the new year, why not reduce your intake of said substances, add more nutritious foods to your plate and try to move your body everyday. When you’re mindful, you’ll be more careful and aware of what you’re putting into your body and how you’re maintaining it. This is a behaviour that can become a habit and is much more sustainable to keep up in the long run than going cold turkey with new year resolutions you might not keep. Another top tip - eat when you’re hungry, stop when you’re full.

Spend time in nature

Whether you do it alone or with your loved ones, take your body into nature at any opportunity. Breathe in the fresh air, feel the ground beneath you and experience the beauty of nature around you. It’s a great way to stay active during the holidays and cultivate inner peace through the wondrous practice of forest bathing. The phytoncides released by trees have medicinal properties that can decrease stress levels which is more applicable than ever during this period.

With that, take care, be kind and enjoy yourself this holiday season.

From your Ora Collective team.


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