December 2023, Holiscopes


The last month of the year is a time to enjoy and expand our horizons, while reflecting on the past twelve months. As we move through Sagittarius season, let yourself lean into optimism and your own truths about the world.

December begins with messenger Mercury moving into the sign of Capricorn, bringing more structure and practicality to our mental processes. Spending the first two weeks of the month planning ahead would be helpful, especially before Mercury Retrograde begins on the 13. Then for the remainder of the month, look back on how things have gone and the progress you’ve made towards longer-term goals. As always, be extra mindful before sharing with others and double check everything. The presence of Mars and Neptune this month adds the possibility of harsh words and confusion.

Venus moves into Scorpio on the 4, bringing depth and potential obsession to our relationships. Loyalty and devotion to others will be emphasized. After nearly six months, Neptune stations Direct in the sign of Pisces on the 6, which will allow us to expand our capacity for compassion and further trust our intuition.

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on the 12, bringing vibrant energy and the possibility of miscommunications. Here, you can set intentions for expansion, growth, education, long-distance travel, and pursuing life’s big questions.

With the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year on the 21, comes the reality-check of Capricorn season. It’s time to get serious and to apply what we’re learning towards long-term visions. The Sun-Mercury conjunction in Capricorn on the 22 is a wonderful opportunity to be honest with what went well and didn’t in 2023, and to plan ahead for 2024 accordingly.

Interestingly, Mercury Retrograde moves into Sagittarius, its only journey through a fire sign this year, for about a week on the 23. This may usher in a period of reflecting on our greater beliefs, and can certainly push us to say things without much thinking.

The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on the 26, a moment for self-care and nurturing. The 29 brings Venus in Sagittarius, adding warmth and a sense of adventure to our relationships. Just before the new year, Jupiter stations Direct in Taurus, adding a joyful, positive vibe to our celebrations.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Happy Solar Return, Sagittarius! Let yourself be the life of the party that you are. With Mercury in Capricorn, your focus shifts to the material world. Use Mercury Retrograde to reflect on your finances and other personal resources. Capricorn season supports you here too. With Venus in Scorpio, you might find your devotion to certain loved ones deepening. With Neptune Direct, the picture of your ideal living situation may become more clear. On the New Moon in your sign, realign with yourself and what you still want to explore. Give yourself time to process deeper emotions that may emerge on the Cancer Full Moon. Venus in Sagittarius is a good time to have a good time with friends. Once Jupiter is Direct in Taurus, you might feel more you and a lot better in your body.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

As your season approaches, Capricorn, honest self-reflection is being asked of you. What have you learned this year? Mercury in your sign kicks this all off. You will be able to express yourself quite clearly, especially before Mercury Retrograde. Once Retrograde comes around, be your serious practical self, but ensure you’re not too inflexible. Venus in Scorpio is a great time to show your friends how obsessed you are with them, and Venus in Sagittarius will also help you give back to others. As Neptune stations Direct, the ways in which your perspective has shifted will become more clear. Do something mind-expanding on the Sagittarius New Moon to integrate these changes. Have a cozy night in with someone you care a lot about on the Full Moon in Cancer. With Jupiter Direct in Taurus, expect creative expansion and a lot of fun as 2023 becomes 2024.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Continue to expand your friendship horizons and dream big this Sagittarius season, Aquarius. As fun as it all certainly will be, you may also feel quite a big sense of responsibility for the collective. All the Capricorn energy coming in, first with Mercury, highlights self-sacrifice. Once Mercury Retrograde rolls through, contemplate your relationship to something greater than you. Take charge of your subconscious during Capricorn season. Professional relationships should be smooth so long as there are no power trips involved with Venus in Scorpio. Neptune Direct will reveal to you how your relationship with material things has shifted. On the New Moon in Sagittarius, set intentions for how you’d like your social circles to evolve. Venus in Sagittarius brings more energy here. Nurture yourself and do something nice for your body on the Cancer Full Moon. Jupiter Direct in Taurus supports growth when it comes to home and family.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

What are you wanting to achieve, Pisces? Now is a great time to go after it and embody your most ambitious self. With Mercury in Capricorn, your mind is on the groups that you’re a part of, and while Mercury is Retrograde there’s a lot to review when it comes to your higher aspirations. Venus in Scorpio helps you explore your version of truth through relationships, while in Sagittarius, you may find others help you in career. Neptune Direct in your sign will nudge you to merge with those around you — not necessarily unhelpful as long as you maintain some boundaries. On the New Moon in Sagittarius, set intentions for what you’d like to explore through your career. Capricorn season will support you in working towards your goals. Take time to reflect and express yourself creatively on the Cancer Full Moon. Jupiter Direct boosts your sense of belonging.

Aries & Aries Rising

Sagittarius season makes you want to roam all around the world, Aries. Whether or not you travel, you have a strong urge to explore. With Mercury in Capricorn, you are determined to make an impact in a public way. As Mercury Retrograde unfolds, spend time reflecting on how effective your plans and communication have been this year. With Venus in Scorpio, you’re more willing to get vulnerable with others, and in Sagittarius, it’s more about having a good time. Neptune Direct helps you begin to integrate any strange, mystical experiences you may have had this year. On the Sagittarius New Moon, set intentions for any trips you’d like to take or what you’d like to study. Capricorn season has you in serious business mode, which spills into 2024. Take a moment away from productivity on the Full Moon in Cancer. As Jupiter stations Direct, you may receive an unexpected gift.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Your soul is craving an expansion this Sagittarius season. How can you expose yourself to some new ideas, Taurus? Interestingly, Mercury in Capricorn will highlight your scepticism. How can you embrace it to align with what you truly believe? Mercury Retrograde would be a great time to journal when possible, to see what emerges. And with Neptune Direct, your journey of parsing through your beliefs continues. With Venus in Scorpio, you want to go deep with those close to you, and in Sagittarius, you might find that “just for fun” interactions lead you somewhere surprisingly profound. On the Sagittarius New Moon, make note of what you’re curious to learn more about. Capricorn season could be a great time to methodically plan a trip — from the budget to the itinerary. Let your imagination do its thing on the Cancer Full Moon. If you’ve been feeling off lately, Jupiter stationing Direct in your sign should turn things around.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Sagittarius season reminds you how much you love companionship and freedom in equal parts. Your best friends are likely the ones that don’t tie you down. As you have fun with those close to you, you’re also thinking about how you use and share your resources. Do you need better boundaries when it comes to lending things out? Ponder this during Mercury Retrograde. With Venus in Scorpio, you want to give back to your loved ones, and in Sagittarius you just want to party. As Neptune stations Direct, you move closer towards your higher calling. On the Sagittarius New Moon, set intentions for the kind of relationships you truly desire. During Capricorn season, you may notice strange things within you coming to the surface. Approach them with curiosity and a little bit of practicality. The Full Moon in Cancer is a nice time to treat yourself to something comforting. Whether or not it’s something you can fully articulate, you’re expanding in spiritual wisdom thanks to Jupiter Direct.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Have you found yourself moving around more this Sagittarius season? While a lot of this motion will be work-related, don’t forget to let loose, Cancer. As Mercury moves into Capricorn, your focus is very 1:1. How do these close relationships bring you stability and teach you about responsibility? This will be a big thing for you this Capricorn season, and is a good thing to think about with Mercury Retrograde. With Venus in Scorpio and then Sagittarius, you might find yourself wanting to create things with others, whether for fun or in a work setting. Neptune Direct will allow more space for new truths in your belief system. On the New Moon in Sagittarius, reconnect to routines that help you connect with something bigger than your everyday life. Hide in your room if you feel so compelled on the Full Moon in your sign. Get your introverted time in now, because your network is set to expand in 2024, thanks to Jupiter stationing Direct.

Leo & Leo Rising 

You are creatively driven and just want to have fun this Sagittarius season. See if you can get friends involved in a project or go at it alone. With Mercury in Capricorn, you’ll have the discipline to get things done. As Mercury Retrograde unfolds, reflect on what you’ve achieved this year and see how it fits into where you want to go next. Venus in Scorpio highlights the loyalty you have to your family, while Venus in Sagittarius amps up enthusiasm and flirtation in your interactions. If you’ve been neglecting introspection, Neptune Direct might nudge you in the direction of deeper self-work. On the New Moon in Sagittarius, make it very clear to the Universe what kind of fun you want to have now and into 2024. In Capricorn season, things get a little more serious. Buckle down on anything you need to finish up. Take time to rest on the Full Moon in Cancer. Expect new horizons when it comes to your career as Jupiter stations Direct.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Throughout Sagittarius season you’re understanding the importance of your domestic space and ancestry. Connecting to both will help you feel secure so you can go out into the world and do great things. On the Sagittarius New Moon, contemplate this and set intentions accordingly. With your ruling planet Mercury in Capricorn, you’re serious about your self-expression. Use Mercury Retrograde to reflect on any creative projects you’ve neglected and see if they can be given new life and longevity. With Venus in Scorpio, you want to live inside other people’s minds, and in Sagittarius, you might find yourself reconnecting with family. Neptune Direct may bring strange experiences with others that teach you about surrender. Once Capricorn season comes around, let yourself have a bit of fun in your own down-to-earth way. Take the opportunity to plan a nurturing activity for you and your friends on the Full Moon in Cancer. Jupiter Direct helps you move forward when it comes to something in the bigger picture.

Libra & Libra Rising 

This Sagittarius season, you’re invited to try new things and be curious. Don’t overplan and see what you can learn from the people and things around you, Libra. Make a list of what you want to learn about on the Sagittarius New Moon. With Mercury in Capricorn, you may be thinking of how the dynamics of your ancestry will play out in the future. Consider researching your family tree and see what you find, especially during Mercury Retrograde. Venus in Scorpio is a great time to invest in yourself and in what you find valuable, while in Sagittarius you’ll likely meet new people who inspire you. If you haven’t already, incorporate something spiritual into your daily routine once Neptune is Direct. Throughout Capricorn season, you might get into family ancestry or you might simply want to make some more permanent upgrades to your living situation. On the Full Moon in Cancer, celebrate how far you’ve come in your career. Once Jupiter is Direct, it’s an excellent time to get going on a project that involves other people’s resources.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Your Sagittarius season is not only about generosity, Scorpio, but also about expanding your own personal values. Are you living in alignment with what truly matters to you? Contemplate this on the New Moon in Sagittarius, and come up with a list of life principles to refer back to when you feel stuck or confused. Mercury in Capricorn will highlight how you might take yourself too seriously. Don’t let the reflection of Mercury Retrograde lead you into a sombre mood. Surround yourself with people or ideas that lighten things up, which should be easier once Jupiter is Direct. Venus in your sign makes you even more magnetic than usual, while in Sagittarius, there may be an impulse buy or two on the horizon. Neptune Direct should add to your already-existing creative inspiration. Capricorn season could be an interesting time to learn about stoicism and apply it to your life.


January 2024, Holiscopes


November 2023, Holiscopes