January 2023, Holiscopes


The beginning of this new year implores us to ground before we move forward. Capricorn season continues, bringing forth earth energy that is both practical and ambitious. Think about what you'd like to achieve in the next 12 months, but keep it realistic and don't skip steps. With three planets stationing Direct, more clarity and courage will be available to us.

Aquarius energy first comes through with Venus shifting to the air sign on the 3, promoting interrelatedness between many and widening our vision of relationships and values. The planet of love moves into watery Pisces on the 27, inspiring unity, unconditional love and intimacy.

The Full Moon in Cancer arrives on the 6, reminding us to nurture ourselves and not neglect our emotionality. Unconscious drives may emerge in conflict with grounded thoughts, along with old wounds and patterns of thinking. Although rife with sensitivity, this lunation also stimulates our creativity and intuition.

Mars Direct in Gemini on the 12 sets the stage for Mercury and Uranus to make their station within the next ten days. With Mars, we may find we can move forward with more speed. Once Mercury shifts out of Retrograde in Capricorn on the 18, there will be more straightforward communication and an ability to put long-term plans in motion. Finally, with Uranus Direct in Taurus on the 22, there is the potential for sudden changes in the material realm, breakthroughs, and shocking events.

Before Aquarius season, Venus and the Sun will make contact with potent Pluto on the 1 and 18, respectively, provoking transformation and revelation on a soul and relationship level.

The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20, bringing people together in a more cerebral, innovative way. The New Moon in Aquarius arrives on the 21, a time to set intentions for our highest aspirations for humanity. While this time is not without emotional intensity, there is potential for growth, optimism, shifts in thinking, and conscious intention.

While at the end of January, we might feel restricted in our relationships, with Venus and Saturn conjunct in Aquarius on the 22, there is an abundance of possibility for forward motion and getting unstuck.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Happy Solar Return, Capricorn! Spend the beginning of this year reflecting on your progress, especially while Mercury is in Retrograde in your sign. You might find more clarity coming your way on the 12 when it's Direct. Venus in Aquarius has you attracting more abundance, especially if you allow it to come in an unconventional way. Consider investing in anything that will reinforce your values and self-worth. Spend nurturing, quality time with someone close to you on the Full Moon in Cancer. Recommit to moving your body as Mars Direct in Gemini speeds up daily life. Aquarius season highlights your finances and what you possess, and the New Moon is an opportunity for a fresh start in this area. Venus in Pisces enhances your social life.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Most of the month is best spent cocooning, Aquarius. Don't feel rushed to move forward, nor put pressure on yourself to make things happen. When Venus moves into your sign on the 3, peace-making and charm will come easy to you – be mindful of over-compromising and remember to take care of yourself. Make time for a self-care ritual on the Full Moon in Cancer. With Mars Direct in Gemini, you are more emboldened to act on your creative impulses. Once your season comes along, get out into the world and show your eccentric self—set intentions for how you'd like to evolve on the New Moon. Look out for sudden changes in the home in the family when Uranus stations Direct, and notice if you are more practically-minded in your relationships. Venus in Pisces asks how you spiritually understand the material world.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You will likely find yourself amongst groups this Capricorn season. It's a fantastic time to ponder how you can give back to others in a natural way, especially once Mercury stations Direct. Before that, Venus in Aquarius adds selflessness to your relationships, but don't become a martyr. Nurture and channel your emotions into your creativity on the Full Moon in Cancer. Mars Direct in Gemini moves things forward in home and family. Aquarius season is a chance to recharge your batteries before your Solar Return. Connect to your spiritual practices and anything that makes you feel a part of something greater than yourself. The New Moon is best spent doing something mystical. Venus moving into your sign brings more emotional sensitivity and pleasure to your social life.

Aries & Aries Rising

Capricorn season highlights your career and long-term goals. What's shifted since last month's New Moon? Mercury Direct brings more clarity here. Venus in Aquarius sets the stage for fun group activities. Throw a party and show your friends how much you appreciate them, preferably not on the Cancer Full Moon, where it's best to process emotions at home. Mars Direct in Gemini motivates you to move forward, especially in projects involving communication and your immediate surroundings. Aquarius season illuminates the friends and groups and the role they play in your life. Uranus Direct could bring forth sudden changes in your finances or possessions – be mindful of how you're managing them. With Venus' move into Pisces, relationship troubles may come to the surface, along with a higher dose of selflessness in how you express love.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Continue to plan your future with a wide-angle lens on the possibilities. Take grounded mini-action steps towards travel, education, and strengthening your beliefs. Mercury Direct will support you here. Venus in Aquarius helps attract new, unexpected opportunities at work. Nurture yourself and your neighbours on the Full Moon in Cancer. Mars Direct in Gemini inspires you to take aligned action when it comes to your finances and self-worth. Aquarius season sees you stepping up and being recognized in your career. Set intentions for how you'd like it to evolve on the New Moon. Uranus Direct in your sign shakes out any patterns you've been holding onto, preventing you from new experiences. As Venus shifts to Pisces, you feel compelled to give back to your community.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Capricorn season is not a time for surface-level pleasantries. It's time to get honest about what your soul needs now and in the future. Mercury Direct brings more insights here. Take the opportunity to experience unconventional art or spend time with someone who sees things differently during Venus in Aquarius. On the Cancer Full Moon, journal about any deep feelings you have about unworthiness. Mars Direct reveals a new era of your self-assertion and an energy boost. Once Aquarius season comes around, settle into a humanity-focused view of your beliefs and explore the world. Set intentions for where you'd like to go on the New Moon. Suppressed experiences and parts of the unconscious are shaken out during Uranus Direct. Venus in Pisces reconnects you to coworkers and mentors.

 Cancer & Cancer Rising

Capricorn season highlights your one-on-one relationships. How do you balance your own needs with those of others? Venus in Aquarius intensifies these relations and brings any issues to the surface. Honour yourself and see your sensitivity as a strength on the Full Moon in your sign. Mars Direct in Gemini brings consciousness to the ways you might self-sabotage. Mercury Direct in Capricorn helps you communicate how you really perceive the people in your life. Allow yourself to detach emotionally from the issues you're facing on a soul level. Talk them out with a professional or someone you trust. New friendship experiences come your way as Uranus stations Direct in Taurus. Venus in Pisces expands your consciousness through experiences of beauty and awe.

Leo & Leo Rising

What healthy habits and routines have you brought into 2023, Leo? Even as your schedule picks up, prioritize the care and keeping of you. Mercury Direct brings new ideas and assists you with any problem-solving here. Engage in a spiritual ritual or meditation on the Full Moon in Cancer. Venus in Aquarius helps you make peace and generally harmonizes any partnerships in your life, while Mars Direct moves things forward when it comes to your community. Aquarius season highlights your close relationships, and the New Moon provides an opportunity to call in expansive partnerships into your life. Venus in Pisces intensifies this area of life, pointing out where you might be entangled with others. Expect the unexpected in your career as Uranus stations Direct.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Follow through with your creative commitments, Virgo. Demand progress of yourself, not perfection. Get your creative ideas out, perhaps by journaling, as Mercury stations Direct. Venus in Aquarius is wonderful health-wise and an excellent time to discuss any agreements with people in your life. Though it may make you uncomfortable, spend the Full Moon in Cancer getting vulnerable with friends. Any bumps in the road when it comes to your career begin to smooth out as Mars stations Direct. Test out health hacks, especially the weird ones, during Aquarius season. Commit to trying new things in daily life on the New Moon. Luckily, Uranus Direct presents an opportunity to expand your horizons. Venus in Pisces adds extra compassion to your close relationships.

Libra & Libra Rising

Building a solid foundation is the key to your Capricorn season, Libra. Home and family come into focus, especially once Mercury stations Direct. Venus in Aquarius brings creative people and opportunities to your life. Celebrate your career achievements on the Cancer Full Moon. If there have been any delays in travelling or educating yourself, Mars Direct will be a push forward. Aquarius season invites you to express your eccentric self, and you could consider creating a vision board on the New Moon. Uranus Direct may suddenly reveal something from the depth of your soul. Use it to fuel your creativity. Venus in Pisces boosts your health but be mindful of overindulgence.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Continue to explore your immediate surroundings, Scorpio. If there's a place you've been meaning to go, take a family member along, as your roots are a priority to you with Venus in Aquarius. If a faraway place has been calling your name, connect to how it makes you feel on the Cancer Full Moon. Mars Direct facilitates a rebirth deep within you, while Mercury Direct boosts your brainpower and opportunities to better get to know people around you. Aquarius season is a great time to face your past to understand your future better. Set intentions relating to your home and family on the New Moon. Uranus Direct may make you feel like you want to break free of some relationships, while Venus in Pisces draws you closer to others, with plenty of opportunities for fun and creativity.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Capricorn season asks if the resources in your life are meeting your needs. Consider decluttering that which no longer serves you. Mercury Direct brings clarity to your financial goals and what's really important to you long-term. Venus in Aquarius adds interest to your everyday surroundings and reminds you of all the love in your life. Mars Direct can help you work through any conflicts with others as long as you are willing to compromise. Focus on listening during Aquarius season, as what's going on around you comes into focus and brings you closer to casual acquaintances. Set intentions for the friendships you'd like to have or strengthen on the New Moon. Uranus Direct gives you a new perspective on work, while Venus in Pisces strengthens your familial bonds.


February 2023, Holiscopes


December 2022, Holiscopes