July 2024, Holiscopes


In many ways, the midpoint of the year inspires reflection. Yet we must remain alert and aware. As we flow through Cancer season, emotions and sensitivity are more present, and in the middle of July there is also the potential for unpredictable action which could be unpleasant.

On the 2, Neptune stations Retrograde in Pisces and Mercury moves into the sign of Leo. While our communication becomes more bold and self-expressive, we are invited to reflect on the unseen mysteries of life, illusion, spirituality, and dreams.

The New Moon in Cancer arrives on the 5. Cancer’s subtle power is amplified here, and there is an opportunity to set intentions that are ambitious, even if they are related to the most intimate parts of ourselves.

More Leo energy comes into the mix on the 11 with Venus. In the fire sign, Venus loves to both show off and demonstrate affection and loyality.

Where things may go awry is around the electric Mars-Uranus conjunction in Taurus on the 15. While it could shake us out of a rut, it could also bring forth sudden conflict and revolutionary events.

Mars moves into Gemini on the 20. Here, words have the potential to be weapons, but it also keeps things lively.

Right at the end of Cancer season, we have the Full Moon in Capricorn on  the 21. We can perceive and act differently, release deep seated emotions, experience expansion in our relationships, and receive support on our journey ahead.

Leo season begins on the 22, a time to bask in the warmth of the Sun and spread it to others. Shine in your self-expression and feel confident knowing your highest expression benefits all.

Finally, Mercury moves into Virgo on the 26. In its domicile, our minds are sharp and analytical. Get organized and embrace precision.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Let your Solar Return be all about you, Cancer. It’s time to focus on bringing forth who you really are and letting it all shine. On the New Moon in your sign, set intentions for the personal shifts you’d like to see unfold. Neptune Retrograde emphasizes your changing beliefs. Allow things to be a little foggy as you discern which ones you’d like to hold onto. With Mercury and then Venus in Leo, there is an emphasis on your personal values and also how you can bring value to others. This will be a major theme of your Leo season. Be prepared for unexpected aggression when it comes to friends or groups on the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Once Mars moves into Gemini, you might need some time apart from others, and you could be a little irritable. Celebrate the solid close relationships in your life on the Capricorn Full Moon. Let yourself get into the details with Mercury in Virgo.

Leo & Leo Rising

Continue to tend to your inner world throughout Cancer season, Leo. It will soon be your time to shine brightly. If you’ve been thinking of starting a spiritually nourishing practice, the New Moon in Cancer is an excellent time to get going. Hidden parts of yourself are emphasized during Neptune Retrograde. Also notice if there is anything unclear when it comes to resources you share with others. As Mercury and Venus move into your sign, you’re able to communicate with renewed confidence. Once your season comes around, be your sweet self but also make space for self-examination and see what you need to become the next level version of you. Something unexpected could happen when it comes to your career or public reputation on the Mars-Uranus conjunction. With Mars in Gemini, however, you’ll be driven to work and get along with others, perhaps continuing with Gemini season’s momentum. Check in with the everyday, practical necessities of your life on the Full Moon in Capricorn. With Mercury in Virgo, get into the nitty gritty details of your finances.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Spend Cancer season getting more involved in your community, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable. As planets move into Leo, you may need some extra time to yourself to recharge. With Neptune Retrograde in Pisces, there may be some aspects of your close relationships that are unclear. Be extra discerning, especially when bringing new people into your life. On the New Moon in Cancer, make sure your dreams are aligned with how you’re really feeling. The Mars-Uranus conjunction has the potential to bring some unexpected action, especially if you’re travelling somewhere far around this time. With Mars in Gemini, you are driven to succeed in your career and are willing to make the necessary moves. Celebrate your creative expression on the Capricorn Full Moon. Get in touch with your subconscious mind during Leo season and take space where you need it. With Mercury in your sign, you’ll likely be thinking about self-improvement.

Libra & Libra Rising

Cancer season highlights your career and your intuitive knowledge of what other people need. Lean into what’s pulling at you. Feel into your ambitious goals on the New Moon in Cancer. Examine your beliefs about health and work with Neptune Retrograde. It might be a good idea to check in with a doctor or health coach when it comes to nutrition, for example. As planetary energies shift into Leo, there’s an emphasis on expressing yourself in groups. It’s time to really flex your natural social muscles. There is a potential for deep, sudden transformation on the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Once Mars moves into Gemini, you are driven to explore — it could mean actually going somewhere or studying something mind-expanding. On the Full Moon in Capricorn, you might feel more inclined to stay home and get your affairs in order. Getting into a meditation or spiritual routine with Mercury in Virgo would be supportive.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

This Cancer season, let your emotions lead the way, especially when it comes to expanding your beliefs. You may feel called to go on a pilgrimmage of sorts right now. Whether or not you actually journey somewhere, your soul wants to wander. Do something soul-nourishing that’s out of your typical routine on the Cancer New Moon. Your creativity is extra stimulated with Neptune Retrograde, but notice if in your romantic life there’s a little too much idealization going on. As Mercury and Venus shift into Leo, your career becomes more of a priority. Is what you’re doing fulfilling your self-expression? Consider this throughout Leo season. Be prepared for sudden movement in your close relationships with the Mars-Uranus conjunction. This could potentially be hostile, but perhaps just unexpected. Transformation is inevitable with Mars in Gemini. Take the opportunity to journal and get your thoughts out on the Capricorn Full Moon. Once Mercury is in Virgo, you’ll be thinking about and wanting to connect more with different friends and groups.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Cancer season asks you to explore the deep waters of your emotions so that you can get to know your innermost self even better. It’s also a wonderful opportunity to go beyond the surface with those close to you. If around the New Moon you feel like you need an emotional release, try an EFT tapping practice on the Ora Collective app. Neptune Retrograde intensifies these discoveries of your inner self, while having you review what your ideal home life could be like. As Mercury and Venus move into Leo, your faith in life is renewed and there’s a strong chance you’ll meet people with vastly different perspectives and life experiences than usual. Let yourself explore throughout Leo season. Be extra cautious around the Mars-Uranus conjunction as you could be more accident prone. With Mars in Gemini, you’re driven towards your close relationships. Check in with your finances and values on the Capricorn Full Moon. Your mind is focused on the details of what you want to achieve throughout Mercury in Virgo.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Nurture your close relationships, appreciate all the emotional support they offer, and check in with whether or not you’re offering it in return. What you share with others is a big theme of the month. Set intentions for these close relationships on the Cancer New Moon. With Neptune Retrograde, communication may be especially unclear. Get precise and ask clarifying questions if necessary. With Mercury and Venus in Leo, your attention shifts to the deeper parts of you and resources you share with others. Be open to strong creative and romantic impulses on the Mars-Uranus conjunction. Mars in Gemini can help you accomplish a lot, but don’t over do it! Make a list of all the things you love about yourself on the Full Moon in your sign. Mercury in Virgo is great for detailed research on anything you’re sceptical about.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Let your intuition be your guide in daily life this Cancer season. Notice if you’re led to shifts in your health, daily work and routines. Set intentions accordingly on the New Moon in Cancer. With Neptune Retrograde, any confusion you have about your own worth might be highlighted. Stick to the facts of all that you’ve accomplished, and have friends remind you if necessary. Mercury and Leo in Venus bring attention to your close relationships, the main area of focus in your Leo season. Do they all allow you to be exactly as you are? The Mars-Uranus conjunction could bring sudden change or anger when it comes to your home and family. Make sure you have an outlet for creativity once Mars is in Gemini. Check in with how you’ve been serving others on the Capricorn Full Moon. Notice to what extent you’re critical of yourself and others once Mercury moves into Virgo.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Let your creativity flow throughout Cancer season. For you Pisces, it’s always more captivating when you let something greater than you take over. The New Moon in Cancer is an excellent time to start a new project. With Neptune Retrograde, illusions you have about yourself might intensify. Lean into the hard facts of who you are. As Mercury and Venus move into Leo, you’re able to apply more energy to your health and everyday life. Throughout Leo season, see what can be tweaked to have an even stronger connection to life force energy. With the Mars-Uranus conjunction, someone in your immediate surroundings may do something out of the ordinary, or you may suddenly feel like communicating differently. You’ll likely want to put your energy into family connections with Mars in Gemini. Link up with your community or a group of friends on the Capricorn Full Moon. Notice how you might be critical of others with Mercury in Virgo.

Aries & Aries Rising

Lean into your innermost self, your home life, and family this Cancer season. Allow yourself to be cozy and vulnerable. If there’s anything in this area of life you’d like to change, put your intentions out into the Universe on the New Moon. With Neptune Retrograde, it’s time to review the deep reflections you’ve uncovered over the past few years. You may also need some more alone time. As Mercury and Venus move into Leo, your creativity reignites and you want to be more playful. Let your inner child have fun throughout Leo season. With the Mars-Uranus conjunction, there could be sudden changes to your finances or sense of self-worth. As Mars moves into Gemini, life picks up speed and you might be more argumentative than usual. Check in with your professional achievements on the Full Moon in Capricorn. Mercury in Virgo provides an opportunity to organize your daily life and get back into routine.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

How have you been interacting with your immediate surroundings? Do you allow yourself to feel the depths of your emotions, even in everyday situations? Take time on the New Moon in Cancer to journal on what you want to bring into your life and how you want the next six months to unfold. With Neptune Retrograde, it’s time to refine your ideals and possibly your friend group. What do you want to hold onto, and what might be better to let go of? As Mercury and Venus move into Leo, you may want to spread your warmth to your home and family, which are your Leo season themes. Upgrade anything in your space to better reflect your self expression. With the Mars-Uranus conjunction, make sure you have space to release any anger or resentment. Once Mars is in Gemini, use what you’ve got to achieve what you want but be mindful of impulse spending. Check in once more with your broader life trajectory on the Capricorn Full Moon. Refine your creative ideas and make plans to execute them with Mercury in Virgo.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

The focus now is on your self-worth, values, and finances, Gemini. Keep tapping into your feelings to get clarity here. Set intentions for how you’d like your relationship with all of this to evolve on the Cancer New Moon. Neptune Retrograde calls you back to the purpose of your career. Do you feel like you’re contributing to something you believe in? As Mercury and Venus move into Leo, you’ll want to shine and make connections in your immediate surroundings. Life speeds up once Leo season comes around, and casual relationships may have more significance. On the Mars-Uranus conjunction, something spiritual or subconscious may be vying for your attention. With Mars in your sign, your work ethic is strong and you can make a good impression on others. If there are any emotions that still need to be released, the Full Moon in Capricorn is the day for that. Mercury in Virgo helps you connect to your innermost thoughts.


August 2024, Holiscopes


June 2024, Holiscopes