October 2023, Holiscopes


October is bringing a lot of momentum. Mercury will make its way through 3 signs— moving from the detailed, earthy precision of Virgo to the charming chatter of Libra on the 5, to the depth and vulnerability of Scorpio as of the 22. As we find ourselves in Libra season for the majority of the month, there will be much to discuss, connections made, and inspiration flowing through the ether. There is charm and beauty to be experienced with the air sign, but also justice and balance. 

In this Venus-ruled season, fresh energy comes through with Venus moving into Virgo on the 9. Integrating the relationship lessons we learned during Venus Retrograde in Leo, it’s time to honour the small things we observe in others, and be of service. If we are led to notice “mistakes” in others, we remember they are portals to deeper self-understanding and awareness. 

On the 11, Pluto stations Direct in Capricorn, which will likely result in the transformation of institutions on a collective level and inner transformation manifesting outwardly in our personal lives. Mars moves into the sign of Scorpio on the 12, holding the potential of powerful, transformative action. 

Eclipse season begins on October 14 with a Solar Eclipse in Libra, which opens a portal to major beginnings and endings. This eclipse will show us what we still need to let go of, especially when it comes to people-pleasing and unhealthy dynamics with others. 

The Sun shifts to Scorpio on the 23, illuminating a season of emotional depth, intensity, and revelation of truth. Not long after, the Taurus Lunar Eclipse comes along on the 28 to help us with further release. In Uranus’ proximity, anything that you no longer need will likely be shaken out of you. October will show us that to move forward, we must be willing to release what’s holding us back.

Libra & Libra Rising

This is truly a time of new beginnings for you, Libra, and it’s not just due to your Solar Return. On the 3, release any built-up frustration so things flow well the rest of the month. When Mercury moves into your sign on the 5, you receive a boost of confidence. Make note of the 20, which is a great moment to receive insights and ideas. With Venus in Virgo, you might revisit some spiritual lessons you’ve learned in your relationships. A subtle transformation of your home or family is likely after Pluto stations Direct. Mars in Scorpio drives you towards your finances and values, major themes of your Scorpio season. As for the Eclipses, the Solar Eclipse in your sign is a fresh start for you — a chance to allow a new version of you to emerge. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, however, might feel a bit emotionally destabilising. Ensure you have the time and space you need to process.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

You’re building up your subconscious resources during Libra season, Scorpio. Work with someone or listen to audio that can help you reprogram unhelpful patterns, especially at the beginning of October, and on the Libra Solar Eclipse. Venus in Virgo is a wonderful time to be of service to your community. The transformation of your mind and innermost self becomes more apparent once Pluto stations Direct. You’ll feel powerful physically and mentally once Mars and Mercury move into your sign. During your season, harness this potential to continue to become the person you want to be. Any karmic relationships you’ve been entangled in that don’t serve you are best released on the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

While Libra season is all about connecting to groups and aspirational ideas for humanity, there may be some resentment you’re holding onto. Find healthy ways to let it go. Mercury in Libra helps you charm your way into new communities, while Venus in Virgo reminds you of your duty to serve your purpose to the world. Pluto Direct helps you integrate what personal values are truly powerful. Mars in Scorpio may stir up frustrations that seem to have no rhyme or reason. Feel into it and see what’s there. Mercury in Scorpio might help you figure it out. On the Libra Solar Eclipse, be open to beginnings and endings when it comes to the idea of community. During Scorpio season, allow yourself to explore your hidden depths. Anything that comes up concerning your health around the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is not insignificant. Don’t neglect what your body is communicating to you.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Libra season is a time to focus your energy on your career and public reputation. While we all know you like to achieve, double check your attention isn’t leaking anywhere else that doesn’t deserve it. Mercury in Libra helps focus your mind here, the Solar Eclipse in Libra will show you where you might be off-track, and notice if you receive any special insights on the 20. Venus in Virgo may acquaint you with a person or experience that helps expand your horizons. Pluto Direct in your sign reminds you that your greatest power lies in service of others. Mars in Scorpio can help you do something powerful for those around you, and Mercury in Scorpio will give you ideas for this if you need them. Scorpio season reconnects you to your friends, especially ones with whom you have a strong emotional bond. Let your creative self run wild on the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Libra season has the potential to expand your horizons, and remind you that you are always a student of life. Make time to experience art and beauty, and notice what thoughts come to you once Mercury is in Libra. Observe any nitpicking tendencies you have towards others during Venus in Virgo. A powerful transformation of your subconscious is complete once Pluto is Direct. With Mars in Scorpio, you are driven to succeed in a way that is noticed by others. The Libra Solar Eclipse might transport you to another place literally or figuratively. With Mercury in Scorpio and Scorpio season in general, your focus is on the effort it takes to achieve what you desire. On the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, old emotions, perhaps even from childhood, may be stirred up.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pisces, this Libra season you are learning how to flow with sharing resources with others in a way that is regenerative to you. You may need to begin by letting go of resentment. Mercury in Libra will help bring insights, especially on the 20. The Libra Solar Eclipse will mark a transformative new chapter in partnership. When it comes to relationships this month, things may not flow so easily, but you have an opportunity to review them realistically. Pluto Direct will reveal transformation in communities you’re a part of. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio ramp up your drive to explore and discover the meaning of life. Scorpio season is best spent in pursuit of this. On the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, it’s time to let go of rigid ways of thinking that are no longer serving you.

Aries & Aries Rising

Libra season is a lesson in compromise and in returning to the close relationships that support you, Aries. You will be made aware of which ones aren’t right for you, especially during the Libra Solar Eclipse. Mercury in Libra promotes beautiful conversation, especially with those close to you. Venus in Virgo can boost your work relationships while dormant power in your career emerges from Pluto Direct. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio drive you towards the depths of your soul, something to explore during Scorpio season. Consider exploring Carl Jung’s concept of the shadow. Any ways of creating abundance for yourself that aren’t aligned will be made clear on the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Libra season is a busy one for you, Taurus. It’s providing lots of opportunity to reconnect to routines and relationships that support you in daily life. Notice and clear away any resentment when it comes to close connections at the beginning of the month. Mercury in Libra will help you communicate harmoniously at work, while the Solar Eclipse in Libra will make clear what’s not working when it comes to partnerships in this area of life. Pluto Direct will show you how your overall view of the world has shifted. Mars and Mercury drive you towards deep relationships, a major theme of your Scorpio season. Revel in all the amazing personal changes you’ve experienced in the past couple of years on the Lunar Eclipse in your sign.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

October is the month for you to indulge in your creativity and get inspired by some far-out ideas, Gemini. There’s probably a few things you want to get out of your system – be sure to move your body, too. Mercury in Libra heightens creativity and helps you flirt. Be open to new insights on the 20. The Libra Solar Eclipse can help you see how your art, whatever its expression, can be personally fulfilling and also help the collective. Venus in Virgo reminds you of the small things you love about your home and family. With Pluto Direct, you may feel renewed. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio remind you that you value freedom in work. Find methods of doing things your way and with depth during Scorpio season. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse holds the potential of sudden spiritual insights.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Libra season is all about domestic harmony for you, Cancer. Is it time to strengthen connections with your family or create more beauty at home? Mercury in Libra helps smooth things over and inspires you. One door opens and another closes, perhaps when it comes to where you’re living, on the Libra Solar Eclipse. Focus on healthy relationships during Venus in Virgo, and notice where you’re being hard on yourself and others. Pluto Direct unveils transformations in partnership. With Mars and then Mercury in Scorpio, there’s a potential for love affairs either with a person or with your creative connection to life. Make time for fun and investigation of your interests during Scorpio season. A chapter ends and new possibilities reveal themselves when it comes to your communities and humanity at large on the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.

Leo & Leo Rising

You may find yourself avoiding arguments more than usual this Libra season, Leo. When necessary, ensure that you’re not holding yourself back from speaking your mind. Mercury in Libra emphasizes your refined artistic mind. The Libra Solar Eclipse will help you witness where you might be falling into people-pleasing tendencies. With Venus in Virgo, get detailed when it comes to your finances and what you actually value spending time and money on. Pluto Direct reveals transformations in the structure of your daily life. Mars and Mercury in Scorpio highlight your inner strength. Use it in devotion to something meaningful to you this Scorpio season. On the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, celebrate how far you’ve come on your career path.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Continue to check in with your finances, values, and personal resources this Libra season, Virgo. What narratives surrounding them need to go, and which ones should be kept? Mercury in Libra will help you get clear on this, particularly around the 20, and there’s a lot to release so that you can move forward on the Libra Solar Eclipse. Venus in your sign influences you to make more compromises in relationship yet Saturn reminds you to set boundaries. Pluto Direct will unveil how your self-expression has transformed. Deeply investigating topics and burying yourself in a research project will be aligned during Scorpio season, with Mars and Mercury also in the water sign. Sceptical curiosity and subsequent mind-expansion is to be expected on the Taurus Lunar Eclipse.


November 2023, Holiscopes


September 2023, Holiscopes