Elina Pavlidis

Elina Pavlidis, Yoga teacher and Human Potential Activator

Yoga Teacher & Human Potential Activator

Elina was raised within the Montessori "New School" system, attending schools worldwide. At 17, she moved to Canada to study Finance at McGill University and discovered yoga. Post-graduation, she relocated to Paris and London, working in strategy consulting while deepening her yoga practice to cope with work-related stress. As Elina practised, the mystical experiences kept amplifying, and with that, grew her questioning of the essence of the universe and what laid beyond the physical world.

After a decade of yoga studies and five years in consulting, she experienced a profound realisation. She left her job to pursue her deeper calling: exploring mysticism and the expansion of human consciousness.

Elina's spiritual journey led her to study under various lineage holders, acquiring wisdom from esteemed spiritual masters and healers worldwide. Her extensive studies encompass multiple yoga lineages, ancient and modern consciousness-expanding techniques, esoteric and mystical practices, sound and voice therapy, and quantum healing methods.

Elina is a multidisciplinary experience creator. She weaves together her knowledge of Vajrayana Tantra, Sound Therapy, Jivamukti Yoga, Mayan Shamanism, Yikara, Psych-K, Holographic Healing, Heart-Yoga, Sowa Rigpa and the Gene Keys.

Elina has developed tools and wisdom to guide people out of their suffering loops and into purpose, joy & loving relationships. Through more than 30 retreats, she has guided hundreds of people to take quantum leaps, opening the gates to their highest potential.

Elina aims to create the space for the expansion of people's minds and their hearts capacity to love and to transmute pain points, so they can live the most delicious life, in alignment with their essence.


Bianca Giulione


Harville Hendrix & Helen LaKelly Hunt