Unlocking your inner healer


You don’t have to suffer from an illness to require healing. Healing is a part of life. There are countless techniques out there to help you heal - some look to traditional medicine, others choose a holistic approach and many use a combination of both. The most important thing is understanding that we all have the power to be our own healer if we truly connect with ourselves.

Healing involves understanding how the mind, body, emotions and energy are all connected. As we start to balance our emotions and energy, we reconnect the mind and body, and benefit from a greater sense of wellbeing. The biggest stumbling block to harnessing your own self-healing power is knowing how to heal. There are numerous ways of healing and while you may also require another person to assist you on your journey, ultimately you are your own healer.

Let it flow

Einstein said, “Everything is energy and that's all there is to it’’. There exists a constant state of receiving and radiating energy. Our bodies have a natural energy field that attracts experiences and relationships into our lives. Years of unresolved emotional pain, built-up insecurities and unexpressed desires due to people-pleasing can block the body’s energetic pathways and cause wounds. These emotional imbalances can also affect the physical body, resulting in disease, inflammation and injury. Many of these conditions are a result of the body’s inability to recognise that there is a need for healing in the first place. This is a mind-body that is out of sync and requires healing. 

Reconnecting your mind and body can awaken your energy force. In Eastern medicine, the energy is known as Qi and is viewed as a life force present in everything. Listening to what your body needs can help you work on repairing your energetic fields, breaking up stagnant energy and healing your physical body. Healing happens when your mind understands the body’s desire and ability to heal itself. Being resistant or in denial can make your current state worse. Instead, accept your current limitations. If you accept what is happening, you are opening yourself up to the healing process and allowing your situation to improve.

Move to remove

Just as you need to exercise your body regularly, your mind also requires a mental workout. By harmonising the mind, body and soul, you are restoring balance within the system. Redirect your energy inward, regenerating energy instead of expelling it. This refuels the body and can alter the nervous system. Spending some time everyday to connect to your energy through movement, breathing and mindfulness can stimulate the body’s ability to absorb energy, reduce stress and repair damage. Removing dense energy leaves more room to cultivate self-compassion, make decisions and navigate life with greater ease. You will feel daily benefits of improved clarity, focus and vitality as you ground yourself.

It’s good to acknowledge the pivotal role that the mind, body and spirit play in true healing. No matter what techniques you use to clear energy blockages, finding out what to clear is the most important thing. Whatever you are feeling, face it with love and compassion. Take time to rest and try not to feel guilt or shame around lack of productivity. Productivity can be counterproductive to inner work.


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