Holistic Health: What’s it all about?


Holistic health is an approach to health and healing that incorporates several pillars of wellbeing beyond nutrition and exercise alone. Derived from the Greek word ‘holos’, which means ‘whole’, it considers the whole person.

When one aspect of your life is out of balance, it will affect other areas without you even realising. By taking a holistic view to health, you can identify the parts of your life that are lacking attention. This helps you determine where to concentrate your energy and will enable you to harmonise your mind, body and soul. It puts the individual back in charge of their health and ultimately becomes a way of living.

Why holistic health is important

When things are out of sync in your life, diet and exercise plans are the first port of call in ‘fixing’ your health. Large corporations recognise that there are minimal profit margins in promoting the basic concepts of holistic health. Thus the general consensus for improving your health has been putting time, energy and money into diet, exercise and supplements. However, health is so much more than that. 

In comprehending your own personal definition of health, the concept of holistic health should not be overlooked. You will come to see that health is not just about diet and exercise; it includes many environmental and lifestyle factors. All of these work together in nourishing your body. That is holistic health. It considers wellbeing, treatment and prevention.

Benefits of holistic health

Unlike conventional medicine, holistic health considers a person’s overall wellbeing and life. It treats the root cause of issues and not just the symptoms. In doing so, it can help you physically, spiritually, emotionally and mentally. 

Our physical and emotional states are interconnected. Integrating the holistic way to wellness can decrease inflammation in the body and ultimately help you feel your best. Whether it’s emotional or physical, too much stress on the body can result in physical symptoms of illness. A holistic outlook teaches you how to better process your emotions and stress. It considers the past, present and future so you are prepared to take on whatever challenges you next. Adopting this new outlook on life enables you to stay grounded and achieve your own optimum health now and in the future.

Your personal health toolkit

When you start to realise your definition of health and how holistic health forms the basis of it, you’ll understand how to navigate your health and healing. This journey can be long and lonely. There is an abundance of information out there which can be overwhelming and daunting. You may even give up on your quest to optimal health due to frustration. Ora Collective aims to support individuals through our holistic health principles and trusted practitioners.

We have defined eight fundamental principles of holistic wellness. This extends beyond the usual five dimensions of holistic health. We recognise that each individual is unique and there is no singular approach to health and wellness. By providing guidance, advice, coping mechanisms and techniques based on the Ora Circle, we enable you to create an individual approach to being the best version of yourself.

View Ora Collective’s holistic membership programme.


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