EFT Tapping

EFT tapping for health

25.01.2024, 19:00 - 20:00 CET

With Flavia Deuchler
Integrative nutrition health coach

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Discover what EFT is and how it can unlock your emotional and physical wellness, so you can feel less anxiety, stress and physical pain.

EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an alternative healing therapy that focuses on unblocking energy. It is also known as ‘acupuncture without needles’ and ‘emotional acupuncture’.

Combining Eastern mind-body approaches with Western psychology and psychotherapy, EFT involves tapping on key pressure points in the body. This releases negative emotions that are trapped in the body from trauma and are causing psychological and/or physical discomfort.

This is a one hour class for you to embrace a journey towards emotional freedom and wellness. It teaches you the fundamentals of EFT so you can practice at home and feel the benefits.



Class outline

  • EFT fundamentals: understand the principles of EFT and its impact on health

  • Hands-on techniques: master basic EFT tapping points and methods through live demonstrations

  • Practical application: engage in interactive sessions to practice EFT in a supportive environment

  • Q&A


  • Emotional release: experience the release of emotional blockages and stress

  • Physical wellbeing: understand how EFT can contribute to physical health improvement

  • Daily practices: incorporate EFT into your daily routine for ongoing benefits

What you will need

  • A notebook and pen


Your facilitator

Flavia Deuchler is a Holistic Health Coach trained in Integrative Nutrition and Applied Functional Medicine. 

Flavia Deuchler

Flavia Deuchler is a Holistic Health Coach trained in Integrative Nutrition and Applied Functional Medicine and Clinical EFT. 

She takes a personalised approach to health by understanding that every person’s body, lifestyle, preferences and resources are unique. With her knowledge, she co-creates individual action plans based on the goals of each client to help them move towards their ideal vision of health. 

In 2021 she founded Ora Collective, an online membership platform that enables people to achieve holistic health.

Read Flavia’s bio here.


Cultivating solitude and accepting loneliness


Journey within: reconnecting with deeper emotions