Interconnected: TCM for better self-care.

With Sarah Hanline
Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner & Acupuncturist.
Womxn’s health specialist.

Join Sarah Hanline to learn about the healing power of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

TCM views self-care as a fundamental pillar of our physical and mental health. The para and sympathetic nervous system functions can affect us physically and emotionally; Sarah explores the significance of this in Eastern traditions of Chinese medicine.

She will discuss the 5 Element Theory, known as Wu-xing and how our internal organs are connected with our emotions and environment. You’ll learn how each organ has a peak performance time during the day and how to optimise that for better living.

Diving into the relationship between organs, seasons, elements and emotion, Sarah introduces us to how they interrelate and provide harmony. Find out why certain symptoms present themselves physically and the importance of looking at the root cause. This will provide you with a better understanding of how the body responds to stress and emotions from a TCM perspective.

The session will finish with the signs of imbalance, the functions of the related organs and how to recognise warning signs before illness occurs. Finally, Sarah will share her easy-to-implement tools to maintain balance in each pillar.



Class outline

  • Introduction.

  • The importance of self-care.

  • The Chinese body clock.

  • The 5 phase elemental theory (Wu-xing).

  • Wood & earth.

  • The four pillar theory.

You will learn about

  • The connection between TCM, self-care and health.

  • How para and sympathetic nervous systems affect us physically and emotionally.

  • The peak performance time of our organs and how to adapt for optimal living.

  • The relationship between organs, seasons, elements and emotions.

  • Signs of imbalance in the body and why certain symptoms show up physically.

  • How the body responds to stress and emotions from a TCM outlook.

  • Ways to bring more balance into your life everyday.

What you will need

  • A notepad

  • An open mind!

  • A glass of water is always helpful.


Your facilitator


Sarah Hanline 

Sarah is a qualified practitioner and acupuncturist of Traditional Chinese Medicine, based between Mallorca and Berlin.

She has extensive experience with womxn’s health including menstrual conditions, fertility and pre-birth. Sarah also specialises in cosmetic acupuncture, digestive issues and mental health.

Sarah is motivated by the holistic nature of Chinese Medicine and how it addresses the root cause of illness, rather than treating the symptoms. To her, it’s about not only resolving the imbalance, but preventing its reoccurrence.

She finds joy in helping people recognise the body’s ability to heal itself.

Read more about Sarah here.


In-season cooking.


Inner spaces.