Semi-fasting programme.

(inc. 4 live cooking sessions with compulsory attendance)

With Valentina Dolci
Health Food Coach

Clinical supervision by Paolo Toniolo

Registration for this programme has closed.

Introducing the Semi-fasting Programme by Valentina Dolci with the support of MD Paolo Toniolo. Hosted via Zoom, this is the first time the programme will occur in English in a collaborative effort with Ora Collective. 

What is semi-fasting?

Semi-fasting is not fasting! It involves reducing your daily food intake for a short period of time, eating varied foods that are mostly plant-based and high in micronutrients. The aim is to give your digestive system a rest, reset your glucose levels, use up fat for fuel and gain more energy and clarity.

"By minimising the consumption of sugars and proteins we force our organism to find the energy it needs from the only resource - our storage fats - as it has always been the case in times when excesses were unknown."  Prof. Paolo Toniolo

According to Paolo Toniolo MD, the way we eat has changed radically but our biological balance has remained the same. We tend to eat the same things over and over again with not a lot of variety. Variety is crucial and we need more diversity of micronutrients, minerals, fibre and vitamins.

With this incredible programme, you’ll dedicate yourself to a week of self-love and cook delicious, nutritious food that nourishes the body. It includes 4 group cooking classes so you can learn new techniques and experience the benefits of semi-fasting: reboot your metabolism, reduce abdominal fat and boost your energy.

This programme is not suitable for pregnant or lactating women, children, teens, people over 75 years of age and underweight people.



Programme outline

  • The complete programme requires a devotion of about 8 days. The outline is as follows: preparation day for the body, 4 live cooking sessions together and 2 “gradual exit” days following the controlled diet. The group cooking sessions require compulsory attendance.

  • Description Thursday 10 March:

    shopping list sent to recipients

    Sunday 13 March:

    independent prep day following Valentina’s instructions

    Monday 14 March:

    autonomously cooking lunch using Valentina’s recipe.

    18.45-20.00: group cooking session on Zoom (for Monday’s dinner and Tuesday’s lunch)

    Tuesday 15 March:

    18:45-20:00: group cooking session on Zoom (for Tuesday’s dinner and Wednesday’s lunch)

    Wednesday 16 March:

    18:45-20:00: group cooking session on Zoom (for Wednesday’s dinner and Thursday’s lunch)

    Thursday 17 March:

    Lunch time: mindful eating meditation (optional)

    18:45-20:00: group cooking session on Zoom (for Thursday’s dinner and Friday’s lunch. This is day 1 of phasing out of the programme

    Friday 18 March:

    Day 2 of phasing out the body (following instructions)

    All times are Central European Time (CET). Check time conversion.text goes here

The dishes

  • Calibrated calorie one-pot meals (about 950 total calories on the first day and about 750 total calories for the following days).

    Gluten-free, sugar-free and lactose-free foods.

    Absence of alcohol.

    The ingredients are mainly vegetables, accompanied by good fats (plenty of extra virgin olive oil, almonds, hazelnuts, seeds, avocado, coconut oil, eggs), a few whole grains and legumes.

What you will need

  • Group email with directions for preparing the body for the programme (the day before) and for phasing out of the programme (the following weekend).

  • Shopping list at the start of the programme.

  • Group email with directions for preparing materials and ingredients needed (prior to cooking sessions).

  • 4 live cooking sessions (PRESENCE REQUIRED) for the preparation of the two main meals with the group (on Zoom) once a day for 4 days.

  • 1 mindful eating meditation (optional).

  • Clinical supervision by Prof. Toniolo.

  • Whatsapp support for questions and concerns throughout the duration of the programme.


Your facilitators


Valentina Dolci

Valentina Dolci is a health coach based in Milan. Having trained at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in New York, Valentina coaches individuals on holistic health with a focus on mindful eating and optimal nutrition. She collaborates with Paolo Toniolo, a medical doctor and research professor, to educate on the importance of nutrition, preventing disease through food and how to have a healthy, balanced diet. Her semi-fasting programme is one of the most exciting and beneficial experiences in helping individuals make long-lasting lifestyle changes through food.

Paolo Toniolo

Paolo Toniolo is a physician-scientist with over 35 years experience of research in cancer epidemiology, nutrition and public health. He was previously a research professor at the New York University School of Medicine and University of Lausanne, Switzerland. He currently lives in Milan where he practises clinical medicine and heightens public awareness on nutritional habits and lifestyle in the prevention of the most frequent chronic diseases.


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