EFT tapping explained


EFT Tapping, known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is an alternative healing therapy ideal for anxiety, stress and physical pain. The idea is to gently tap on key pressure points in the body to help release underlying negative emotions which are causing psychological discomfort and/or physical conditions. Tapping is an energy therapy that combines Eastern approaches to the mind-body connection with Western psychology and psychotherapy forms. Since it is closely aligned with Eastern medicine, EFT is often referred to as ‘emotional acupuncture’ or ‘acupuncture without needles’.

How eft tapping works

The underlying principle of tapping is that negative emotions are caused by a disruption in the body’s energy system. Energy circulates throughout the body at all times. It flows along the meridians which are pathways that connect the acupuncture points on our body to internal organs. The proper movement of energy in the body ensures health, harmony and vitality. We function optimally and feel good when energy is flowing as it should. When the energy is obstructed or stagnant along one or more of the meridian points, negative emotions can develop along with a host of physical symptoms including pain, discomfort or anxiety.

Over the years, trauma builds up in our bodies and emotions become stored within those traumas. Years of carrying the burden of trauma takes a toll on our bodies, physically and mentally. We also tend to attract more of the same negative situations if we are tuned into certain thoughts or past memories that are disrupting our system. These emotions are powerful enough to shape our life but as soon as they are uncovered and neutralised, they lose their power and become insignificant. That’s where tapping can have a remarkable impact.

EFT tapping works to reduce the emotional charge attached to past events and memories that are holding us back. It helps to break these blockages down so that energy can flow freely through the body again. When EFT is used for physical symptoms such as aches and pains, it is releasing the negative emotional memories associated with the problems. When those memories no longer have the same impact on you, the stress response is reduced and the body can start to heal.

Tapping into freedom

The first step in tapping is measuring the intensity of the emotion(s) associated with a traumatic memory. This allows a person to assess the reduction in symptoms. The method of EFT itself involves acupressure while saying an affirmation. This coupling of acupressure and a self-acceptance statement helps to collapse the emotional issues associated with that memory. It breaks down the stress response so when you think of the memory, you no longer experience feelings of anxiety or stress. With practice, the symptoms can reduce greatly and become entirely eliminated. You are freeing yourself from the pain.

An impressive aspect of EFT is how quick and simple it is to both learn and apply. You can practice the technique at home once you understand the basics. It requires no special equipment and can be performed day or night. This makes it ideal for both children and adults. While some may find relief relatively quickly, it can require several sessions and ongoing dedication, but as with all healing, it’s about the journey not the destination.

As a gentle and flexible approach, tapping is a procedure that can be repeated throughout your life for various symptoms. It can be used for depression, anxiety, phobias and other psychological problems. It is known to be particularly effective for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) in reviewing past events while tapping to reduce their emotional hold on that person. There is a strong association between emotional stress and disease and tapping is said to greatly improve physical symptoms such as chronic pain and weight loss issues. Why not give it a go!


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