Conscious relationships: Nurturing connection and growth


Relationships are one of the backbones to a happy and healthy life. Nurturing them and creating meaningful connections with others, whether it be at work or romantically, is intrinsic to having positive, healthy and long-lasting relationships. In all stages of life, we may experience ups and downs in relationships, but through developing more conscious connections, we bring more self-awareness, understanding and openness to the table. It’s an ongoing process for both parties and it’s all about growth. In this article we share 3 top tips on how to create a conscious relationship.


It’s true, communication is the foundation to a strong and conscious relationship. Miscommunication or lack of communication can result in many disputes, which is why it’s central to any relationship to constantly practice better communication: ways of communicating and how you communicate. Being able to communicate clearly reflects connection and displays a respect for one another, establishing that you have compassion and empathy for each other. Ask questions, listen and set boundaries. That’s how you build communication skills in healthy, conscious relationships.


No two people always see eye-to-eye and that’s natural. However, acceptance in a relationship means meeting that person where they are. This reflects growth - personally and together. As we try to better ourselves, we should help others grow too. There are always differences in opinions and things we do differently, instead of changing that person, it might simply be about reframing the situation and recognising that there are things you differ on and accept this. Accepting those differences is all part of growth in relationships.


It’s inevitable that we all experience difficulties in life or tougher periods than usual. In those situations, being there to support the person (or having them support you) can improve the connection. It can be simple acts such as reaching out or listening to the problem. In whatever way the support is offered and the appreciation is delivered, it can nurture growth and connection, enhancing your bond. The bottom line is to show up in your relationships.

Check out our relationship tips, journal prompts and classes by becoming a member of Ora Collective.


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