Health and wellness routines

Start your day with lemon water!

Wellness is unique to you and is an entirely individual concept. That said, a little bit of structure can help support your wellbeing in all dimensions - even for those who are unbelievably laidback. With a daily schedule that includes healthy habits and fits your lifestyle, it becomes easier to prioritise wellness and stay on track with your health goals. It can empower you to put wellness first - on your terms - eventually becoming a subconscious regime. The thought of setting a routine, knowing what to include and when to do it can be daunting, so let’s explore this idea of healthy habits and rituals further.

The key to any wellness routine is to build one that works for you. It doesn’t have to be what your friend or family member does because that simply might not work for your needs or schedule. A wellness routine should consist of little rituals or healthy habits that you can easily do at certain points during your day. By repeatedly following this routine, these rituals should positively contribute to your overall health and wellbeing. It can change at any time depending on your circumstances and overall objectives at certain points in your life.

Some healthy habits could include making a to-do list for organisation and less stress, meditating to release tension and/ or journaling to express your thoughts. With time, practice and dedication, you’ll reap the benefits of each of these tasks whether it be reduced stress, more mental clarity and enhanced creativity. Compare each of these to an unhealthy habit that provides instant gratification in the moment, such as scrolling through your phone or snacking on fast food. It’s not to say these aren’t allowed, but they should be in moderation and overlooked for a more positive habit that makes you feel good on the inside and outside.

A wellness routine is important for your emotional, mental and physical wellness. It all comes down to finding the right healthy habits for you and ensuring that they slot seamlessly into your lifestyle. It would be pointless to start a new daily habit if you didn’t enjoy doing that task or if you didn’t have enough time or resources to make it work. Include activities that you can do without obstacles. It could be as simple as starting the morning without your phone, turning off devices before bed or drinking more water throughout the day. Embracing this new daily programme can help you feel better in the long run and as you progress, you could implement more rituals such as mindful movement, deep breathwork and healthy cooking.

How to start a wellness routine

Looking for ideas for healthy habits or wondering how to start your own wellness routine? Become a member of Ora Collective or log in to your dashboard to view this month’s top 5 tips to get started with a wellness routine, as well as examples of healthy habits to try. Try our 14 day free trial for new members.


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