The benefits of online communities


Some of the greatest thinkers lived in an era when the internet didn’t exist. Their interactions and support network were entirely physical which has both its advantages and disadvantages. The online grid can threaten human connections, but it can equally provide a collective context for shared identity. Screens are not going anywhere and when a global pandemic comes into force, online communities may be the only form of social connection. The focus should therefore be on cultivating healthy behaviour within digital spaces. These spaces are breeding grounds for creativity and learning. They can expand your personal and professional network, support you during stressful times and improve mental health wellbeing. 

Here are some reasons why online communities are important:

  • Drive creativity 

Engaging with people online can spur new ideas and influence others to try something new or think about something differently. Online communities cultivate a safe and trusting environment to do this; an environment for learning, sharing and listening. 

A group of individuals can gather to discuss a common goal or interest. They listen to each other and facilitate change. It lets individuals drive the narrative and subject matter, with different perspectives and input. This collaboration allows for expression, originality and innovation, while fostering growth personally and professionally. Collaboration in life is key.

  • Offer help & support 

Community is one of the twelve pillars of a person’s circle of life and fundamental to our overall health and wellbeing. Without people we cannot grow. During times of crisis we undergo periods of heightened pressure and stress. When the covid-19 pandemic hit, lockdown restrictions cut off the most vulnerable from society and prevented us from carrying out our daily rituals in the physical presence of others. All of this puts a strain on our mental health. 

Online communities come with a support system. You can connect with people, get to know them and empower each other. This is especially important when it comes to our health. An online ecosystem helps people feel less isolated and alone. Everyone has a voice and participation encourages others, builds bonds and forms trust. When you connect and exchange information online, you are helping someone else. By providing guidance or feedback, offering ideas and answering questions, you can give people the information they are looking for. This can help someone to navigate through challenging decisions, analyse the best approach and tools and how to put them in place. 

  • Provide access to the inaccessible 

Virtual spaces provide unlimited opportunities. There is access to resources and experts that help you become more informed and healthy. A growing number of online platforms are rethinking the traditional norms which often have barriers such as time and cost. 

Ora Collective was founded on the basis that it can be challenging to navigate through the huge amount of information out there in the health and wellness industry. We wanted to make resources more accessible for everyone, whether it’s providing you with journaling tips, goal-making advice or breathing exercises. Online platforms can make things possible and connect you with like-minded people.

  • Bring people together 

Communities bring people together around a shared common interest. Thanks to the internet, they exist in virtual form. They allow us to connect with individuals from different countries, cultures and backgrounds. Individuals that we may never have come across if it wasn’t for the digital world. 

We are hyper aware of how we can spend too much time on our phones, and of course that has huge mental health implications, but when used healthily, think about all the good that can come from positive online communities.


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