Finding your community


The word community is derived from the Latin communitas which means “the same”. It incorporates three elements: Com which means “with”, muni meaning “duties” and tatis which is “small” or “intimate”. When combined, it is concerned with the idea of togetherness and coming together. Sure enough, community is a way of bringing people together. It is a place that we all hold in common. A place of diversity where each one of us has our own duties and functions, where we can talk and identify with one another.

Inside our communities, we share experiences and connect through these experiences to give us meaning and purpose. Participating in a community and relating to other people can help us to achieve a higher sense of self, belonging and self-worth. We all come from different demographics and walks of life, but what links us together is when like-minded people come together to raise each other up. 

Communities shift our attitude and outlook from individualistic to communal. Wouldn’t we all agree that a more accessible, inclusive wellness community serves us all better? That’s what conscious communities are all about. In fact, that’s why Ora Collective exists today. We’re here to make holistic health accessible, connect like-minded people and build a supportive community around the subject of health. Our members not only help themselves become better physically and mentally, they help others become better by enabling one another.

If you don’t feel part of a community right now, you can find your crowds. It may be that you have to detach from your family and friends and look further afield. Sometimes a community can find you when you aren’t looking for it and sometimes you don’t share the same beliefs at that moment in your life. It’s vital to choose your community based on your own values at that period in time. Seek out a community devoted to a subject that you feel connected to or passionate about. These communities can be online or physical in your neighborhood, such as a book club or running club. A great example is Black Brown Berlin; a community directory that provides information on events and safer spaces for the black and brown community of Berlin.

As part of your quest, step outside of your comfort zone and embrace the unknown. Allowing yourself to be vulnerable enables you to experience new things and people. Every invitation is an opportunity to seek out your soul friends. These genuine encounters where you connect with someone can only happen if you show up. Cold water swimming for anyone living by the coast is proving to be a popular community activity, especially amongst women, due to its health and social benefits. If you’re a foodie, you could suss out a local supper club or you might find yourself right at home with Demi Community, a platform which connects people who are passionate about food.

Remember that getting comes from giving. When you realise that a collective is better, stronger and healthier than an individualistic outlook, you understand that you can help people as much as they can help you. Look for ways that you can serve others. Getting involved in a charity that you feel passionate about can also help you connect with others who have similar beliefs. 

You’ll feel a sense of satisfaction and meaning about doing things for a good cause. If you’re someone who loves a tipple and appreciates the more sustainable route, Natural Action is a non-profit natural wine club devoted to educating and implementing change within the wine industry. You could get involved in a community grow in your area (or start one yourself), like Keep Growing Detroit which engages community members and promotes sustainable change in the food system. Future Female Sounds is another non-profit that offers free digital resources on DJing for women, gender minoritites and non-binary folk around the world.

Within communities, we find belonging, meaning and connection. The creation of conscious communities in a largely unconscious world is entirely possible. It doesn’t take all of us, it just takes enough of us to have an impact on our culture and make that shift. The House of One is the world’s first house of prayer for three religions and is being built in Berlin, bringing together different communities and beliefs under one roof. Today communities should be fluid and flexible; what remains the same is the feeling of belonging that brings people together and transcends time. The soul craves diversity so let’s endeavour to recognise the enormous opportunity that diversity offers all of us.


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The benefits of online communities