April 2022, Holiscopes


The fiery new start of Aries season heats up our lives with renewed passion and action. April opens up with a New Moon in the cardinal fire sign, with Mercury and Chiron close by. As Chiron represents the wounded healer archetype, collective wounds related to our individuality may surface, with emotions wishing to be spoken. 

A few days later on the 5, Mars conjoins Saturn in Aquarius, adding an element of restriction to our actions. Venus moves into the sign of Pisces, a sigh of relief, keeping our values open and our relationships close-knit.

Mercury changes signs twice this month. First on the 11 in grounded Taurus, where our minds will be geared towards the long-term and we’ll be more inclined to commit to things, and then on the 29, at home in Gemini, being its curious, flexible, and talkative self.

A major signature of April is Jupiter conjunct Neptune in Pisces on the 12, boosting our dreams, spirituality, and creativity. Once Mars enters Pisces on the 15, our actions might be more motivated by our emotions and intuitive messages. The following day on the 16 brings forth a balancing Full Moon in Libra, asking us to examine how we relate to others in the pursuit of our fullest selves. 

Taurus season begins on the 20, a time to reconnect with our physical world and our values. A sense of moving towards our collective destiny is in the air, as the karmic North Node is in the same sign. 

Nearing the end of April, Venus conjoins Neptune in Pisces on the 27, which is said to denote a refined spirituality in love. We might feel closer than ever to others, and it is yet another opportunity this month to throw oneself into creative pursuits. Pluto Retrograde begins on the 29 and April concludes with a paradigm-shifting S

Aries & Aries Rising 

It’s the most wonderful time of the year for you, Aries. April opens with a New Moon in your sign, with your mind and emotions calibrated to self-healing. The beginning of the month will compel you to spend more time in groups, perhaps doing something that contributes to a larger community. Any actions you take around the 5 will require focus and discipline with Saturn applying to your ruling planet Mars. Tackle any deep work career-wise on the 10. Dreams and your subconscious still wish to be considered and explored, and you could feel an extra push to take them seriously after the 15. Is there anything you’ve been wanting to put forth that you’ve been avoiding? Taurus season’s focus will be on your own worth and resources, which your mind awakens to as of the 11. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

In April, Venus experiences a renewed sense of freedom and so do you, Taurus. Indulge your senses, perhaps with a candle in the spirit of fiery Aries season. Meditation also supports you now. What can you sense in this state? Rest up, because your solar return is poised to rearrange things. As of the 5, you’ll feel a renewed value in community and groups, and be more confident communicating who you are on the 11, when Mercury moves into Taurus. The 16’s Full Moon provides an opportunity to detox what isn’t working for you in daily life. Once your season begins, focus on what makes you unique. The 27 allows you to feel more connected to a group than usual, while the Taurus Solar Eclipse on the 30 will help you be more of who you really are. 

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Aries season is all about groups and humanity for you, Gemini. On the 2, you’ll express yourself with ease in a group setting. Take the opportunity for some deep work on the 10, and anything requiring discipline on the 24. Your ruling planet Mercury ingresses twice this month - into Taurus on the 11, grounding your mind into the unseen, and into Gemini on the 29, focusing your mental energy on yourself. Be open to new possibilities regarding your career, with Neptune and Jupiter’s close contact in Pisces, especially around the 12. On the Full Moon in Libra, you’ll feel motivated when it comes to your public image, but make time for whatever creative or physical release feels right. Surprising spiritual insights emerge on the 30’s Solar Eclipse.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Aries season is all about career, baby! What do you want to achieve and be known for in this lifetime? Take a moment on the New Moon to dream big and get ambitious. A drive for knowledge and to expand your horizons is still present this month, especially when Venus and Mars move into Pisces, on the 5 and 15 respectively. Look out for opportunities to get out of your comfort zone around then. The 16’s Full Moon in Libra shines a light on your family relationships and sense of home, encouraging you to release any built-up emotions in this area to help heal these bonds. Taurus season opens up a portal to groups, friendships, and your ideals. The 30’s Solar Eclipse could transport you amongst an unexpected community or have you valuing something new.

Leo & Leo Rising 

April implores you to study something new, pick up a hobby, or at least appreciate that even the most trivial events can be a positive learning experience, Leo. You might feel constrained in relationships around the 5, but it will pass. Observe how things unfold when you respond instead of react. Get disciplined on the 13, especially when it comes to learning from a teacher or someone in your life. The depths of your psyche long to be explored in the middle of April. Consider journaling on the 16’s Full Moon in Libra to see what emerges. On the 18, something in your daily life, perhaps an old habit, comes to challenge your new, expansive beliefs. In Taurus season, the spotlight shines on your career, with shifts in your ambition coming through on the 30’s Solar Eclipse.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

How has your healing process unfolded in the past few weeks, Virgo? You’re such a cerebral creature, but this transformation is about more than logic. Soul-level wounds are illuminated now, and your mind grasps them better on the 2. Making time for creation on the 10 will help you transmute these energies. With Mercury’s changes, your mind expands on the 11 and then becomes more career-focused by the 29. By mid-month, you might feel more at ease connecting with others 1 on 1. Spend the Full Moon in Libra amongst material objects that are familiar to you, and consider purging things that no longer serve you. Taurus season brings about travel which will move you along your soul’s journey. The Solar Eclipse on the 30 could be the push you need to actually commit to this trip.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Your Venusian essence feels more free to express itself, Libra - just in time for a season where your close relationships are illuminated. This could very well be the month when things move to the next level in terms of partnership. But don’t neglect your creativity - express yourself the first two weeks of April. Your relationship vision this month has one rose-coloured and one practical lens. Allow yourself to get swept up in some romance, but remember to negotiate the nitty-gritty terms and conditions of what you both want. Shed any emotions related to your self-image on the 16’s Full Moon in your sign. Feelings continue to flow throughout Taurus season, where the focus is on your deep, psychological identity. The end of the month brings magic to daily life. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

The Universe has been encouraging you to focus on your health and body and get to the root of any issues. Aries season asks you to heal this area of your life, Scorpio, along with your every day routine. What’s working and what’s frustrating you? Clarity emerges around the 2. Foundations have been laid in your personal and domestic life the past couple of years, and any actions you take towards it around the 5 cannot be taken lightly. Your innermost self transforms with knowledge from daily life on the 10. In Taurus season, your intimate relationships vie for your attention. The 30’s Solar Eclipse could bring sudden changes here. Meanwhile, Pluto Retrograde begins on the 29, building intensity over the next few months. Make sure you have healthy ways to unwind.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

So much peace is held for you in your home life at the start of April, Sagittarius. Aries season is about connecting to your inner child and expressing yourself, so if you find yourself in your domestic space more often than usual, make something out of it. Start a new creative project on the 1’s New Moon, and enjoy deep work boosts on the 10 and 13. There are plenty of opportunities to connect more profoundly to your roots this month, particularly around the 27. Try a past-life regression or a ritual to connect to your ancestors, perhaps on the Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30, when these bonds are ripe for expansion. As Taurus season looms, your mind becomes busier and is interested in how your daily routine could be more grounded. 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

April presents you with an opportunity to heal deep familial wounds, Capricorn. Deep, personal transformation is afoot. You’ve changed, and therefore so has your family dynamic. Any work you do on yourself benefits not only you, but your entire lineage, past, present, and future. On the 5, there’s constraint in your finances or personal resources but the 13 sees you regaining control over them. Another theme emerging this month is cognitive flexibility. How open are you to new ideas? Take in information from a source you normally wouldn’t. Taurus season concerns your creativity. Your values will profoundly impact your creative mind on the 24, while electric, unconventional inspiration is in the air on the 30’s Solar Eclipse.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Aries season asks - how well do you know your immediate surroundings? Stay open, curious, and show up as your full self to new situations and people you encounter, Aquarius. Something you’re determined to do for yourself might not go so smoothly on the 5, but don’t give up. April ushers in more creative ways of generating more abundance for yourself, particularly around the 12 and 27. Saturn’s influence on the 13 can help you show up responsibly for those around you. Taurus season is about home and family life. The energies of the 24 encourage serious reflection about your role in your domestic sphere. The Taurus Solar Eclipse on the 30 will shake out any changes that need to happen here. From the 29, Mercury in Gemini opens up your mind to more creativity and romance.

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Your personal growth continues to transpire, Pisces, but Aries season has your focus on finances, personal resources, and your physical surroundings. While there might be some spiritual tension under the surface, you should nevertheless feel at ease expressing yourself around the 5, when Venus moves into your sign. A vision of your higher self comes into focus on the 12, and Mars in Pisces on the 15 pushes you to assert this vision and act in your own best-interests. The Full Moon in Libra purges deeply embedded emotions so you can find more balance. Taurus season offers openness and new connections. If there’s anything you’ve been hoarding physically or otherwise, clear space before the 30’s Solar Eclipse. On this day, plan a pleasurable activity in your neighbourhood. 


May 2022, Holiscopes


March 2022, Holiscopes