May 2022, Holiscopes


For most of May, the sun is in Taurus, arguably the most grounded sign. Its physicality and observation of what’s present transmutes the personal assertion of Aries energy into desire. This fixed earth sign reminds us that we need desire in order to grow. 

Taurus can be stubborn, lazy, or materialistic, yet other planetary and sign energies throughout the month temper this possibility with compassion (Neptune and Mars in Pisces), curiosity (Mercury in Gemini with Gemini season beginning May 21), and passionate action (Venus, Jupiter, and Mars all moving into Aries over the next few weeks). 

Taurus’ planetary ruler Venus changes signs twice this month. First, to Aries on the 2, meaning our values and what we’re attracted to becomes more self-serving but also courageous. Second, to Taurus on the 28, adding a dimension of sensuality, presence, and slowness to relationships and experiences of beauty. 

Mercury Retrograde is a major signature of the month, beginning on the 10, inviting us to first reflect on how we interact with our immediate surroundings in the sign of Gemini, then on how we can communicate more thoughtfully in Taurus from the 23 onward. 

After its journey through spiritual, dreamy Pisces, expansive Jupiter makes its way into Aries on the 10, enabling our personal growth and determination. Nike’s slogan “Just Do It” was conceived during this transit in 1988. 

Eclipse season continues with the Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16, asking us to release the obsessions holding us back. Gemini season, encouraging curiosity, communication, mental flexibility, and new ideas, begins on the 21. A few days later on the 24, Mars moves into its home sign of Aries, empowering us to act and initiate. 

In addition to Venus moving into Taurus on the 28, May concludes with a Mars and Jupiter conjunction in Aries on the 29. This fiery energy can expand aggression, but can also provide the burst of energy we need to get something done. The New Moon on the 30 lands in the sign of Gemini, opening up new possibilities for communication. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Another turn around the Sun, dear Taurus! What shifts have you observed since your Solar Eclipse April 30? Spirituality and compassion are highlighted, especially when Venus moves into Aries on the 2. Jupiter in Aries on the 10 expands this area of your life. Get your ego out of the way and help others out, particularly once Mars conjoins Jupiter on the 29. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse invites you to release obsessive patterns when it comes to relationships. Gemini season, especially when Mercury Retrograde is in the air sign, will help re-evaluate your personal values and resources. Venus activates transformation in your professional life on the 27, with power struggles potentially surfacing. Venus is cozy in Taurus by the 28, increasing your magnetism and willingness to compromise

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Take a moment to consolidate what you’ve been independently learning before your Solar Return, Gemini. On the 5, stimulate your mind with beauty in a group setting, such as taking a museum tour. Mercury Retrograde season likely won’t compel you to take centre stage, particularly while the Sun is in Taurus. From the 10 onward, your mind oscillates between your sense of self and making sense of the interconnectedness of everything. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse shakes out any daily habits that aren’t working for you. Gemini season as of the 21, emphasises how you’ve grown in the past year, with the motivation to share it. Bring any hard mental work to a group setting on the 23 and it will be well-received. Be fearless in self-reinvention on the 30’s New Moon in your sign.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

The present energies are largely concerned with feeling comfortable amongst others, Cancer. The focus is more fully on you once your season comes around. In May, it's your duty to explore your role in groups while your professional life continues to expand. Attend a networking event and see what comes of it. Mercury Retrograde starting the 10 will have you contemplative about spirituality and your ideals. Jupiter in Aries expands your career in new ways, and when Mars joins forces on the 24, your personal drive will be fully on board. Release what you’re clinging to when it comes to excuses about creativity and playfulness on the 16’s Scorpio Lunar Eclipse. Gemini season on the 21 offers the chance to spiritually recharge in the midst of all this outward action. 

Leo & Leo Rising 

Taurus season asks you to take a grounded approach to your career, Leo. To understand that good things take time. Uranus in the mix on the 5 brings surprises and excitement here. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini on the 10, however, has you reflecting on how you process and share information in groups; a big theme of your Gemini season. You have lots to say in a group on the 21. On the 15, you might feel more responsible for others than usual, while feeling more attuned to their energies. This is a wonderful opportunity to lend a hand. The Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is for releasing familial patterns that aren’t serving you. When Mars moves into Aries on the 24, your appetite to travel might overwhelm you, and Jupiter’s influence on the 29 will persuade you to book that trip. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

The first few days of May will have you processing your ambitions, discussing them with others, or receiving information about your professional life. The New Moon in Gemini provides a new beginning here. Before that, your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde on the 10, encouraging you to reflect on this realm. Once Mercury moves back into Taurus, your beliefs are to be reexamined. Taurus season in general is a time to seek new spiritual or philosophical knowledge with a wide scope. Mercury and Jupiter’s configuration on the 19 helps you examine deeper psychological patterns that may be affecting your career, with a focus on what you want to manifest in the future. Once Gemini season comes around on the 21, even more focus is on your public reputation.

Libra & Libra Rising 

What has emerged from beneath the surface, Libra? Let nature walks supplement this deep, inner processing. Transformative emotions at the beginning of May link your daily life and family. On the 2, Venus moves into Aries, prolonging your interest in relationships from April. The 16’s Scorpio Lunar Eclipse illuminates the delicate balance between personal and shared resources. Gemini season asks you to transcend your everyday surroundings, whether literally or spiritually. You might feel compelled to make a bold move in your relationships on the 29, but check in with yourself and ensure you’re ready for whatever may come of it. It’s still Mercury Retrograde after all. When Venus moves into Taurus the day before, you’ll naturally experience a greater intensity in this area.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Taurus season asks you to appreciate your close relationships, Scorpio. The 4’s erratic energy would be best transmuted playing in nature with a friend. If possible, make time on the 16’s Lunar Eclipse in your sign to evaluate how much closer you are to your destiny since your birthday. The Sun in Gemini on the 21 illuminates the more subtle aspects of your psyche, joining forces with Mercury Retrograde. You’ll likely be plunging into these depths even more than usual. You might be feeling more introspective, but sharing these thoughts with a loved one will be helpful. When Mars moves into Aries on the 24, your energy is directed towards daily life, coming together with Jupiter on the 29, you’ll feel the urge to get something done without hesitation. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Taurus season invites you to ground into your body, optimising it with what’s available in your immediate surroundings. Your ruling planet Jupiter moves into Aries on the 10, the same day that Mercury stations Retrograde. While your mind reexamines your relationships, your personal creative potential is bursting at the seams. Venus in Aries until the 28 supports this too. The 19 is a wonderful opportunity to create something that bridges these two aspects of your life. Once Gemini season begins on the 21, your 1 on 1 relations have even more weight. You’ll feel more compelled to say what’s on your mind to a loved one on this day. Mars conjunct Jupiter on the 29’s heightens your creative boldness and capacity to flirt aggressively.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

Taurus season lights up your creative life, Capricorn. Your private life is emphasised at the beginning of May; this time is well-spent indulging in your own energy. Venus, Jupiter and Mars’ moves into Aries over the course of the month fire up family and ideas of home. How do you maintain independence in this area of your life while still honouring it? Be mindful of confrontational domestic energy around the 29. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini from the 10 implores you to reimagine routine and get curious about your health, while in Taurus rethink past romances or bouts of self-expression. The 13 could bring forth a new creative mentor, yet the 15 might have you doubt your own resources to move forward. Gemini season further illuminates improvements you could make to your daily life.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Have you been itching to transform your external appearance, Aquarius? Venus moving into Aries on the 2 could help you make it happen, adding some fun to Saturn’s demands of personal responsibility. Home is where the heart is this month, with plenty of chances to meet new people spilling in from Aries season. Uranus’ electricity on the 5 encourages you to try something out of the ordinary with family. Revisit old, unfinished creative projects during Mercury Retrograde in Gemini. The 16’s Scorpio Lunar Eclipse has the potential to reveal and release deep-rooted patterns that yearn to depart when it comes to career. Gemini season boosts your creativity. Consider mining your ancestry for inspiration, which will be supported by Taurus Mercury Retrograde as of the 23. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Start your month off by making time for self-reflection, Pisces. In Taurus season, new connections and ideas emerge in your neighbourhood. Jupiter in Aries from the 10 boosts your personal abundance. On the flipside, Mars moves into the fire sign on the 24, which can induce overindulgence. Be especially vigilant with your finances on the 29 when these two planets unite. The start of Mercury Retrograde previews your Gemini season theme of family and home, asking you to review this area of your life. The energies of the 15 might frustrate you, yet they can be harnessed to give back to your surroundings. The 16’s Scorpio Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity to shed deep-rooted past beliefs, while the 30’s New Moon in Gemini is about setting intentions for your domestic life.

Aries & Aries Rising

Your Solar Return may have passed, Aries, but your fiery energy lives on through May, encouraging you to focus on yourself. Taurus season reacquaints you with your personal resources, financial situation, and general relationship with abundance. On the contrary, the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse illuminates what’s not working in your shared resources. Mars and Neptune uniting on the 18 brings wonky feelings, but channelling your energy into giving back will help you resettle. Gemini season speeds things up and implores you to review casual, everyday relationships in your life. How do you handle them? Cultivate extra softness with yourself and others on the 29, as the Mars Jupiter conjunction could easily make you aggressive. Used well, it helps you get something done for yourself. 


June 2022, Holiscopes


April 2022, Holiscopes