June 2022, Holiscopes


June brings opportunities to connect and communicate as Gemini season unfolds. At the beginning of the month, we’re integrating lessons from Eclipse season and Mercury Retrograde, which concludes on the 3. As Mercury stations direct in Taurus, Saturn in Aquarius begins its retrograde station on the 4. Don’t expect to hit the ground running just yet — as Mercury Retrograde’s shadow lingers, Saturn asks us to contain our enthusiasm and wait for more facts.

Venus and Uranus join up in Taurus on the 11, shaking up our relationships and financial situation, asking — Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone to invite in something new?

Mercury in Gemini brings effervescence to our interactions and mental processes on the 13. Whatever was delayed in early June has the ability to swiftly move forward, with the help of action-oriented Mars and expansive Jupiter. 

Speaking of Jupiter, its energies rule the Full Moon in Sagittarius on the 14. What bigger-picture beliefs do we need to let go of? Which ones are worth holding onto so that we can continue to grow? Saturn’s influence invites us to commit to these beliefs, while Neptune could make things a little confusing.

Although Venus has been blissfully exalted in the sign of Taurus, Saturn constrains the pleasure and ease associated with the planet around the 18.

Summer Solstice on the 21 invites in Cancer season. Some of our collective focus shifts to watery, emotional intelligence, rather than airily gathering intellectual facts. We feel into the answer of the question over the coming weeks — What does it mean to nurture?

Along with Saturn, dreamy, mystical, dissolutioning Neptune stations Retrograde on June 28. This period over the next few months is a time to separate dreams from illusions and fact from fiction, while we re-vision ideas of spirituality and empathy. 

Later that same day, June winds down with a supportive New Moon in Cancer. Here, we can recommit to nurturing ourselves and others by letting our emotions flow freely.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Gemini, your Solar Return is a time of renewal and reinvention, with a great deal of soul excavation going on. At the start of June, the results of your subconscious exploration are held back by some of your beliefs. Neptune’s vibes may have you feeling disillusioned when it comes to your purpose, and this month’s retrograde energies ask you to review your responsibility when it comes to your ways of thinking. Come the 13, Mercury in Gemini permits clear communication, and things will move ahead, especially in your personal life. Jupiter’s winking at you as you express yourself in group settings and move towards your dreams. Spend the 14’s Full Moon in Sagittarius with close friends, celebrating the beliefs that hold you together. Cancer season reaffirms your personal values.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Tension is present at the beginning of June as you negotiate psychological boundaries with others, particularly in group settings. A sense of constraint here echoes later in the month, around the 18. With emphasis on your subconscious in Gemini season, you will be more likely to find any clarity you seek in altered states like meditation or dreams. Health comes into focus on the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Do you need to shed any grand narratives about wellness? Your season beginning on the 21’s Summer Solstice implores you to find new ways of nurturing yourself, so you can feel safe to step out of your shell and be seen. Neptune Retrograde is about integrating spiritual lessons. Spend the New Moon in your sign reconnecting with who you are.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Leo, Gemini season is about connecting with groups. Things continue to stir in your career, particularly on the 11. Saturn supports you on the 16 to initiate something that requires commitment. The 18 could bring forth a sort of stalemate when it comes to your ambitions and 1 on 1 relationships. Is someone holding you back, or are you making excuses? Saturn Retrograde is about reviewing boundaries in your close relations. The Sagittarius Full Moon is a time for play, while the Cancer New Moon asks for stillness. Cancer season invites you to get in touch with your subconscious mind. Consider a hypnosis session, or make a concerted effort to recall your dreams. It’s a good time to review your year on a deeper level ahead of your Solar Return. Where might you be taking action unconsciously?

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

This Mercury-ruled season should have you feeling more confident when it comes to your public life, Virgo. It might take a minute to get into the groove, But once Mercury moves back into Gemini, new opportunities to be seen come through quickly. On the 10, your mental prowess at work will be undeniable. Shifts are abound when it comes to your relationship to the bigger picture and long-distance travel. Mercury and Jupiter coming together right before Cancer season has you looking towards the future, perhaps with the help of someone else’s resources. The time of the water sign is one to cooperate with others, and if you’re feeling resistant or isolated, the New Moon in Cancer would be a wonderful opportunity to set intentions for the kind of groups you’d like to be a part of.

Libra & Libra Rising 

What allows you to go beyond the everyday, Libra? While you explore this question, you continue to expend energy in your close relationships, with Jupiter supporting your expansion. Saturn’s main concern while Retrograde is how you show up for your inner child. Intensity in your relationships might be triggering this part of you. How do they react? How can you meet their needs in the moment without lashing out on others or yourself? With all the different influences on your ruling planet Venus this month, expect fateful shifts in your psychological nature, as well as in what you share with others. You might find yourself in the public eye more than usual, especially around the first days of Cancer season. You’ll also be drawn towards new people and consciousness-expanding experiences.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Gemini season allows you to investigate the depth of your being, reuniting disparate parts that may have been shaken in the aftermath of Eclipse season. Relationships are still very much at the forefront for you, Scorpio, with sudden shifts on the horizon around the 11. New ideas about love emerge when the destiny-oriented North Node meets Venus on the 15. You’ve been driven towards improving your health and daily life, and you’ll be forced to face anything you’ve swept under the rug in the middle of June. As frustrating as it may be, it’s contributing to your deep, inner transformation. Cancer season has you coming up for air, with the possibility of a long-distance getaway. The first day of this period adds intensity and reveals the inner workings of your relationships.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

How can you add more creativity and romance to your everyday life? And how can you involve your loved ones? As Mercury leaves Retrograde, you might find yourself consulting an expert for some sort of advice, or debating with others more than usual. Gemini season is a great reminder to stay curious —we can’t possibly know everything! Venus and Uranus on the 11 renews your relationship with your routine and body, helping you view them in a new light. The Full Moon in your sign on the 14 is a chance to celebrate yourself and commit to positive habits that support the person you’re becoming. Jupiter’s influence right before Cancer season allows you to make plans for the future, especially in your relationships. During this watery time, you will be confronted with deeper aspects of yourself.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

Gemini season is a time for you to tackle your to-do list and take extra good care of your body, Capricorn. Your Saturn Retrograde has you reexamining your personal values and material world. Its square with Mercury at the beginning of the month asks — are you worrying too much about material things and ignoring your playful side? Be open to new creative insights on the 11. As your energy is best spent at home this month, set aside time to create or change something there. The days that follow offer a boost of discipline and a glimpse of the future. Cancer season offers the possibility to nurture your 1 on 1 relationships. The 29 is a chance to set intentions about what you want and need from others. Neptune Retrograde adds a psychedelic dimension to your communication.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Gemini season is a time to be playful, romantic, and creative, Aquarius. While Saturn Retrograde in your sign is slightly sobering - a time of deep introspection on your personal growth, and to install helpful, motivating thoughts about who you really are. Your own creative mantras could be a support. Sudden changes or insights in your family or home come through on the 11. Create something or play around to process it. If writing or speaking is your thing, the energies of the 20 support your growth here. Your mind is primed for expansion. The 14’s Full Moon in Sagittarius is best spent in a group ritual or activity. In Cancer season, things pick up and your focus is directed towards daily life. On the 27, you channel your ideas into something self-constructive.

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Set into motion those intentions you set for your domestic life at the end of May, Pisces. Home and family is especially on your mind once Mercury moves into Gemini. What feelings does this topic evoke? What improvements are to be made? Venus and Uranus come together on the 11 to create a buzz in your immediate surroundings — perhaps an exciting event in your neighbourhood or an unexpected new friend comes your way. Funky feelings may emerge on the Full Moon in Sagittarius. Don’t pay them any mind, allow yourself to release them. Around the 18 and 19, relationships may feel constrained, while your imagination takes flight. Express this in Cancer season, which reignites your creative playfulness. Neptune Retrograde asks you to distil fact from fiction when it comes to your self-image. 

Aries & Aries Rising 

You’re likely feeling more powerful than usual, Aries. Your good intentions might not translate during Mercury Retrograde, but once it stations direct your self-expression softens, especially to friends and neighbours. Gemini season reacquaints you with your immediate surroundings and enlivens your curiosity. The 11 brings a sudden shift in your personal values.  What places, especially those that seem a little mysterious, have you been wanting to explore? Once Mercury moves to Gemini two days later, don’t hesitate to check them out. New insights will proliferate. The Full Moon vividly colours your dreams or waking illusions. Cancer season reconnects you with ideas of home. While groups might be a point of contention, the 27 supports organizing people around an idea.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Dear Taurus, here’s hoping you don’t feel personally victimized by Eclipse season. There may have been a lot of shifts within yourself or your close relationships, but they’re all for your highest good. A great time to purge anything from the depths of your psyche is the 14’s Full Moon. Leaving Mercury Retrograde you’ll likely gain clarity about yourself, which will be sensed by others. A burst of insight here will likely come through on the 11. Over Gemini season, you’re taking inventory of your personal values, but Saturn Retrograde asks you to take greater responsibility when it comes to your career and reputation. You’ll likely feel some extra constraint here around the 18, but Neptune also offers some dreamy possibilities. Cancer season will bring forth ideas of nurturing your community.


July 2022, Holiscopes


May 2022, Holiscopes