July 2022, Holiscopes


July is primed for transformation, yet this month can bring frustration if you stroll into it unprepared. We find ourselves at the start of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, when the light overtakes the dark. However, we’ll be invited over the course of these few weeks to confront our personal and collective shadows — the parts of us we feel are too shameful to see the light of day — and release heavy emotions in order for them to be transmuted. The potential uncomfortability of this process is eclipsed by its importance. It is an uncovering, an unveiling for our highest good. 

Power struggles may be more pronounced, particularly when Mars faces off with Pluto on the 1 and when the Sun opposes the transformative planet on the 20. 

On the 4, Mars moves from its home of Aries into Taurus where it’s less at ease. On one hand, we are more grounded and can gently build up our will in taking action, on the other, we could get stuck in the moment. 

Like Mars, Mercury leaves its home in Gemini to make its way into Cancer on the 5. Here, our communication and thoughts are more feelings-based and sensitive. Ideally we can healthily channel our emotions and tune into the needs of our inner child. Two weeks later on the 19, the messenger planet ingresses into Leo, where we express our hearts, intertwining them with bold communication and the sharing of our gifts.

The Capricorn Full Moon on the 13 invites in Cancer’s opposite medicine — responsibility. We are encouraged to release control and overthinking and to take ownership of our balance between home and work.

Leo, the season of the Sun, begins on the 22. From nurturing, sensitive Cancer, we move into the warmth and pride of the lion. We move through the world with our hearts forward and remember that sharing our authentic, fullest selves is not just for us, it’s for everyone’s benefit. 

The New Moon in Leo on the 28 is an opportunity to reconnect with our inner child, playfulness, and creativity, as well as review our personal growth in power, due to Jupiter’s Retrograde station the same day. This period over the next four months also invites us to go inward to reexamine our beliefs and realign with our inner truths. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Happy Solar Return, Moonchild! It’s time to prioritize yourself this season. Power struggles may be present at work at the start of July, but the Moon’s alignment with Venus on the 3 is a wonderful time for socializing on a spiritual level. Mercury in your sign on the 5 offers the words you need to express how you feel about yourself. The 9 and 10 bring illuminating experiences among others, inspiring you to make even greater plans for your future. Allow the 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn to transform your close relationships by releasing responsibility for other peoples’ feelings. Leo season asks you to take stock of your personal values and shines a light on your finances. How have you grown here, especially when it comes to career? Set intentions to make bold moves in this area on the 28’s New Moon in Leo.  

Leo & Leo Rising 

Cancer season invites you to explore spirituality and the unseen aspects of life, Leo. You’ll be inclined to take action when it comes to your career, especially when Mars moves into Taurus on the 4. Your mind opens up beyond the senses; build trust with your intuition. The Sun-Taurus alignment on the 10 invites you to adapt your long term plans based on new information. A week later, Neptune’s influence heightens your need to connect to your soul. Consider a guided meditation to assist you. On the 20, Pluto opposes the Sun, illuminating the necessary transformation in your daily life to connect more to spirit. A new cycle begins with your season on the 22, while the Leo New Moon asks how you can commit to sharing more of your big, bold heart with the world.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Cancer season encourages you to shine your light in a group setting, Virgo. While Mercury is still in Gemini, your mental energy pours into your career. The 3 presents a great opportunity to network as you feel more at home with yourself than usual. Enjoy a dash of optimism and the ability to see past your beloved details to the bigger picture on the 9 and 23, thanks to Jupiter. On the 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn, do something outside of your routine that unleashes your playful side among others. Mercury in Leo previews the season’s embrace of your spiritual side. Don’t be afraid to be a bit of a hermit. In solitude, we are best able to reconnect with the truth of our inner light. Extra alone time is especially good on the 26, where Mars’ influence makes you more irritable and accident-prone.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Libra, Cancer season is all about your career and public image, bolstered by Mercury early on and your ruling planet Venus on the 18. In contrast, the 1’s Mars-Pluto alignment brings forth a familial clash. Your horizons expand with a spiritual experience on the 3. The 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn offers a release when it comes to family responsibilities. How can you show up more effectively and take things less personally? Grounded, revelatory conversations on these issues flow easily on this day. Neptune adds a glimmer of inspiration on the 14, but can also catapult your expectations of others beyond reality. Leo season connects you to the collective and higher aspirations. During Jupiter Retrograde, take inventory of your close relationships. Does your close circle support your personal growth?

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Scorpio, travel is on the horizon as you embrace higher knowledge in July. Your private self is in opposition with how you relate to others due to Pluto’s influence. This might manifest as a clash at the beginning of the month with others, and a softer battle between your innermost being and your public persona around the 20. Mars moves into Taurus on the 4, driving you to your close relationships. Mercury in the mix the same day might have you convincing someone to go on a trip with you, and the 10 might be the day you go for it. Something deep within you expresses itself publicly on the 18. Career is on your mind once Mercury moves into Leo on the 19. Let the 28’s New Moon in Leo mark a new era where you’re seen in your fullest expression. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Cancer season wants you to get deep, Sagittarius. On the 1, the realities of your daily life are at odds with your new level of profundity. Don’t be hasty —wait it out until the 10, where you will receive some sudden insights that can remedy the situation. The Moon’s alignment with your ruler, Jupiter, on the 6 promotes playfulness amongst friends and a balanced, expansive attitude towards your goals. Work on big plans harnessing the optimism of the 9 and 23. The Full Moon in Capricorn purges irrelevant personal values. Leo season sets your sights boldly and further into the future. Make room for new possibilities on the 28’s New Moon in Leo and prepare for Jupiter Retrograde. Over the next few months, pour over your creative growth and strengthen your inner child connection.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

It’s time to requaint yourself with your close relationships, and the personal transformation reflected in them. Any issues in your daily life can be solved with Saturn’s stable influence on the 2, but trying to solve other people’s stuff will likely lead to more confusion. The key comes from new boundaries drawn around your values and possessions. The 13’s Full Moon in your sign is a chance to celebrate yourself and channel energy into a creative project. On the 16, you’ll find the right words to express your true feelings to your loved ones.  As Venus moves into Cancer on the 18, you’ll feel more in touch with yourself while getting to know someone else on a new level. In Leo season, your experience takes on a more psychological dimension, while Jupiter Retrograde has you reevaluating your domestic life. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

What’s working and what’s not when it comes to your health and routines? You’ll take creativity more seriously at the beginning of the month, while remaining inspired thanks to Mercury’s alignment with Saturn and Neptune. Mars’ move into Taurus on the 4 supports adjusting your domestic life to benefit your routine. The Full Moon in Capricorn on the 13 spiritually transforms you, allowing you to step into a new level of responsibility. The 15 may have you more spaced out and feeling separate from others. Use this time to focus your mental energy on recalibrating your daily life. In Leo season, how you show up in your close relationships takes centre stage. On the New Moon, set intentions for how you’d like this area of life to play out, contemplating those you’ve met recently, while considering boundaries.

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Cancer season is a creative time for you. Let it flow on the 17 — a  potent day to make something, as inspirational Neptune harmonises with mind and soul. Misunderstandings at home or with family emerge on the 2. Communicate clearly, ask clarifying questions in lieu of making assumptions. A boost of motivation finds you on the 4 with Mars in Taurus, illuminating communication while Mercury in Cancer provides creative insights. Playfully plan for the future as Mercury aligns with expansive Jupiter on the 9. The Full Moon in Capricorn is optimistic in energy, a time to gather with a group that supports your aspirations. Leo season lays foundations for a stronger commitment to health and daily life. On the New Moon, Jupiter Retrograde begins. Reimagine routines in line with your personal values.

Aries & Aries Rising 

Aries, Cancer season wants you to find a protective shell in home and family. Seek refuge at the beginning of the month when Mars is in tension with Pluto stirring up possibilities of power struggles when it comes to your reputation. Your ruling planet Mars grounds into Taurus on the 4, redirecting you towards your personal resources. Channel this energy into learning more about money rather than overindulging, which is most possible on the 21. Mercury’s alignment with the Sun on the 16 is conducive to conversing with family members. The 19 is a mental preview of Leo season, where reconnecting with your inner child and embracing your creativity are key. Begin Jupiter Retrograde on the New Moon in Leo reconnecting to the truth of who you are through your younger self.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

July begins powerfully as Mars moves into your sign on the 4. You’ll feel more assertive and physically energetic. On a soul level, Cancer season wants you to nurture and be nurtured by your immediate surroundings. Is there a body of water you neglect visiting? A place you feel emotionally drawn to? Go there and take it all in. Venus in Cancer on the 18 connects you more deeply to the people and places around you. The 13’s Full Moon in Capricorn is an exciting time to travel with stabilising people in your life. The next day, remember that not everyone shares your values and that’s okay. Stay in your own energy and let yourself daydream. In Leo season you share the warmth of your heart at home and with family. Spend the New Moon in a cozy environment reflecting on your spiritual growth.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Cancer season has you taking care of yourself so you’re living in alignment with your personal values, boosted when Mercury moves into Cancer on the 5. Journal about what’s most important to you when the Sun and Mercury align on the 16. Enjoy your natural magnetism with Venus in Gemini until the love planet moves to Cancer on the 18. Saturn helps you solve any personal problems at the beginning of July. Consider a cord-cutting meditation on the Full Moon in Capricorn to release any shared energy with others that may be weighing you down. Uranus’ influence can help shake it out of you, offering new spiritual insights. Leo season invites you to explore your neighbourhood and immediate surroundings while embracing your curiosity. Acquaintances can become good friends on the New Moon. 


August 2022, Holiscopes


June 2022, Holiscopes