August 2022, Holiscopes


Intensity characterizes these next few weeks. On its first day, August erupts with a powerful conjunction between Mars, Uranus, and the North Node in the sign of Taurus. Sudden, amplified action might come as a shock, or it may be the nudge we need to move in the direction we’re meant to. On the 7, Mars in Taurus forms a square to Saturn in Aquarius, encouraging us to push through any obstacles with long-term effort.

How can we transmute intensity into something beautiful, useful, constructive? How do we triumph over the overwhelm of potential self-destruction? 

The Sun shines proudly in Leo until the 23. It asks us to connect to our soul and allow it to radiate outwards. To express ourselves in a way only we can. 

Messenger Mercury moves into Virgo, one of its home signs, on the 4. Here, we consolidate bold ideas from Leo — our brain is more powerful and analytical, yet also more adept to criticize ourselves and others. How can we be of service without judging? On the 26, Mercury ingresses into Libra, smoothing things over with charm, balance, and its peace-keeping tendencies. 

Venus makes its way to Leo on the 11, where we might find ourselves craving more attention than usual, inviting in more warm romance and pleasure, creativity and play.

Get comfortable with the scattered energy of Mars in Gemini from the 20. The planet of action and drive will remain in the mutable air sign until January 2023, as it stations retrograde later this year. The way forward may not be a straight line, and we could be more inclined to hurt others with words. Do what you can to stay grounded, and make the most of Mars in Gemini by doing multifaceted things. 

Virgo season begins on the 23. Here, we return to the details of daily life — health, body, organization, and generally getting our shit together. 

By the 24, we’ll have a total of 5 planets stationed retrograde, with Uranus joining Pluto, Neptune, Saturn, and most recently Jupiter. From now until January 2023, we reflect on the impact of the collective, sudden changes of this year, while on a personal level, we review the parts of us that make us unique and that want to break free.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Blessed Solar Return, Leo! Things shake up when in your career and public image on the 1. Deep-down, your soul needs it to evolve. A slight aftershock of change here could occur on the 11. On the same day, Venus moves into your sign, and the Full Moon shines in your opposite Aquarius. As you move into a more profound version of self-love, you are able to see your relationships with increased clarity, celebrating the ones in which you’re able to grow the love given and received. Keep this in mind on the 14, when Saturn may put some strain on these close relationships. As Mars ingresses to Gemini on the 20, your energy wants to pursue goals with the collective in mind, and room to cooperate with others intellectually and athletically. During Virgo season, take a refined look at your finances and values. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Spirituality is key as your Solar Return approaches. Mars, Uranus, and the North Node’s alignment suddenly urges you to expand — on a small scale this could be your mind, larger, perhaps a push to move to a new place. Aside from potential changes, it’s a great time for self-reflection, particularly once Mercury moves into your sign on the 4. Once in Libra on the 26, balance your books and find new beauty in your personal principles. Your Mars in Gemini focus is career with a capital C. How have you managed to incorporate ambitious, multifaceted action into your life’s work? Your season begins on the 23, offering an opportunity to start anew. The New Moon in your sign on the 27 opens a portal to a cultivated version of you, embracing your imperfections while you feel emboldened to act.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Leo season nudges you to shine your light on groups, to bring you closer to your higher aspirations. On the 1, a conflict is amplified concerning something you share with others physically or psychologically. Use the energies of the 7 to commit to something that creatively expresses what you’re moving through, continuing your progress on the 11’s Full Moon in Aquarius. With Venus moving into Leo that day, you might find co-working or asking for input on the project illuminating. Mars in Gemini compels you to share your worldview with others and move beyond your usual scope. Virgo season is a time to ground into your spiritual practice. Spending time in nature would be beneficial. Mercury in Libra as of the 26 supports you in expressing yourself in your typically charming way.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Your Leo season is about how you’ve been stepping up when it comes to your career. As August begins, a close relationship may suddenly erupt in anger or frustration, or there’s a bold move forward in a fated bond. On the 7, obstacles in your home life can be approached more easily. The Full Moon in Aquarius helps you celebrate your progress, and ushers in a mentor or harmonious work with others. Mars and Pluto on the 14 bring transformation to your immediate surroundings and connections. Mars in Gemini drives a multifaceted exploration of the depths of who you are and what you share with others. Pluto’s influence on the 22 brings depth to your interactions in a group setting, well-positioning you for the start of Virgo season, where connecting to the collective and your higher aspirations are the priority.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Leo season has a familiar warm expansion to you, Sagittarius. Things get very real and granular on the 1 – if you’ve been overdoing it, a sudden health issue might make itself known. The energies also indicate a new relationship to work, shifting into duties that are more-soul aligned. Mercury moving into Virgo on the 4 initiates earthy energy focused on being in service to others. Over the next couple of weeks, make a detailed plan of how you’re going to reach a long-term goal. Celebrate the eccentricity of your immediate surroundings on the Full Moon in Aquarius. Jupiter and Venus on the 18 lifts your spirits and creatively inspires. Mars in Gemini helps you work through any issues in your close relationships. Be mindful of your words as you do so. Virgo season on the 23 illuminates your career desires. 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

Leo season has you psychologically cleaning house, investigating the depths of who you are, and redrawing boundaries between what’s yours and what isn’t. Your creative impulses explode on the 1. A drive to act on them for your soul’s evolution is present. Your mind expands with Mercury in Virgo on the 4, and charms in the workplace once it moves into Libra on the 26. The Full Moon in Aquarius allows you to release and recommit to your own unique values. Mars in Gemini reminds you that while you can multitask in daily life, your energy can be too dispersed. Virgo season has you looking beyond your immediate surroundings. Spend the 27’s New Moon in Virgo detailing your dream vacation. Uranus Retrograde in Taurus as of the 24 emphasizes your need for creative freedom. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

There is quite an emphasis on your close relationships and family right now, Aquarius. The energies of the 1 electrify your domestic life. Perhaps there’s some aggression at home, or a bold gesture that will help you decide where to settle. Uranus Retrograde emphasizes these issues. Mercury in Virgo on the 4 has you curious about the depths of your soul and what you share with others — a main theme of your Virgo season. Some tension on the 7 presents when it comes to yourself and where you feel at home, asking for more commitment in this area. The 11’s Full Moon in your sign echoes many themes of the recent Leo New Moon. Spend time with close friends or lovers with whom you can be completely yourself. Mars in Gemini drives you to multifaceted creativity and asks for a physical outlet for your energy. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Leo season refines how you move through your daily life. The timing is impeccable with the electricity of the 1, which opens you up to new ways of thinking and being in your immediate surroundings. Uranus Retrograde highlights these shifts. With Mercury in Virgo as of the 4, you’ll speak with more clarity and precision to others. A few days later on the 7, your creative dreams are encouraged to be manifested through deep devotion and commitment to your beliefs. The 11’s Full Moon in Aquarius takes on a spiritual tone. Mars in Gemini shifts your focus to home and family, and could activate past patterns and behaviours. Self-awareness and mindfulness support you. Virgo season focuses on your 1 on 1 relationships. The 27’s New Moon is an opportunity to take inventory of them and set intentions accordingly. 

Aries & Aries Rising 

Leo season has been a time to embrace your creativity and nurture your inner child. On the 1, your relationship to your belongings and values suddenly shifts. Remember that how you live is more important than what you physically have. If you’ve been putting off a group project, the energies of the 7 support a sustained effort to make it happen. On the 11’s Full Moon in Aquarius, do something playful with friends, taking a beat to reflect on what’s most important to you. Mars in Gemini as of the 20 brings changes in your immediate surroundings and a quicker pace to daily life. Come Virgo season, make time to adjust to this speed — get organized and back into grounding habits. On the 27’s New Moon, commit to these practices and daily rituals. Your ruling planet Mars supports you to actually get going on it. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

August begins with what could be a sudden shift in your personality or way of being. Perhaps you feel angry or frustrated with yourself. Do your best to use it as a motivator, rather than stew in the discomfort. Mercury in Virgo serves as a precursor to the upcoming season where you get more detailed and organized in your approach to creativity. On the 11’s Full Moon in Aquarius, the value and beauty of your domestic life is contrasted with the way you continue to innovate in your career. Don’t be afraid to blend and embrace both of these facets. Mars in Gemini from the 20 drives you towards your personal values and possessions. Be mindful of overidentifying with what you have. Take inventory of how you and your perception of the world have changed over the past few years during Uranus Retrograde. 

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Consciously or not, an event at the start of August shakes things up. As thrown off as you might be, you are being asked to act in a more constructive way when it comes to your mental health. Leo season has been a busier time for you, but you’ll find more refuge at home once Virgo season begins on the 23. It will be well-spent organizing your living situation or arranging things to benefit family members. Go beyond the surface of any domestic issues on the 22. The New Moon’s energies on the 27 would be a great way to kick this off. Mars moves into your sign on the 20 and hangs out there for a while. Here, you feel more emboldened to work on yourself and show the world what you’re capable of. Your mind searches for beauty and balance to help it creatively express once Mercury moves into Libra on the 26.

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

It’s time to focus on your values and what matters to you. The beginning of the month pushes you towards a new group of people who support you in your higher ambitions. The 11’s Full Moon in Aquarius emboldens you to break free from any psychological ties you have with others, recalibrating to focus on building your own resources. Over the course of Mars in Gemini, explore different spiritual practices, consider finding ways to be of service to others, and be mindful of unconscious patterns resurfacing. Virgo season turns your attention to your neighbourhood and acquaintances. What places and people close to you help you feel grounded? Your mind will feel quite abuzz as of the 4. You might feel more compelled to write than usual. The Virgo New Moon is a great time to let it flow out of you. 


September 2022, Holiscopes


July 2022, Holiscopes