September 2022, Holiscopes


September shifts us fully back to the school of life. With a total of 6 Retrograde planets by the time Mercury makes its station on the 10, it is a time to reflect and integrate lessons learned. As we move from Virgo to Libra season, we release clutter in our physical and emotional bodies, minds, physical spaces and relationships, to make space for a new level of connection and balance within ourselves and our links to the outside world. 

Venus in Virgo as of the 5 places an emphasis on being of service in our relationships, with our resources, and experiences of beauty. We are invited to be mindful of gripping on too tightly to control in these areas, as perfectionism is the shadow side of Virgo energy. 

Mere hours before the Full Moon in Pisces on the 10, Mercury stations Retrograde in the sign of Libra. The energies of this lunation encourage us to zoom out of the details to be held by the bigger web of life, to indulge our messy, creative parts, and wait to resolve any conflicts, as Neptune’s influence can be attributed to misunderstandings. Mercury journeys back into Virgo on the 23, before finally stationing direct on October 2. 

The infamous Saturn-Uranus square that characterised much of 2021 returns slightly softer on the 15, increasing general tension in the next couple of monthsOn the 23, we welcome Libra season with the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. We honour the dwindling daylight hours with a renewed commitment to ourselves and our relationships. 

Two days later, the New Moon in Libra arrives. Here we are more emotionally sensitive and perceptive in relationships, and have the ability to deeply feel the little things we appreciate in others. We begin a new cycle and can call in new people that support balance and beauty in our lives.  

September concludes with Venus’ ingress into Libra on the 29. In one of its home signs, Venus is pleased, sharing theoys and charms of life with harmonious connections to others.

Virgo & Virgo Rising 

Happy Solar Return, Virgo! In the wake of the Virgo New Moon in August, commit to being of service to your best self. Venus in Virgo as of the 5 highlights self-love in all its forms. Mercury Retrograde, beginning in Libra on the 10, is about revisiting your ideas of values and beauty, balancing them with what you share with others. Libra season begins on the 23 as Mercury moves back to Virgo. Self-reflect while grounding into your resources and values. The 10’s Pisces Full Moon gets you out of your head and into the joy of your close relationships. Challenges could arise when it comes to your career on the 16, yet these energies also support getting what you want in this area of life. On the New Moon in Libra, appreciate what you have within you, and what’s in your possession.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Virgo season deepens your spiritual connection and encourages selflessness as you prepare for your Solar Return. Giving back to others would be a good use of the Venus in Virgo energies beginning the 5. Mercury Retrograde is about your spiritual self. How do you live in the gap between the one and only you and the mysteries of life? On the 10’s Full Moon in Pisces honour the way you experience the spiritual in your everyday life. On the 16, you might get the urge to travel somewhere to learn more about the world. During your season, you’ll continue to rediscover the beauty of yourself. On the 25’s Libra New Moon, put all this self-discovery into words. Allow inspiration to flow as you write or create something that celebrates who you are. Your self-love gets a boost when Venus moves to Libra on the 29.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

As Virgo season continues, your soul is most at ease connecting to and cooperating with groups of people. Mercury Retrograde in Libra as of the 10 helps you uncover unconscious drives, while in Virgo, allows you to reconfigure your goals to best serve humanity. Good karmic energy surrounds you and supports a spiritual depth to your creativity on the 10th’s Pisces Full Moon. Tensions between your home life and close relationships may build as of the 15, while on the 16, your 8th house drive to explore who you are beneath the surface is at odds with your friendships. During Libra season, it could be interesting to try a past life regression, to explore how your current relationship karma might be related to a previous life. Both the 25’s New Moon in Libra and while Mercury Retrograde is in Libra between the 10 and 23 are potent times.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Virgo season helps you dig into the details of what you want to be known for, Sagittarius. Once Mercury stations Retrograde on the 10, it’s time to reexamine your goals and relationship to groups you’re a part of. When it makes its way back to Virgo on the 23, continue to ponder your career. The 10’s Full Moon in Pisces is best spent in a familiar environment. Do something playful outside of your normal routine on the 21. Libra season as of the 23 is a magnificent time to remind yourself and everyone else that you’re the life of the party, as you navigate groups with ease. Throw a shindig on the 25’s Libra New Moon to show your friends how much you appreciate them. Your ruling planet Jupiter’s influence the next day will have you extra optimistic yet also prone to overdoing things.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Virgo season will both ground you and expand your horizons. This could be about travelling somewhere spectacular, but there is always something to learn right where you are. The 10’s Full Moon in Pisces is a chance to find new ideas and bonds in your vicinity. With Mercury Retrograde in Libra the same day, you may feel the need to release certain words in the workplace. Reflect on it a little longer. Libra season in general highlights your public reputation and beautifully underlines your long-term goals. Who in your circles can support you in your visions? Who can you help in return? Commit to strengthening the relationships in your life that need work, not just career ones, on the 25’s Libra New Moon. Remembering your core values helps push you forward in daily life on the 28. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Virgo season is likely to unearth many hidden parts of you, Aquarius. Your mind wanders to something beyond you and your everyday life, and once Mercury Retrograde begins in Libra on the 10, you can create something of beauty by putting these thoughts into words. Mercury back in Virgo on the 23 — the same day Libra season begins — could have you nitpicking yourself more than usual. Spend time discussing the big questions of life with friends to ease some of this tension. On the 10’s Full Moon in Pisces, free yourself of anything you possess that doesn’t belong to your Higher Self, whether physical or not. Remind yourself you can’t possibly know everything and commit to learning more about the beauty of the universe on the 25’s New Moon in Libra.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

What small things do you appreciate about your close relationships, Pisces? Reflect on it all throughout Virgo season, and review which ones aren’t serving you, especially once Mercury Retrograde makes its way to Virgo on the 23. Before that, Mercury stations Retrograde on the 10’s Full Moon in your sign. These energies are conducive to spending an evening alone, letting yourself daydream. Libra season calls for a balanced approach in exploring your shadow self. Don’t be afraid of what you’re ashamed of. What you don’t own, owns you. Neptune, one of your planetary rulers, is very much in on the action this month, and can be deceiving when trying to stick to the facts. The 25’s New Moon in Libra highlights that in order to reach new levels of personal growth, good boundaries need to be set.

Aries & Aries Rising

It may feel that things are moving at both warp-speed and in a zig-zag motion this Virgo season, Aries. Do your best to continue to commit to grounding yourself. The 10’s Pisces Full Moon is a great opportunity to do so. Get lost in the divine beauty of the present and consider a chakra clearing practice. On the 16, notice if you feel extra volatility towards someone in your daily life. Take some breaths before you act in a way you aren’t proud of. Mercury Retrograde from the 10 first activates your 1 on 1 relationships and then your daily life from the 23. Where can adjustments be made? Where can you show up differently for more balance? Libra season is not only about harmony in your relationships, but embracing the beauty of them. Spend the 25’s Libra New Moon with your closest companion.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Soothe yourself this Virgo season by playfully expressing all the tension and beauty of the past while, Taurus. Create artifacts along your journey of transforming self. Mercury Retrograde as of the 10 first in Libra is a time to reimagine your daily life and routines, while in Virgo from the 23, allows you to revisit your past in a light-hearted way. The 10’s Full Moon in Pisces would be wonderfully spent delighting in humanity with a group of people. Beginning on the 15 and lasting a while, there is a struggle between your desire to break free on a personal level and your public responsibilities. Libra season brings more action in your everyday life and more art in all forms. On the 25’s New Moon in Libra set intentions for renewed balance in daily life, and nourishing close relationships.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Virgo season might have you strengthening your connection to your roots. Explore your family of origin or the places you’ve called home, especially once Mercury Retrograde makes its way back to Virgo on the 23. Before that, begin with focusing your creativity at the start of it on the 10. The Full Moon in Pisces invites a release of any self-doubt when it comes to your career and what you want to be known for. Trust that the bigger picture is coming into focus. Libra season propels your creativity and need for a physical outlet. Finding new ways to move your body can help, especially with the added drive of Mars in your sign. On the New Moon in Libra, invite new romance into your life — whether it's an intimate relationship or general lust for life.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Virgo season helps you ground into your immediate surroundings with a new level of mindfulness. Look out for things you hadn’t noticed before. Around the 10’s Full Moon in Pisces, you may find yourself meeting people who expand your consciousness, or who appear to you in synchronistic ways. During Mercury Retrograde, you revisit ideas of home and family until the 23 — then your focus reorients to intellectual pursuits. Once Libra season comes around on the same day, it could be interesting to study ideas of home and family in some way. On a more aesthetic note, the 25’s New Moon in Libra is a wonderful time to invite in more balance and beauty to your living space, by making plans to rearrange it.

Leo & Leo Rising

Virgo season asks you to take inventory of what you possess down to the last crumb. More than what you physically own, it’s about your skills and resources. How is it all serving you? Mercury Retrograde in Virgo as of the 23 invites even more room for reflection. Before that, in Libra from the 10, your mind is abuzz as you ponder different facets of the world around you. The 10’s Full Moon in Pisces highlights what you share with others. Are these mutual agreements, spoken or not, working for you? Ground into the reality of it all, let go where you need to, and trust that the support you need will always present itself to you. Libra season starting the 23 is a busier time for you socially and intellectually. The New Moon in Libra is a great time to explore an intriguing place in your area with friends.


October 2022, Holiscopes


August 2022, Holiscopes