October 2022, Holiscopes


An opportunity for balanced rebirth awaits us this October. Will you choose to stay with what’s resurfacing without escaping it, so that you can shift into your new era?

As Libra season continues, we are tested with questions of what is fair and what is truly beautiful. Energies directed inward express themselves externally with a few Retrogrades coming to a close — first Mercury stations Direct in Virgo on the 2, then Pluto in Capricorn on the 8, with Saturn in Aquarius joining the 22. Communication stabilizes and eases up, and structures change form in a noticeable way, allowing us to completely rebuild them in a lasting manner.

The Full Moon in Aries illuminates both pain and our personal power to transmute it on the 9. Forgive yourself for any actions you aren’t proud of, and release any frustrations coming up. We can be prone to numbing our feelings, especially as Mars in Gemini builds up to a square to Neptune in Pisces.

Mercury moves back into Libra on the 11, providing a chance to harmonize any relational discordance during Retrograde. Libra’s balance makes way for depth and intensity with the arrival of Scorpio season on the 23, and Venus simultaneously makes its way into the fixed water sign. Diving into our emotional and psychological landscape, we value more intensity and mystery in our relationships. ‘How deep is your love?’ is a perfectly valid question, especially once Mercury shifts into Scorpio on the 29.

Eclipse season begins once more with a transformative New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 25. Pluto’s influence encourages our rebirth through a new cycle, while Mars sets us on the right track, so long as we remain grounded in reality and don’t overindulge.

Jupiter, still Retrograde, leaves the sign of Aries and re enters Pisces on the 28. Here, we revisit our spiritual growth first highlighted last year, in addition to our faith in humanity.

October concludes with Mars stationing Retrograde in the sign of Gemini on the 30. Until January, we look back on our actions, drive, and ability to multitask. Be open to plans changing at a moment’s notice, for things to not unfold the way we expect, and frustration at a lack of forward motion.

Libra & Libra Rising

Blessed Solar Return, Libra! As you channel extra self-love these next few weeks there is a sense of equilibrium to be reached this month between self and other. The Full Moon in Aries illuminates this topic. Release any past hurt others may have caused you without blame to continue evolving into your truest self. Around the 12, your drive to explore may be tampered by the reality of your everyday life with Mars square Neptune. The days leading up to Scorpio season on the 23 are transformative both at home and when it comes to travel. Scorpio season asks how you really feel about money and your personal values. The 25’s Solar Eclipse in Scorpio opens a portal to calling in new resources, while Mars Retrograde in Gemini as of the 30 is an opportunity to review how you expand your view of life.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Relish in alone time In the lead up to your season, Scorpio. Get your spiritual stuff in order to prepare for all of the transformative energies emerging. Take opportunities to deepen your soul connection. Purge anything that’s not serving you in daily life on the 9’s Full Moon in Aries — don’t just bury it deeper. Creatively explore your soul on the 12, in spite of mounting frustration. Scorpio season is a time to step into a new era of you. Release any need to control this process on the 25’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse. Your future does not have to be defined by your past. Remember what you value about yourself and don’t be afraid to share it with others once Mercury moves into your sign on the 29. Mars Retrograde urges you to use your inner drive in a constructive way to further explore all of who you are.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Don’t forget who you are as you navigate through community in Libra season, Sagittarius. The beginning of the month offers creative expansion in a group setting. As old wounds resurface around the 7, move into it deeper with playful energy on the 9’s Full Moon in Aries. Family dynamics may interfere with your 1 on 1 relationships around the 12, as Mars squares Neptune. Consider winding down social activities as Scorpio season approaches. Come the 23, you’ll be craving a spiritual recharge. The 25’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse is best spent alone, going where the energy takes you. Your ruling planet Jupiter leaves Aries and re-enters Pisces on the 28. There’s opportunity for growth and new beliefs about domestic life. Mars Retrograde in Gemini helps you work through issues in your close relationships.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

In Libra season, there is a reckoning between your public and private self. On a soul level, your ambitions and career life come to the forefront, but then the 9’s Full Moon in Aries highlights feelings of home and family. Allow yourself to process any tough emotions here. Don’t let other people’s words confuse your ideals about health and routine around the 12. Less is often more. As Scorpio season comes around on the 23, your ruling planet Saturn stations direct. Here, you might be more confident in your own abilities, which supports you as you find yourself working more cooperatively. The 25’s Solar Eclipse opens up possibilities for deeper, more powerful connections to groups and humanity at large. During Mars Retrograde, review how you move through daily life — What’s working and what’s not?

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

As you move through Libra season, you continue to integrate life lessons and expand your horizons. Pluto Direct on the 8 allows the spiritual changes you’ve experienced to be more tangibly felt. On the 9’s Full Moon in Aries, you may find yourself returning to unhelpful thought patterns. With this awareness, you can release them and reinforce newer, supportive thoughts and beliefs. As Mars and Neptune come together in a square on the 12, you take a more creative, spiritual approach to your values. Scorpio season is a time to reclaim your ambition and power in a public way. With the 25’s Solar Eclipse, see what new beginnings emerge in this area of your life without you having to force anything. Look back to the ways you were creative and physically active in childhood during Mars Retrograde.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Explore your psychological landscape and the boundaries between what's yours and what’s not this Libra season. The following weeks would be a great time to dig deep with a coach or therapist, and on the 19 you might find a group activity transformative. On the 9’s Full Moon in Aries, take pride in what you possess — celebrate your unique talents. Mars square Neptune on the 12 may activate self-doubt when it comes to how you assert yourself in home and family matters. Scorpio season plunges you deeper and wider into the mysteries of life. The 25’s Scorpio Solar Eclipse inspires ideas about a trip or a new area of philosophical inquiry. Reflect on your personal growth as Jupiter moves back into Pisces on the 28. Review how you act and react when it comes to home and family during Mars Retrograde.

Aries & Aries Rising

What have you learned so far as you explore your close relationships, Aries? The Full Moon in your sign on the 9 is a chance to celebrate yourself, while honouring the difficulties you’ve been through. In the build up to Mars square Neptune on the 12, you may be more driven by spirituality, especially in exploring your immediate surroundings and connecting to acquaintances. On the 18, you might find a need for physical activity. Scorpio season is about exploring the depths of your soul. The 25’s Solar Eclipse opens new possibilities here. Consider trying shadow work, especially once Mercury moves into Scorpio on the 29. Mars Retrograde is a chance to review how your communication style and actions relate to one another.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Sometimes, in order to achieve balance, we first reach an extreme. Be extra kind to yourself if this has been the case for you, Taurus. Continue adding beauty to your daily life throughout Libra season. On the 9’s Full Moon in Aries, you’re closing a chapter of emotions and energy you might not consciously understand. Mars square Neptune on the 12 can bring forth confusion between your ideals for humanity and how you act on your personal values. Venus and Saturn come together harmoniously on the 14, stabilizing your work relationships. Scorpio season is about going below the surface of close relationships, with the Solar Eclipse on the 25 ushering in a new beginning in your love life. Mars Retrograde asks you to reflect on how you use your resources and what motivates you.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Pour your energy into your creativity for the rest of Libra season, Gemini. A small daily output can generate great results over time. As Mercury stations direct on the 2, you may find that communication is easier with family. The Full Moon in Aries on the 9 is best spent in a group creative activity. Be extra clear in your intentions to act towards your career on the 12. While Mercury is in Libra as of the 11, you channel more inspiration for your projects. In Scorpio from the 29, your mental energy directs towards daily life. Be open to new ideas and practices to better your health once Scorpio season arrives, especially on the 25’s Solar Eclipse. During Mars Retrograde in your sign, reflect on how you assert yourself and give yourself permission to slow down.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Libra season implores you to consider balance in your home and family. What feels like balance in these areas, especially when contrasted with your public life? Pluto direct on the 8 renders changes in a close relationship more apparent. The energies of the 17 may stir up subconscious forces and intense emotions with this or another person. On the 9’s Full Moon in Aries, celebrate your progress in building the unique career of your dreams. The 12’s Mars-Neptune square encourages spiritual activity or a pilgrimage to somewhere meaningful. Scorpio season is best spent plunging yourself into your creative practice, while the 25’s Solar Eclipse is time to start a new project or recommit a previous one. Mars Retrograde encourages carefully thought-out actions when it comes to giving back to others.

Leo & Leo Rising

What new ideas and acquaintances have come into your life this Libra season, Leo? Continue to find inspiration in your immediate surroundings. On the 9’s Full Moon in Aries, release the need to everything, and accept the mysteries of life. As Mars squares Neptune on the 12, something unexpected may happen to shared resources, or you act unconsciously in a group. Your inner self and values align on the 22, while you are able to set better boundaries in your close relationships. Scorpio season peels back the layers of societal programming when it comes to family dynamics and home. Set intentions on the Scorpio Solar Eclipse for new, supportive perspectives in this part of life. Mars Retrograde helps you examine how you act amongst the collective and your drive towards higher goals.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

As Mercury stations direct on the 2, you gain confidence in speaking your needs. In Libra season, you understand your true values and the beauty of what you own. The Full Moon in Aries shakes out old patterns preventing you from fully expressing yourself. Once Mercury returns to Libra on the 11, your mental focus shifts to finances. In Scorpio as of the 29, you communicate with others more profoundly. A close relationship could negatively impact your career when Mars squares Neptune on the 12. Be clear with your needs and boundaries. Scorpio season has you noticing subtleties you haven’t before in your immediate surroundings. Spend the Solar Eclipse uncovering a mysterious part of your neighbourhood. Mars Retrograde invites reflection on the actions you’ve taken in your career thus far.


November 2022, Holiscopes


September 2022, Holiscopes