November 2022, Holiscopes


This November, we collectively go deep in order to expand. Scorpio season reveals the true profundity of our connections to each other. In its first week, Venus, planet of beauty and relationships, currently in Scorpio, faces off with both Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Aquarius. On one hand, our relations are infused with the exciting and unexpected; on the other, their reality is objectively reevaluated. We notice how what we share with others, even psychologically, makes us what we are.

The 8’s electrifying Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is a conclusion of what began last November. Built-up energy releases as changes unfold. We embrace our personal values, the Earth and all she provides. We delineate boundaries between what is ours and what is to be shared. We find the words to release deep ties to people or things that are no longer for us. We push through fears and take responsibility to move forward.

Sagittarius energy enters the collective as of the 16, first with Venus in the mutable fire sign, which asks, how can our relationships help us grow and expand? Next is Mercury in Sagittarius on the 17 — how can we communicate our truths without jumping to conclusions? Sagittarius season officially begins on the 22 when the Sun makes its way to the sign of the archer. His arrow comes up for air and points towards the cosmos at the bigger picture.

The New Moon in Sagittarius arrives on the 23, tuning us into optimism and expansion. It enables us to zoom out on relationships, what’s really important to us, to distil deep feelings of beauty and experience into just a few words, and understand how things are interconnected. Jupiter, Sagittarius’ ruler, blesses the season, stationing direct in the sign of Pisces on the 24. Here, we are emboldened to radiate our soul-level expansion outward.

On the 29, with sure-of-itself Mercury in Sagittarius opposite multifaceted Retrograde Mars in Gemini, there is potential for conflict and difficulties. Accept the beauty of difference, instead of the certainty that your beliefs are superior.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

On the occasion of your Solar Return, take a moment to appreciate how far you’ve come in the past year, Scorpio. In the build up to the 8’s Taurus Lunar Eclipse, expect sudden shifts in your relationships and note their link to karmic patterns in your family life. While your self expression is bolstered, the Eclipse is a welcome conclusion, strengthened by boundaries you decide to set. Venus and Pluto’s alignment on the 13 intensifies the need to belong, especially in your immediate surroundings. Sagittarius energy lights up the area of your chart related to personal possessions. Venus and Mercury make their move on the 16 and 17, a good opportunity to take inventory of your finances. Sagittarius season highlights your expansive personal values. Recommit to them on the 23’s New Moon.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Continue to charge your spiritual batteries as you move through Scorpio season. Sudden changes in your daily life could impact your holistic view of the world on the 8’s Lunar Eclipse. Remember, how you do one thing in life is how you do everything. Venus and Mercury moving into your sign on the 16 and 17 shifts the focus back onto you. What parts of yourself have you been neglecting? What’s really important to you? As your season begins on the 22, set the intention to get to know yourself better and realign with your expansive self on the 23’s Sagittarius New Moon. Your ruling planet Jupiter stations direct on the 24, offering expansion in your home life. Be mindful of potential disagreements with those close to you on the 29, and take responsibility for your past actions.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Scorpio season asks you to cooperate with others like never before, Capricorn. Allow yourself to shed old ways of connecting to groups. Your ruling planet Saturn’s influence on the 7 asks you to move through any fears in aligning your spirituality with your personal values. Channel any built-up energy into creative expression on the 8’s Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Once Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius in the middle of the month, there is a preoccupation with exploring the unseen, with getting in touch with your spiritual self. The 23’s New Moon in Sagittarius is a great time to start a meditation practice or commit to new rituals that connect you to something greater than the physical world. Jupiter direct on the 24 adds appreciation for your living space and your private self.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Continue to stand in your power this Scorpio season, Aquarius. Allow it to unfold gracefully as you shed past patterns that have held you back. Your innermost fears may emerge in career discussions on the 7. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus illuminates your home and family, signalling the end of a phase and a nudge towards change. It can be as simple as rearranging furniture or finally hanging some art on the walls. Sagittarius energy encourages you to grow amongst the collective; the words flow easily and you learn to trust the bigger picture as of the 17 thanks to Mercury. Find a way to experience expansion in a group setting on the New Moon in Sagittarius. Saturn’s influence on the 30 boosts your focus and helps reveal what can be improved.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

As you move through Scorpio season, Pisces, continue to broaden your horizons. If you’ve been thinking about a new career, now is the time to dive in and do some research. On the 8’s Taurus Lunar Eclipse, there is a depth to your interactions with others, and you are no longer satisfied with surface-level relationships. Some might need to be released. Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius from the 16 inspire you to consider your ambitions. Where have you held yourself back? Neptune’s influence on the 19 might have you doubting yourself, especially in reference to home and family issues. Confront these matters head on. Sagittarius season and the New Moon on the 23 encourage a fresh cycle in your career. Jupiter direct in your sign on the 24 will help you transcend any perceived limits.

Aries & Aries Rising

As you journey deeper within yourself, Aries, how do your own values change? How do you set boundaries with others to maintain them? These themes emerge on the 8’s Taurus Lunar Eclipse. The more you commit to understanding your inner process, the more triumphant you will emerge once Sagittarius season comes around. As of the 16, you are drawn to relationships that feel expansive and contemplate a new destination to explore. On the Sagittarius New Moon, allow your imagination to guide you to your next trip. Retrograde Mars and Neptune’s alignment on the 19 might have you feeling withdrawn from your immediate surroundings. As Jupiter stations direct in Pisces, you begin to integrate spiritual lessons from the past month.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

The end has no end, Taurus, because it’s really a beginning. As Scorpio and Eclipse season floats on, you might find yourself in the final chapter of certain relationships to make space for books of companionship you’ve never imagined. Some people in your life are simply unable to appreciate your evolution, and this will become more apparent as the Lunar Eclipse radiates in your sign on the 8. Venus in Sagittarius intensifies your interactions and brings mysteries to the surface. As the season begins, you realize that although your material possessions are nice, who you are on a soul level is eternal. The 21 may give insight to new paths of learning. The New Moon in Sagittarius is an invitation to devote yourself to one.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Through Scorpio season, you’re transforming with daily life, releasing habits that lead you astray from your Higher Self. Immerse yourself in a meditative soundbath or somewhere you can go beyond the everyday on the Taurus Lunar Eclipse to reconnect with the best version of you. Sagittarius season highlights your relationships. Be mindful of making assumptions about others once Mercury makes its way into the fire sign on the 17. Remember that anyone we encounter in life has something to teach us. Don’t get discouraged if something career-related doesn’t go as planned on the 19. Be open to alternate routes. Spend the New Moon in Sagittarius with close friends, and set goals together for the next 6 months.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Cancer, continue to nurture your creativity as if it were a baby animal. Prioritze your self-expression. You’re worth it. On the 8’s Lunar Eclipse in Taurus, celebrate the groups that you’re part of, and the fact that you’re closer to your goals than this time last year. From the 16, your focus shifts to the magic and mystery of everyday life. Harness the optimism of the season to check in with your health and routines. On the 23’s New Moon in Sagittarius, think about daily commitments that will support your growth over the next 6 months. Jupiter direct in Pisces brings expansive knowledge you’ve been synthesizing to your career. Towards the end of the month, take care to not allow subconscious patterns to sabotage your progress.

Leo & Leo Rising

Your conception of home and family transforms through Scorpio season. Go deeper by exploring your ancestry, and don’t be surprised if a block comes up in discussing this with a loved one around the 11. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse shakes up your public life — perhaps a career change, or a shift in what you’re known for. Sagittarius season demands playful expansion. Revisit activities you enjoyed as a child and enjoy them for nothing more than pleasure. The 23’s Sagittarius New Moon provides space to attune to the best direction for your creative expression. Jupiter Direct in Pisces allows your soul to expand, and might bring an unexpected gift of resources.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo, what magic have you noticed in your immediate surroundings? Write a gratitude list of everything you’ve remarked on this Scorpio season. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse marks the conclusion of something you’ve been exploring, whether it’s a physical place or an area of study. Be open to insights about what’s next for you, especially around the 15. Sagittarius season expands your concept of home, and the 23’s New Moon opens you up to what’s truly important to you in this area of life. Jupiter Direct in Pisces blesses your relationships and takes them to a new level. Be mindful of career happenings affecting family matters on the 29.

Libra & Libra Rising

As you continue to get to the core of what truly matters to you, Libra, allow yourself to release anything holding you back from it. Take extra care to release any stagnant emotions from your body. First start by acknowledging them, locating any tension, and give permission for them to leave as they wish. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse is a great moment for this practice. Sagittarius season brings more activity than usual, especially in your neighbourhood, and more clarity to your thinking. Spend the 23’s New Moon getting to know casual acquaintances in your life better. Jupiter Direct on the 24 unlocks more empathy for others. Hold onto it, especially as disagreements with neighbours or acquaintances are likely on the 29.


December 2022, Holiscopes


October 2022, Holiscopes