February 2022, Holiscopes


With both Venus and Mercury stationing direct by the first few days of the month, February brings forth renewed clarity on the level of our values, communication, and relationships. As we are now in the collective sign of Aquarius, with a focus on humanity, innovation, and the future, we will be better able to bring our ideas and energies outward, beyond our subjective cocoons. 

The New Moon in Aquarius on the 1 is an opportune moment to think about how we can best serve the collective, reconnect to our dreams, and allow our eccentricities to shine. A few days later on the 4, Mercury will station direct in the sign of Capricorn. Mars forms a sextile to Jupiter on the same day, adding physical vitality and offering opportunities for new beginnings. Act on any clarity you’ve received in the past weeks, especially on the level of Capricorn themes like ambition and career. 

On the 11, Mercury conjoins Pluto in Capricorn, connoting intense mental activity, especially on a long-term project or deep investigative work. Mercury will change signs to Aquarius on the 14, expanding our minds and encouraging us to communicate more uniquely.

February 16 brings the Full Moon in Leo, a time to celebrate yourself, your creativity, and connect to your heart centre. The same day, Venus conjoins Mars in Capricorn near Pluto, bringing a compulsion to pursue your desires and ambitions in a deep, transformative way, and calling for the balance of the feminine and masculine energies within you. 

Pisces season begins on the 18, foregrounding sensitivity, empathy, and intuition. The month concludes with Mercury square Uranus on the 25, infusing electricity into the day with the possibility of flashes of insights and new phenomena.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Happy birthday, Aquarius! It’s time to take stock of what’s really going on with you. Although much of your essence has to do with collective concerns, your first duty is to yourself this month. What do you need to recharge yourself for the rest of the year? How do you want to express yourself? Think about this on the New Moon in your sign the first of the month. With Venus and Mars still in Capricorn, you are still valuing solitude and spirituality and feeling like you have a lot to give in your relationships. But don’t be surprised if you’re feeling frustrated in these areas, especially when Venus and Mars form a conjunction on the 16. With the Full Moon in Leo the same day, release anything that’s not serving you in your relationships. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Dear Pisces, you should feel somewhat at ease this Aquarius season experiencing a more spiritual way of being. Your dreams may bleed into your regular life more than usual, and you may find yourself spending more time alone. Make the best of it with some extra meditation. Remember you are always connected to others, even in solitude. You’ve been going through a great deal of change and in some ways might feel like a chameleon, but don’t lose sight of the true inner you. If you’ve been thinking about starting or joining a project or group, you might make the first move around the 23 or 24. Before that on the 18, it will be Pisces season, illuminating your confidence and self-awareness. Take inventory of the ways you wish to grow this year.

Aries & Aries Rising 

While you’re known for your independence and ability to get things started, Aquarius season asks you to shift your focus to the groups that you’re a part of. How can you use your talents to benefit those around you? What can you accomplish in cooperation with others? Let your idealism take the lead. There’s still quite a focus on your career and ambitions–opportunities to grow may come forth around February 4, and you might feel a strong drive to excel at work around the 16. Make time for play and creativity on the Leo Full Moon the same day. Pisces season will present more opportunities for rest and exploring your spirituality. Pay special attention to your dreams around the 23, as you may receive insights into your career path.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

For the past couple of years, the influence of Saturn has been asking you to get serious about your career, and Aquarius season shines a spotlight on this theme. What do you want to be known for? How has your path unfolded? What obstacles have you overcome? You may have recently received some clarity on this, and your continued compulsion to explore will assist you. Set intentions surrounding your ambitions on the 1’s New Moon. You will likely feel more emboldened to take the next step towards your professional desires around the 16, but spending the evening’s Full Moon cozy at home will serve you best. Neptune’s sextile with Venus on the 24 will help you dream bigger in terms of what you want to be known for.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Mercury, your ruling planet, stations direct in Capricorn on the 4, so you should be feeling more clear headed soon after. Your Aquarius season asks you to expand your horizons and intellectually explore big topics like spirituality and philosophy. Mercury links up with Pluto on the 11, demanding a depth to your mental processes. This would be an ideal day for thorough research. When Mercury moves back into Aquarius on the 14, you might be reminded of expansive ideas you had last month. If they fully align with your desires, take action around the 16 for maximum impact. Uranus’ square to Mercury on the 25 could increase any anxious tendencies, but also has the potential to allow you to view things from a different perspective. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising 

Aquarius season asks you to get in touch with your emotional health, dear Cancer. Although feelings are no stranger to you, it’s a time to get to the root of them, and observe what kind of inner transformation they’re asking of you. When Mercury moves into Aquarius on the 14, your mental energy will be more focused on all of this, so consider consulting a therapist or a trusted friend to help you process it all. The Full Moon in Leo and the Venus Mars conjunction on the 16 could present an opportunity to meet a new friend or potential partner, or make a bold move in such a situation. In any case, prioritise doing something that you value and that makes you feel abundant on this day.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Leo, Aquarius season has much to do with exploring your 1 on 1 relationships and self-knowledge through the mirror of others. Set intentions for the type of people you wish to meet or strengthen bonds with on the 1’s New Moon. On the 4, some unforeseen obstacles may come your way, but if you do your best to zoom out, you will learn a valuable lesson. You’ve likely been attracted to powerful, mysterious people, and someone of this nature might shake up your everyday routine on the Full Moon in your sign on February 16. Use this day to do something that makes you feel like a star. Also consider an activity that’s good for your body or makes you feel useful. Once Pisces season begins on the 18, psychological concerns may pronounce themselves.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

What clarity did you receive during Mercury Retrograde? How has your creative expression shifted and how might your daily life be reconfigured to accommodate it? See what you can begin to integrate once Mercury stations direct on the 4. The 11 is an ideal day for getting in the zone with mental, artistic work. Once Mercury moves properly into Aquarius on the 14, you will find it hard not to think about improvements to your health and work. Take advantage of the Aquarian energy to try something innovative. The Full Moon in Leo on the 16 will be quite spiritual for you, but also offers an opportunity to make a romantic move. Come Pisces season, your 1 on 1 relationships come into the spotlight, with this area of your life set for expansion for most of 2022.

Libra & Libra Rising 

With the retrograde shadow of your ruling planet Venus receding, you should be feeling less fuzzy, especially in the areas of home and family. While some of your energy will still be lingering there, your creative expression and playfulness is illuminated this Aquarius season. The Full Moon in Leo would be best spent with a group that feels like family. With Pisces season kicking off on the 18, you’ll be busier than usual, so take advantage of the down time you have before then. Neptune’s influence on the 24 will make for a dreamy day at home, feeling more connected to everyone in general but especially those you see every day. Be open to creative inspiration and perhaps watch a movie you loved as a child.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Deep transformations are abound for you Scorpio, in your private life and when it comes to home and family. Spend the New Moon in Aquarius on 1 musing on the changes you have gone through and how you’d like to forge ahead. The 11 will also bring you back to these themes. The 4 is a great day to flirt with someone you’ve been afraid to approach or channel your energy into something creative, especially since your mind has been particularly abuzz with ideas. On the 8, you’ll be more willing to take a risk or start something new. The Full Moon in Leo asks you to be sensitive to the needs of others at work and release any hang ups you have about fully expressing yourself in your career. Pisces season will bring creativity and playful activities to the front. 

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Your immediate surroundings are in focus this month, Sagittarius. While you are one to crave travel and far-reaching experiences, you may find yourself more embedded in what’s close to home. You might feel ready to make an upgrade to your living situation around the 4, and making a move when it comes to money or personal abundance is likely when Venus aligns with Mars in Capricorn on the 16. Your personal values are still central in February. How do they pronounce themselves when it comes to your physical surroundings? Pisces season beginning the 18 will be more inward for you, focusing on your home, family, and past. Shifts in your everyday life or your health may help you to reshuffle things in your home or private sphere for your highest good.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

With much of your energy still focused inward in Aquarius season, there will be some illumination of your personal values. Did you glean any insights about them last month? Allow yourself to be innovative and unique in terms of what’s important to you, and set intentions about this on the 1’s New Moon. These ideas may return to you in full once Mercury enters Aquarius on the 14.You might have more discipline when it comes to finances or your material possessions on the 4. The 16 will compel you to act on something that’s significant to your own development, and the Full Moon that night may bring up some deep feelings. Make space to let them out. Pisces season should bring lucidity and the motivation to tell people like it is. 


March 2022, Holiscopes


January 2022, Holiscopes