January 2022, Holiscopes


Welcome to 2022! This Venus year, according to numerology, begins with a continuation of the planet’s retrograde in Capricorn until January 29. We are being called to go within to examine how we relate with others, our self-worth, and beauty in a practical manner. Venus makes a conjunction with the Sun on the 8, bringing its blessings and allowing us to connect more deeply with the people and things we value. 

Since December 21’s Winter Solstice, we’ve been collectively grounding into the energy of Capricorn. Responsible, practical, no-nonsense, the cardinal earth sign nudges us towards taking initiative on worldly matters individually and globally. 

The New Moon in Capricorn on the 2 is an opportune moment to set intentions related to these themes, to step into accountability and integrity, especially in the areas where it seems most arduous. Mercury moving into Aquarius earlier that day allows for more innovative contemplation, with our minds more future-focused. 12 days later on the 14, Mercury will station retrograde. 

The 17’s Full Moon in Cancer offers a respite, a chance to nourish ourselves and envelop ourselves in security. Seeds we planted back in July 2021 may now come to fruition. 

Soon after on the 18, Uranus in Taurus stations direct which could encourage more outward expressions of rebellion or sudden change. The beginning of Aquarius season on the 20 is likely to usher in transformation and intellectual expansion, yet Mars moving into Capricorn on the 24 and Mercury Retrograde retreating back into the same cardinal earth sign on the 26 adds a dash of caution and pragmatism to our approach. 

Overall, January brings forth an inward, grounded energy with flashes of inspiration and glimpses of our future. 

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Happy Capricorn season! For most of January, your energy is most potent directed inward. We begin with a New Moon in your sign on the 2 - a moment to set intentions for your own growth and renewal. With Mercury in Aquarius for this lunation, you may also gain new insights about your personal values. The 16 and 17 are ripe for deep transformation and the revelation of shadows. See where you can continue to incorporate spiritual activities into your every day, especially until Mars moves into your sign on the 24. Mercury Retrograde will dip back into Capricorn on the 26 and both Venus and Mercury will be retrograde for a few days from the 26 to 29. Spend them reflecting on how you process information and show up as yourself when relating. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

Have you been journeying deeper into your spiritual side, Aquarius? This is what Capricorn season asks of you. To feel interconnected with all there is before Aquarius energy takes over. By the 18, when one of your ruling planets, Uranus stations direct, you might feel more compelled to express yourself outwardly, fully  embracing your eccentricity. Before that from the 12 to 16, Mercury will be stationing retrograde as it forms a square to Uranus, shaking up how you process information and perhaps receiving out of the ordinary insights. Once your season begins on the 20, you’ll feel more compelled to focus on yourself in a more straightforward way. You may be uncertain about who you are at the end of the month, don’t force yourself to have a concrete answer.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Capricorn season has you focusing on your role in groups and humanity at large. Venus Retrograde asks you to examine and have integrity with how you relate to others when it comes to these themes. Consider setting intentions for how you can take more responsibility on the Capricorn New Moon. Mars square Neptune from the 10-12 could cause feelings of confusion and discouragement, especially when it comes to your career or your reputation. Don’t be fussed about taking action, instead redirect your energy towards creativity. The Cancer Full Moon would be a beautiful opportunity to express this creative spirit, alone or with others. At the start of Aquarius season, you’ll feel a pull towards the dreamier, spiritual side of things.

Aries & Aries Rising

Your ambitions and ideas about career come to the forefront this season, Aries. Venus Retrograde asks you to reflect on your values and how you relate to others responsibly in your professional life. Your drive is still in gear towards exploring. Is there a trip you can take or something you can learn related to your greatest career desires? Is there a mentor you’ve been wanting to speak to? Try to reach out before Mercury stations retrograde on the 14. Your dreams or subconscious might be influencing you to take strange actions, especially between the 10-12. Do your best to pause before you decide on a course of action. Once Mars moves into Capricorn on the 24, you’ll likely be even more energised when it comes to work, but be mindful of pushing your limits.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Since the beginning of Capricorn season, you may have found yourself more interested in the greater world around you, Taurus. Although you have no issues with being a creature of comfort, something has been pulling you to further explore. The New Moon on the 2 would be a great time to tell the Universe where or what you might like to discover. With your ruling planet Venus still retrograde until the 29, you may be finding that this kind of exploration is more about going inward and seeing new possibilities for growth, rather than having to physically go somewhere. Venus’ conjunction to the Sun on the 8 and 9 offers you a blessing and a glimpse into how far you are capable of going. From the 23-30, its trine with Uranus implores you to try something new.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

Your busy mind would love some added depth while the Sun is in Capricorn, Gemini. What relationships do you want to take deeper? What do you value when it comes to sexuality? What have you been pushing under the surface that needs your attention? Be open to unique insights about all this between the 10 and 12 with the influence of Uranus. You might intuit it on a spiritual level or in your dreams. Mercury stations retrograde on the 14, so allow yourself to go inward and parse through whatever’s coming up by journaling. Consider how you nurture your personal values on the 17’s Full Moon in Cancer. Whatever you choose to ignore will likely emerge and want to transform with Pluto conjoining Mercury on the 28 and 29. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Relationships of all kinds are your main area of focus this month. While Venus Retrograde in Capricorn implores us all to take inventory of how self interrelates with others, these themes are accentuated for you, Cancer. Are your relationships balanced? Do you take responsibility in how you show up for those close to you and communicate that you expect the same? The New Moon on the 2 is ideal for contemplating your relationships and setting intentions about them. Intellectual depth is demanded of you for most of the month. Are there certain subjects you feel called to dig into, especially more esoteric ones? While you will be largely preoccupied with others, use the Full Moon in your sign on the 17 to reconnect with and celebrate yourself.

Leo & Leo Rising 

The Sun illuminates the intricacies of everyday life this season, Leo. Consider forming a regular exercise habit, especially until Mars moves into Capricorn on the 24. Be open to excitement and flashes of insight on the 1, when Uranus forms an expansive trine to the Sun - you’ll be urged to embrace it at the end of the month. A dash of beauty in the mundane comes your way when Venus moves particularly close to the Earth on the 8 and 9. Look out for deep shifts in the level of health and routine on the 16 and 17. Allow yourself to mellow out on the Full Moon in Cancer, and consider making a ritual out of it. Prepare to be drawn towards and thinking more about quality 1 on 1 time once Aquarius season begins.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

A sense of playfulness wishes to emerge from you, Virgo, particularly when it comes to your relationships. With much of your energy wanting to be expressed in the area of home and family, playing a silly game among loved ones might do the trick. Your creative energy has been slowly transforming and revealing itself. What are you still suppressing? What shadows surrounding this part of you want to come out to be healed? You’re such a cerebral creature, but removing over-analysis from the equation will be your best creative ally. Your ruling planet Mercury will likely have you rethinking your daily routine and details of your life once it stations retrograde on the 14. Be open to changes in your approach and prepare for deeper mental regeneration on the 28 and 29.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Libra, your Venus Retrograde theme is home life and family. What insights have you gleaned in this area? In general, a lot of your mental energy will be directed towards this until Aquarius season on the 20. While you may be experiencing creative blocks, your family lineage and close surroundings could unlock new potentials and inspiration for you. One of the shadows of Libran energy is people-pleasing. Use the excuse of your ruling planet, Venus being retrograde to examine what you expect in your relationships, and see where you might be overextending yourself. Don’t be afraid to say no to other people, or even to yourself if you’re coming from a place of inauthenticity. Expect more clarity once Venus stations direct on the 29.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Do you feel an extra buzz in the ether, Scorpio? Capricorn season brings forth more activity and communication than usual. Taking some time to write about what you’re observing and sensing in your immediate surroundings will feel therapeutic. Be open to receive some especially fascinating creative inspiration from the 10 to 12, when Neptune forms a square to Mars. This could involve changing something in your physical environment. Shadows and ongoing transformations may reveal themselves around the 16 and 17, when Pluto forms a conjunction to the Sun. The 17’s Full Moon in Cancer will help you illuminate where your soul needs to explore next in order to be nurtured into its next phase. Once Aquarius season begins, home and family will come to the forefront.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

While your energy is more comfortable expanding and perceiving beyond the everyday, Capricorn season and Venus Retrograde asks you to get up close and personal with your own values and physical surroundings. What’s your relationship with self-worth? What value do your environs possess? You will still feel driven towards self-improvement, especially until Mars moves into Capricorn on the 24, so make time for these considerations. The energy of this month should feel quite stable for you. Take advantage by moving slower than usual and making time for reflection. The New Moon on the 2 is a great time to set intentions about your values and possessions, while you could release ideas about shared values and resources that don’t serve you on the 17’s Full Moon.


February 2022, Holiscopes


December 2021, Holiscopes