December 2021, Holiscopes


Now that we’ve journeyed to the depths of our innermost selves, Sagittarius season is the time to come up for air - to aim our arrows at the cosmos, to soak in life’s greater lessons with hope, optimism, and buoyancy.

December begins with dreamy Neptune in Pisces turning direct, inspiring and assisting us with intuition, creativity, and feeling connected to the world around us. 

The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse on the 4 is a super charged New Moon, an opportunity to catch a glimpse into your destiny, into the expansive future that’s meant for you. 

Mars in Scorpio makes a square to Jupiter in Aquarius between the 6 and 9, which can assist us in taking action, but can also incite us to overdo it. Mercury makes its move to Capricorn and Mars to Sagittarius on the same day, the 13. 

The Full Moon in Gemini takes place on the 19, the same day Venus in Capricorn stations Retrograde, making a conjunction to Pluto. A theme here is releasing relationships and values that no longer serve us, and heeding the call of inner transformation.

The Winter Solstice on the 21 coincides with the Sun making its way into Capricorn, ending the year on a more grounded note. However, the final exact Saturn Uranus square of the year occurs a few days later on the 24, which is likely to bring forth sudden changes in structure in our personal and collective lives.

Luckily, Jupiter will move into Pisces on December 29, splashing optimism and spiritual expansion onto our earthy landscape to lead us into 2022.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Happy Solar Return, Sag! You’ll still be driven towards spirituality at the beginning of the month. However, it would behoove you to focus on self-acceptance and improvement this season. Taking action on this between the 6 and 9 will be most effective. The powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign on the 4 will assist you in letting go of any past karma preventing you from connecting with who you truly are. Save any intricate mental activity or difficult conversations for the 11 or 12 if possible. Spend the Full Moon in Gemini with close friends who ground you and share your values, you’ll be feeling extra optimistic thanks to the influence of Jupiter. From the Winter Solstice onward, you’ll be more preoccupied with your values and physical surroundings.  

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Your relationship to self is transforming, and you should have some killer breakthroughs once your season starts on the Winter Solstice. Until then, your mind would be best occupied with spiritual texts and practices. You’re a natural hard worker, so try Yoga Nidra to allow respite for both body and brain. On December 4’s Sagittarius Solar Eclipse, make time to be with yourself and connect to something bigger than you. It would be wise to do what you can to ground yourself before the 24 when Saturn makes an exact square to Uranus, which could be destabilising. Around the time of the Gemini Full Moon, if you’ve been feeling off, take the opportunity to tweak your eating habits and daily routine to create more space and inner peace.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

My dear water-bearer, ambitions are still at the forefront of your mind at the beginning of the month. Take action on them while Mercury is still in Sagittarius, as you’ll feel comfortable communicating in a group setting and moving towards your greater goals, and before Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 13. The 19’s Gemini Full Moon will get your creative and romantic juices flowing, so tap into it! You will feel a pull in the direction of spiritual reflection and rest once Capricorn season begins on the 21. Find your stability as much as you can before your two ruling planets, Saturn and Uranus, form an exact square on the 24, which could cause tensions in your inner landscape and in the world at large.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

December begins with your ruling planet, Neptune, stationing direct in Pisces. If you’ve been feeling a bit disoriented, clarity about your dreams is coming your way. Jupiter, planet of growth and expansion, is coming back to your sign on the 29, which is sure to boost your sense of self, though it’s good to be mindful of indulging in excesses. A major theme of the past few months has been applying lessons you’ve learned over time to increase your trust in the Universe. How has that trust muscle developed? Sagittarius season is asking you to release anything holding you back from embracing your ambitions and communicating your needs fearlessly. Once Capricorn season rolls around, find your stride amongst groups.

Aries & Aries Rising

Sag season is your time to explore and expand your horizons, Aries! Travel or do something adventurous in a group to reap the rewards well into 2022. The 7 to 9 would be an ideal time, as Jupiter will be in the mix. With Mars still in Scorpio, you’ll be feeling driven towards going deep with others on both a psychological and sexual level, but when it moves into Sagittarius on the 13, make time to enlarge your mind and current beliefs. Although the Full Moon in Gemini on the 19 would be best spent at home, your career will be prominent once Capricorn season begins. Saturn forms a supportive sextile to your ruling planet Mars from the 28 until the 31, giving you the discipline you need to get any practical matters out of the way.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Taurus, December demands depth to trudge through uncomfortable places within yourself. As we’re still in Sagittarius season until the 21, ensure you’re balancing your inner work with outer exploration and just plain fun. Since 2008, the influence of Pluto in Capricorn asks you to gain knowledge through experience; to see the world with increased profundity. In Capricorn, Pluto will join with your ruling planet Venus on the 9, staying united until well after it begins its retrograde period on the 19. Be open to transformations in your values and relationships, especially when it comes to ideas of responsibility and applying them beyond your everyday life. Use the Full Moon in Gemini to let go of any physical items that don’t reflect your current values.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

The Sun in Sagittarius is putting a spotlight on your relationships, Gemini. What big life lessons have you gleaned through them? The Solar Eclipse on the 4 opens a view of new relationships that can broaden your scope of possibility. Be mindful of the 7, where you might feel a bit fuzzy in your communications and more prone to unhelpful illusions. Mercury’s move into Capricorn on the 13 will have you pondering what you share with others physically and psychologically. Focus on yourself and what it means to be you on the Full Moon in Gemini. Mercury conjunct Venus on the 29 will deepen your speech and thoughts to and about others and what matters to you. Use this energy to get clarity on what relationships and ideas you’d like to bring through to 2022.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

It’s time to focus on daily life, Cancer. Although at times tedious or outside your comfort zone, what habits have led or can lead to your growth? If you’re needing inspiration, try reading one spiritual quote a day from now until the end of Sagittarius season on the 21. The Solar Eclipse on the 4 can propose a new way of engaging with routine and your body if you make time to quietly receive insights. Outside of the everyday, there’s an increasing emphasis on relationships and your general sense of balance. What’s been out of alignment with your true values and how can you take full responsibility for it? This will be your Venus Retrograde theme.The Gemini Full Moon on the 19 would be best spent in solitude, or doing something of a spiritual nature.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Make your creative expression a priority this Sagittarius season, Leo.  Take full advantage of the cosmic energies at play by initiating a daily creative habit once Mercury moves to Capricorn and Mars ingresses to Sagittarius on the 13. Before that on the 4, be open to artistic insights on the Solar Eclipse and spend the evening doing something playful if possible.More than usual, your energy needs an outlet this month, whether that’s dancing around or engaging in a workout. Notice if you feel a bit depleted around the 11 or 12 and take it easy if necessary. Things should feel as if they’re falling into place on the 19 and 20. Once the Sun moves into Capricorn, a renewed focus on health and body asks you to be mindful of your physical self over the holidays.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Home is where your heart will likely be this month, Virgo. The end of the year can be super charged with idealised versions of family and origins, and your perfectionist tendencies could be directed to these areas. Be kind to yourself, and remember that there’s no such thing as a perfect upbringing or home. The Solar Eclipse could bring forth insights on this. Spend extra time doing things that make you feel safe but not stuck in your comfort zone. You should be feeling more creatively inspired once Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13. Consider making something to help parse your thoughts and feelings about home. The 29 would be a great day to do so in the company of friends. On the 20, you may glean exciting insights on how to solve a problem.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Libra, what have you been curious about that you haven’t allowed yourself to explore? Your immediate surroundings, friends, siblings, and acquaintances are in sharp relief. What topics or people have you made assumptions about without really taking the time to get to know them? Venus Retrograde in Capricorn on the 19 will invoke contemplation of your home life and family. What do you value in this area? How do you relate to people you live with or family members? With your mental energy heightened in Sagittarius season, it could be helpful to journal out your answers or speak to someone in your vicinity about these topics. Look forward to a boost in health and vitality once Jupiter moves into Pisces on the 29, but be kind to your body to avoid overdoing it.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising 

Scorpio, you should still feel quite a boost in overall energy and the will to assert yourself, especially until Mars moves into Sagittarius on the 13. From the 6 to 9, with Mars squaring Jupiter, deliberate actions directed towards a goal will be effective, with your future self more in reach. Take a look at what you physically possess, how it reflects who you are and what you care about. Your immediate surroundings and their messages are more significant than you typically give them credit for. Ask yourself what you value about where you live and the people you interact with on a daily basis. These questions will definitely ask for your attention once Venus Retrograde comes around on the 19. The Venus Pluto conjunction from the 9 to 27 demands profound rebirth in these areas.


January 2022, Holiscopes


November 2021, Holiscopes