November 2021, Holiscopes


Scorpio season is a time to go deep, to get to the core of things. After Libra season’s emphasis on outward expression towards others and balance, we journey inward and downward into the truth. 

With many planets stationing direct in October, many of us may be feeling overwhelmed with all the things we feel emboldened to accomplish and embody. One step at a time. This month will honour those who forge ahead in a focused, meaningful way, with self-awareness, a characteristic of Scorpio’s fixed sign energy.

Shortly after the New Moon in Scorpio on November 4, change is expressly abound. Between the 9 and 12, Mercury and Mars in Scorpio will form a square to Saturn. The profound ideas you have want to be brought to life deliberately, with discipline, and ideally in a way that will benefit everyone’s highest good. 

Sun square Jupiter on the 15 asks us to be proud and confident in ourselves while being realistic about what we are capable of taking on. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus a few days later on the 19 may find those with strong fixed sign energy (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) agitated. Eclipses are connected to the lunar nodes, an important element of astrology related to our destiny. While their energy can be precarious, they help illuminate our karmic path and bring significant shifts to our lives. They are essential in course-correcting the trajectory of our souls. 

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

How will you make the most of your season, Scorpio? Begin the month by integrating lessons of mental and spiritual balance now that Mercury in Libra is fully direct. Harness this inner power to recharge for the year ahead. Ground in your awareness of self, especially on the New Moon in your sign on the 4. Set intentions for how you’d like to transform over the next 6 months until the Full Moon in Scorpio. The mix of Mercury, Mars, Uranus, and Saturn from the 9 to 12 will make it easier for you to take action on deep and innovative ideas you’ve had, but Saturn wants you to be deliberate and create a structure around them. Allow the Lunar Eclipse on the 19 to help you let go and transform on the level of relationships.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Explore your spiritual side for the best use of your energy this month, Sagittarius. If you’ve been feeling that you’ve tried everything to shake certain things from your past, a cosmic answer to your query might do the trick. Open up a conversation with the Universe on the New Moon in Scorpio, this can be as simple as stream-of-consciousness writing in a relaxed state. Around the 15, an amazing opportunity for growth may arise, and it will more likely be yours for the taking if you’re realistic about your abilities and capacity. Once the Sun and Mercury move into your sign on the 22 and 24, you’ll find the right way to illuminate your inner truth.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

What does your vision of the future look like, Capricorn? How do people gather together to collectively build something meaningful? Find ways to solidify these questions into actions in your everyday life. Is there a group you’ve been wanting to join? Observe the ways being with others helps you understand and value yourself more. Mars squares your ruling planet Saturn between the 9 and 12, encouraging you to act on your emotions. Is there something you’ve been avoiding discussing with others, especially that’s compromising your values? Venus in your sign will help ease any confrontation with its charm as of the 5, with Mercury helping you find the words. If possible, speak out before Venus Retrograde shadow on the 17.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

What do you want to be known for, Aquarius? November will compel you to get to the core of this question with depth and substance. What’s motivating your ambitions? Ensure you’re operating from a steady centre at the beginning of the month, as one of your ruling planets Uranus will oppose the Sun, bringing sudden changes that might challenge your expression, particularly at work. With Venus in Capricorn on the 5 combined with Mercury in Scorpio, you’ll be valuing spirituality more than usual. To tap into the vibe, try practicing meditation in a group setting. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus could throw you off guard if you’re too caught up in your career. Stay centred and release in your home or family life that’s no longer working for you.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

November is a great month for you to realign with the bigger picture and your truth, Pisces. Consider exploring these themes during the New Moon in Scorpio on the 4 through writing or some form of creative expression. Have you been observing your dreams lately? What is your subconscious trying to tell you? The Sun will make a supportive trine to Neptune on the 12, which will help you further align with your life vision and get your artistic impulses out of your brain and into the physical world. Your ideas about career may be shifting, and you’re being asked to step out of old patterns of settling for less than you deserve, and into communicating your worth unapologetically. Hold the vision and keep going.

Aries & Aries Rising

Aries, November invites you to explore your inner landscape. How do you handle sticky emotions? How have you processed difficult life events? Reading about shadow work could be supportive. While there’s internal work to be done, you possess plenty of magnetism when it comes to reputation and career around the New Moon in Scorpio. There might be new connections in this sphere coming your way. Take full responsibility and consider pausing before you act between the 9 and 12 when Saturn forms a square to your ruling planet Mars. Once Sagittarius season kicks off on the 22, you might find yourself planning a trip or wanting to learn more about the world. Purge any objects cluttering your psychic space on the 19.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

You’ve been going through a great deal of personal transformation as of late, but Scorpio season will have you focused on 1 on 1 relationships, valuing those that are able to speak with depth and clarity. Use the New Moon on the 4 to re-evaluate friendships and romantic bonds. Harness it to get clear on what new ones you want to manifest. After your ruler Venus moves into Capricorn on the 5, make time for an art exhibition or film that inspires and expands your horizons. Venus Retrograde shadow begins on the 17, reminding you that slow and steady wins the race in your relationships. The Lunar Eclipse in your sign on the 19 may be unsettling and bring forth some shocks to your sense of self. Let its light illuminate soul-level truths.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

As you settle into this season, Gemini, it’s time to meaningfully focus on your health, body, and daily routine. What’s in the food you eat? What type of exercise makes you feel powerful? The start of the month is the most potent time to investigate these. Put it into practice and keep up the consistency around the 9 for the best catapult forward. While you’re maintaining this service to your physical self, lovers from your past might resurface. It’s up to you to decide how to proceed for your soul’s highest good. Be open to receive some innovative insight around the 13, when Mercury opposes Uranus. The Taurus Lunar Eclipse on the 19 would be best spent in a spiritual context - a sound bath or anywhere you can relax your busy mind.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

If you’re craving a love affair with someone or yourself, with life or creative energy, November will provide ample opportunities. What artistic impulses have you been suppressing? The energies surrounding the New Moon in Scorpio can assist you in making space for creativity and romance. Your relationships in general should be quite harmonious, particularly once Venus moves into Capricorn on the 5, and you might find yourself sharing deeper conversations than usual. In the days surrounding the Lunar Eclipse, you might meet some out of the ordinary people who might be exactly what you need to maintain your creative streak. You can be a homebody, Cancer, but this is not a month to resist mingling and finding yourself amongst new groups.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Sink into home and family life this month, Leo. If there’s family that you haven’t kept in touch with, November is a wonderful time for reconnection. Circumstances may suddenly challenge your ego at work, but stay grounded in the curiosity you have for your personal evolution. If there’s any career strangeness you need to shake, do so around the Lunar Eclipse. Be mindful of the heightened energies at this time. If there are any related conversations you want to initiate, consider waiting until Sagittarius season begins on the 22. Creative insights are likely to come through concerning your inner world and deepest emotions when Neptune makes a trine to the Sun on the 12. Make time to integrate them, perhaps by drawing.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Your mind might sprint more than usual in November, Virgo. As a Mercury-ruled creature, you know that your mental faculties are incredibly robust, but make sure that your thoughts are your friends. If they’re behaving more like enemies, it’s a good time to get to the root of it. It could be helpful to speak to someone neutral, like a coach or therapist, or engage in activities that get you out of your head. Let yourself speak and listen freely, and learn more about your immediate surroundings. Is there a café in your neighbourhood you’ve been meaning to visit? Once Sagittarius season rolls around, you’ll be more inclined to spend time at home. Around the Lunar Eclipse, let go of any big narratives that haven’t been serving you.

Libra & Libra Rising 

Dearest Libra, most of this month will have you surveying your values and resources on a soul and physical level. What resources are available to you? Have you been fully taking advantage of them? You love all things beautiful, but be mindful of accumulating too many new things. On a spiritual level, you have everything you need to succeed and thrive. On the New Moon in Scorpio, it would be best to spend the night in your own space, in the company of the wonderful objects you already possess. Be mindful of the Venus Retrograde shadow phase beginning on the 17 that might have you feeling a bit out of sorts. Two days later, Uranus will come into the mix to shake things up and encourage you to try something new.


December 2021, Holiscopes


October 2021, Holiscopes