October 2021, Holiscopes


Libra season is here with Venusian vibes aplenty - the planet of beauty, love and values collectively characterizes much of October. A sense of balance and justice will be strived for. Relationships come to the forefront. 

As a cardinal sign, Libra is ready to initiate. Now is the time to take that first step; to step something bigger than before. Venus in Scorpio rules much of this Libra season, asking us to dive deep into our relations, until Sagittarius in the sign of love comes up for air with a dash of optimism on October 7.

Don’t forget that Mercury in Libra is retrograde until the 18 - continue to be mindful of tests in relationships and going off-balance in order for a sense of equilibrium to be restored. Unease with others may be at a peak around October 10 when Mercury conjoins with Mars.

Including Mercury, planet of communication, four planets will station direct this month - Pluto on the 6, Saturn the 11, with Jupiter and Mercury joining them on the 18. The energy of these planets will be expressed more outwardly. Pluto’s transformational power is more tangible, boundaries that were re-examined during Saturn retrograde can now be externally redrawn, inner growth cultivated by Jupiter more easily integrates and expands in the outer realm, and Mercury’s messages are passed along with less static. 

As for lunations, the New Moon in Libra on October 6 may bring forth a challenge towards equilibrium with the Sun, Moon, Mars, and Mercury co-present in Libra. The Full Moon in Aries on October 20 asks us to examine ourselves in relation to others, and find a healthy balance between personal determination and cooperation. Release anything dampening your light within. Fan your own flames before helping to build another fire.

Libra & Libra Rising

Blessed Solar Return, dear Libra! Focus on yourself this month. What does balance mean to you? If your social calendar was totally empty for a week, what would you do? How do you give back to yourself? Venus in Scorpio has been asking you to really dig into what it means to possess something, and what your material surroundings say about you. When Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7, you’ll likely feel more social, celebratory, and optimistic for the remainder of the month, eager to make new connections. Use the New Moon in your sign on the 6 to refresh your sense and essence of self. For the Full Moon on the 20, celebrate with someone you care deeply for and can blow off steam with.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Scorpio, allow yourself to retreat at the month’s beginning. Balance wants to be restored on a spiritual, unconscious level, and this requires space in your life. A sense of mental transformation may be tangible in early October - be open to new ways of processing information. You’ll feel more magnetic and powerful starting on the 6 when your ruling planet Pluto goes direct, a beautiful concurrence with the New Moon in Libra. Pay special attention to your dreams and take time to practice a simple ritual to honor your spiritual self. Mars square Pluto on the 22 just before the Sun moves into your sign will likely be a motivational boost for you, but be mindful of too much impulsivity or overdoing it.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

October seems like it’ll be a social month for you, Sag! Venus moves into your sign on the 7, bringing ease into your relations with others. Around the 11 you may meet someone that will help you on your path in a way that feels destined. Until Mercury goes direct on 18, it’s wise to pause before you speak, especially in group situations. Your ruling planet Jupiter leaves retrograde the same day as Mercury, and the inner growth you have been working on over the past few months will start to become more noticeable over the next while. The Full Moon in Aries on the 20 is a wonderful time for fun, romance, and creativity, and to physically release any built-up tension - tick off all these boxes by dancing with others.

Capricorn and Capricorn Rising

Whether or not you’ve noticed, Capricorn, you’re undergoing a deep self-transformation. These changes might feel more tangible once Pluto goes direct on October 6. Career and your reputation are always quite important to you, but for most of this month, they’re in neon letters. Any restrictions in your material world and in feelings of self-worth will lessen when your ruling planet Saturn goes direct on the 11. If you’re looking to uplevel at work, the prime time to make this clear to others is between the 19 and 22. Journal about your work-life balance before these days to ask yourself what that looks and feels like. Later in the month, you’ll shine in group settings.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

I hope you’ve been broadening your horizons since the start of Libra season, dear Aquarian! Even if you aren’t able to travel, looking for larger life lessons in the smallest instances will serve you well. Use October 6’s New Moon in Libra to set intentions for the bigger picture of your life, and the balanced approaches that will get you there. Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7, making you friendly and receptive to groups - combine this with your present cosmic impulse to learn and consider joining (or starting) a group course. Career will be more prominent at the start of Scorpio season on the 23, but your motivation might not fully arrive until Mars joins in on the 30.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Pisces, you’re easily one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac and this can be a superpower. In October, make sure you’re taking good care of your mental health and allow yourself to be lead by your emotions - do not suppress them! This cycle for you is all about the death of parts of you that need to go to make room for something new, beautiful, and more soul-centered. Sticking to a meditation practice to avoid getting mentally scattered would be helpful, and supportive in helping you tune into your intuition. Until your ruling planet, Neptune goes direct at the beginning of December, pay close attention to your dreams and find ways to tap into your subconscious. Keeping a dream journal would be a great start.

Aries & Aries Rising

October is a month where you’ll find more emphasis on your 1-on-1 relationships, Aries. Although you feel comfortable in your independence, find ways to give back to those who support you and love you as you are. Remember we are always learning more about ourselves through the mirror of the other. The New Moon on the 6 could be spent with one of your close connections, and you could set intentions together for your relationship if that feels right. Although there’s Mercury Retrograde to be mindful of until the 18, the days following this lunation are ideal to find more equilibrium in your kinships. Celebrate yourself on the Full Moon in Aries on the 20, and let go of any lingering judgements from others.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Being in the midst of another Venus season is likely feeling quite good to you, Taurus. Daily life has been on your mind, and now more than ever you’re being asked to make improvements that will benefit you longterm, instead of opting for a quick fix. Are you able to balance all the things that you do in a day? Are there any habits no longer serving you? The New Moon on the 6 is a lovely time to reconsider all this and set intentions accordingly. Commit to your new ideas of balance before Scorpio season. Check off the more frustrating parts of your to-do list. Move your body daily in a way that feels good. You’ll be feeling more sensual once Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7, so make sure it’s not all work and no play.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

October comes bearing blessings in play and romance, Gemini! Are you ready to receive them? Are you ready to get on center stage and out of your head? Set intentions related to creativity on the New Moon and use this month to express yourself in whatever medium feels right. Venus moving into Sagittarius on the 7 should bring you extra magnetism in all kinds of relationships, not just romantic. If there’s anyone you need to make peace with, do so with this Venus transit. Flirting might not be the smoothest until Mercury goes direct on the 18, but don’t be afraid to ask clarifying questions if you really want to know what’s going on. Celebrate the Full Moon with a creative group activity.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

How can you feel more balance at home and amongst family? That’s your Libra season question, dear Cancer. Because you’re naturally such a nurturing creature, you can lose yourself in these environments. Remember, you can’t be the best support to others if you are barely supporting yourself. Spend the New Moon pondering and gaining more clarity about these ideas and set intentions accordingly. If you’ve had any communication issues related to home and family, they should dissipate once Mercury goes direct. Prioritize play and creativity once Scorpio season comes around. You don’t always prioritize your career, but the Full Moon will support you in releasing anything blocking you from moving towards your ambitions.

Leo & Leo Rising 

Are you balanced in your communication, Leo? How do you interact with acquaintances? These seemingly trivial exchanges may be more profound than you think. Life will be busier than usual, especially in your local surroundings. Make the most of it by trying to listen more than you speak, and see how things shift! This will be a good Mercury Retrograde experiment for you. If you feel heated around the time of the New Moon, perhaps spend it alone in the company of a good book instead of blurting out something you could regret. Self-discipline is not your strength this month, especially once Venus ingresses into Sagittarius. Enjoy yourself and be yourself. Express yourself creatively or at least take in a good film.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo, your material world is on your mind this month, but before you get self-critical and go into lack mentality, take stock of what you do have. A gratitude practice, which can be as simple as proclaiming “I am grateful for my morning coffee” every day, is an easy way to counter these tendencies.  On the New Moon, set intentions that are a balance of what you want to manifest both physically and spiritually. Being financially well-off with zero self-love is no way to live, right? It’s a great time to reflect on what you truly value. Money and certain objects might make you feel more secure, but recognize the energy behind this. When Mercury goes direct on the 18, you might start to have a clearer picture.


November 2021, Holiscopes


September 2021, Holiscopes