September 2021, Holiscopes


Virgo energy rules supreme, particularly in the first half of September. As a mutable sign, the Virgin of the Zodiac can help tie up loose ends before cardinal Libra makes way for new beginnings on September 22, the start of Libra season and the day of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere.

Take care to restore order and pay special attention to your physical world. The relationship between body, mind, and soul cannot be overemphasized in the month’s first two weeks, and Virgo is all about the tangible details - what you’re eating, how you’re treating your mind and body, any daily routines that might need to be shifted or implemented. The New Moon in Virgo on September 7 would be an ideal time to set any intentions relating to your health, body, daily life, getting organized, and more efficient. 

Virgo’s ruler, Mercury, will be in the sign of Libra throughout the month. Balance is key, not only in your relationship to self but also in how you’re relating to others and the way fairness and justice unfold in your greater sphere. When Mars, the planet of action and drive, joins Mercury in Libra on the 15, there could be some disputes and disruptions present when it comes to any agreements or ongoing 1-on-1 relationships. 

This will likely be exacerbated by the fact that five days earlier on the 10, Venus moves into Scorpio, emphasizing a desire for depth in our connections. Don’t neglect your emotions and need to act at this time. If there is discomfort or misunderstanding, pause and assess how you’re really feeling, and then take the next aligned step. 

Take the Full Moon in Pisces on September 21 to deeply release anything that wants to go on an energetic, spiritual, or subconscious level. The energies at this time might seem a bit conflicting - on one side there is the compulsion to do and act, while on the other there is the invitation to be and dream. Pisces gently emboldens you to lean into the being and dreaming and to get a little bit lost in what you might normally dismiss as silly fantasy. 

September concludes with Mercury stationing Retrograde for the third and final time this year from the 27 until October 18. As it is in the sign of Libra, you may find yourself tested in relationships, going off-balance in order for a sense of equilibrium to be restored. Set yourself up for success by rooting into a Virgoan daily routine at the beginning of the month that grounds you, so that you can be in the world with others with personal resolve and integrity. 


October 2021, Holiscopes


August 2021, Holiscopes