August 2021, Holiscopes


Here we are in Leo season, the peak of summer in the Northern hemisphere, a natural reminder of Leo’s fixed fire energy. It’s time to bask in the glow of your inner sun, your heart and soul, and boldly express who you really are.

Ruled by the Sun, Leo represents our soul, heart center, creative energy, play, romance, and anything related to children, including our inner child. How can you incorporate more fun in your life to embrace the child within? The Sun will remain in Leo until August 22, when it moves into earthy Virgo.

At the start of August, the Sun and Mercury are conjunct in Leo, opposite Saturn in Aquarius. This is a time to contemplate the limits of your soul and ego and reflect on structure, boundaries, and responsibility in a grounded way. Mercury will make an exact square to Uranus in Taurus on the 4, with the Sun following suit a few days later. In this first week of the month, take time to reflect on any shifts in your material world and your relationship to responsibility. Uranus will station retrograde on the 20 until January 2022.

This month, we’ll have our second Full Moon in Aquarius in a row on the 22 at 14h01 CET asking us to once again relate our personal expression to the collective, getting a supportive, expansive boost from Jupiter in the same sign as we release and celebrate. The New Moon this month is in Leo on the 8 at 15h49 CET, getting involved in that signature Saturn-Uranus square of 2021. It occurs on the Lion’s Gate portal (8/8), so it’s an especially potent time to manifest a new relationship to your personal power.

Mercury moves twice this month, into Virgo on the 11 and Libra on the 30. Venus ingresses into one of its home signs of Libra on the 16, ushering in a month with more social activities and experiences of balance and beauty.

Leo & Leo Rising

If you haven’t already dear Leo, celebrate yourself, it’s your season! Make space for introspection during the first week of the month. What did you learn about yourself in July? There’s a lot of mental energy that wants to be directed towards basic ideas of identity. Who are you, really? What are you responsible for? Who or what are you accountable to? You will be driven towards self-worth and possessions. Be mindful of sudden shifts in your material world around the 7.  Treat yourself, but temper that ego. August is a great month to cultivate a healthy relationship with your ego. Be open to new ways of expressing yourself on the New Moon, and new opportunities for expansion on the 20. 

Virgo & Virgo Rising

You love to be in service to others and conquer your day-to-day routine, Virgo, but give yourself permission to check out a little bit in August. You don’t have to go full hermit or anything, just let yourself dream and explore your subconscious and your ideas of spirituality. Although you’re a mutable sign, 2021 has been asking you what you know about yourself for sure. Spend time answering this in the first week of the month. Mercury, your planetary ruler, is moving into your sign on the 11. By then, you’ll be feeling more mentally crisp and able to synthesize details with ease. Mars conjoins with Mercury on the 19 giving a nice boost to any intellectual pursuits you might be dragging your feet on. Release anything that makes you feel stuck in your daily life or in health on the Full Moon.

Libra & Libra Rising

August will offer an intriguing balance between both the conscious and unconscious collective for you, Libra. You might find yourself being attuned to different frequencies, experiencing things that feel like they don’t belong to you, or uncovering hidden parts of yourself. Ensure that you have plenty of time to be alone with your thoughts. On the New Moon, it’s time to get real. Do you ever alter parts of yourself to fit in with a group? A couple of days later on the 10, stay grounded. Don’t get swept up in any illusions when it comes to your relationships. Check-in and observe the balance of energy with friends and loved ones, especially when Venus moves into your sign on the 16.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

July’s exploration has led you to August’s reputation expansion, Scorpio. You will be more publicly recognized this month for who you are and what you do, even more so if your path involves a clear way of giving back to humanity. So much of your mental energy and your drive this month will concern achieving your goals in cooperation with others, and balancing your own desires with the collective. This month is a cosmic check-in for how your big dreams align with what humanity needs. On the 26, Mercury trine Pluto will indulge your desire to dig deep into what’s happening under the surface in a grounded way. This would be a great opportunity to learn more about humanity, whether it’s by exploring current events or diving into history.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

The Universe has been nagging you to travel, Sagittarius, and if you haven’t been able to for the past few months, August might be your time. No matter where you are in the world, shake up your routine, soak up new information and experiences to expand and think about how you can share your knowledge with others. Venus moving into Libra on the 16 could provide a wonderful opportunity to give back, as well as serve as a reminder to consider balance in your group dynamics. On the 20, your ruling planet Jupiter (currently Retrograde in Aquarius) will oppose the Sun. In general, good vibes abound as long as you don’t go overboard on anything, especially self-indulgence.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising 

August should be quite transformational for you, Capricorn. Change isn’t necessarily your best friend, but it would be wise to embrace it as much as possible. The beginning of the month will be an especially dynamic time for psychological renewal. Don’t bury yourself in work, make space and time where possible and consider meditation or other grounding practices to allow these changes to integrate. On the New Moon, Examine your heart’s desires and how they relate to changes that might need to happen on a psychological level for you to fully embrace them. Travel solo if possible. Remember that sharing your worldview is a human necessity, but be wary of overidentifying with your beliefs and trying to impose them on others. Around the 23, you might need to gently set a new boundary or properly commit to a relationship.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

How are your intimate, 1 on 1 relationships, Aquarius? There will be a lot of focus on them this month. Things might be a little wonky the first week - don’t be afraid to examine the depths of your soul. The New Moon would be a great time to call in any new friendships or partnerships you’re craving and commit to showing up completely as yourself in your interactions with others. Take the Full Moon to celebrate yourself and take part in any practices that make you feel renewed. Although it can be easy for you to float in and out of relationships, you’ll feel there’s something missing if you stay on the surface in August. Go deep, Water Bearer, go deep! 

Pisces & Pisces Rising

There will be plenty of things to keep you busy this month, Pisces, but you won’t want to go at it alone. Make time for fun with people you care about, and try to incorporate activities that are good for your body and soul. Root into the reality of your relationships. You may feel compelled to help your close friends, family, or partner more than usual, but no one is ever asking you to be a martyr - don’t give more than you’re able to. Ensure you don’t get swept up in any illusions concerning others around August 10, and make room for creativity and new ideas around the 24 and 25. The Full Moon should be quite a spiritual one for you. Pay extra attention to your dreams in the days surrounding it. 

Aries & Aries Rising

August is set to be a fun month for you, Aries. You got a taste of it at the start of Leo season - are you feeling more playful than usual? Allow your inner child to emerge. What was their favourite form of creative expression? If it’s not part of your life at the moment, find space to incorporate it. Much of your energy will be channelled into health, wellness, and daily life. Treating your inner child as being an important piece of this puzzle will allow everything to fall into place. The New Moon would be an excellent time to kick off a new artistic endeavour, while the Full Moon would be best celebrated with company. Around the 22, expect a dash of newness and a feeling of freedom in your routine. Be open to the unexpected.

Taurus & Taurus Rising 

Taurus, you might find yourself a little bit nostalgic this month. There’s an emphasis on feeling at home and remaining where you are comfortable. At the beginning of August, you’ll be reflecting on the changes that have brought you to this point and how your family life played a role. It could be helpful to look into inner child work with a professional or investigating it on your own. Otherwise, your energy needs a proper outlet this month, creatively and physically. Dancing or singing to your favourite music from your childhood will be especially soothing at this time. Once Venus moves into Libra on the 16, you might get a sense that your relationships are fitting better into your daily routine. Before that, get real about your friendships and let them transform if they need to.

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

It’s a big month for communication, Gemini, and that shouldn’t be a problem for you. Remain open and curious, and soak up all that life has to offer. Tune in to the New Moon to speak and convey your ideas from a heart-centered place with pride and integrity. If there’s something you want to say to a family member, you’ll receive a nice boost from Mars on the 19 to get your point across. There’s an emphasis on familial relations and communication between the 11 and 15. What does family mean to you? How do you relate to your family? Whether chosen or genetic, devoting yourself to family this month will be beneficial to your personal growth and soul evolution.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Hello, dear Moonchild! At the start of August, you’ll be reflecting upon your self-worth journey. Possessions, finances, and your overall values will also have your attention. Where have you been responsible in this area? Where might you need more structure? Throughout the month, you should be feeling quite mentally sharp - take advantage of this to recalibrate and plan out what you need to. Renew your self-confidence at the New Moon, and set intentions for your heart’s desires to align with your material surroundings. Around this lunation, Saturn will oppose the Moon, which might have you feeling a bit melancholic and isolated. Be okay with some alone time, and trust that this strangeness is merely temporary. On the Full Moon, release any shame surrounding the parts of yourself you consider dark or strange. 


September 2021, Holiscopes


July 2021, Holiscopes