July 2021, Holiscopes


How are you settling into Cancer season?

Are you more in touch with your emotions? Do you feel more connected to your intuition? Are you wanting to spend more time in the places that feel like home? 

Cancer is ruled by the moon, which is all about our emotions, sense of security, our unconscious and instincts. Consider paying more attention to how you feel throughout the month, based on the Zodiac sign and position of the moon. The New Moon in Cancer at 3:16am CET on July 10 is an invitation to renew your relationship to your emotions, while the Full Moon in Aquarius at 4:36am CET on the 24 asks you to release what’s blocking you from showing up as your unique self. 

Mars in Leo, urging us to follow our desires and take action boldly and passionately, will be opposite Saturn in Aquarius on July 1. While the speed of Mars is more visceral and quick, Saturn asks us to slow down and be deliberate. We might feel a discomfort in the way we take action, and might feel a pull between our own aspirations and how they fit in with the collective.

Until July 7, Mercury in Gemini is in its Retrograde shadow phase, meaning there may be some residual miscommunications and cloudiness, especially with Neptune’s influence in the mix. Mercury will move twice this month - into Cancer on the 12 and Leo on the 28.

Virgo energy enters the cosmos with Venus changing to Virgo just before the Sun ingresses into Leo on the 22. The month concludes with Jupiter continuing its Retrograde journey, going back into Aquarius on the 28, and Mars ingressing into Virgo on the 29. 

Cancer & Cancer Rising

It’s your season, Moonchild! Are you feeling it? This is a month for feeling more emboldened and self-assured. You may have wanted to hide out in June, but July has you feeling renewed, especially with the New Moon in Cancer on the 10. Spend some time thinking about the commitments you want to make to yourself around the time of this lunation. You might find you’re directing energy towards your material world and self-worth. Ensure you’re not just self-soothing with unnecessary shopping, but showing love to yourself in a deeper way. Nurturing others comes naturally but what about nurturing yourself? Self love is not selfish, got it?

Leo & Leo Rising

There’s more Leo energy coming through the cosmos this month, and while it might feel comfortable and easy breezy, it could add a bit of tension, especially in July’s first week. Carve out some quality time with yourself, and remember you can still express yourself without an audience. Spiritual renewal is a big theme for you around the 12 and before the Sun moves into your sign on the 22. Let yourself be dreamier than usual around the 14 and 15, it might lead you to some much-needed transformation a few days later. Embrace your opposite energy of Aquarius on the Full Moon, and spend it with close friends if that feels right.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Things should feel like they’re easing up for you in July, dear Virgo. If you prepare for a bit of fogginess until the 7, when Mercury is completely out of its Retrograde shadow, then the rest of the month should be relatively smooth sailing. Sometime around the 12 would be a wonderful opportunity to clearly communicate your beliefs and desires for moving into your next phase, especially when it comes to your career. You’ll probably find yourself vibing more with spiritually-minded people this month, and any spiritual practice of your choosing would be a soothing outlet for your energy. Taking part in a New Moon gathering would be ideal, as the moon will be in your 11th house of community.

Libra & Libra Rising

You’ll find yourself getting the recognition you deserve this month, dear Libra, especially when it comes to your public reputation and career. However, July is definitely about more than work! You’re naturally a social butterfly and over the next few weeks you’ll vibe with bigger groups and meet new people. Around the 6 and 7, you might find some coldness in your relationships, but brush it off, and enjoy the boost of confidence on the 12-14 when Mars links up with Venus. The 22 should be an especially magnetic day for you, see what expansion it brings! Aside from the social buzz, ask yourself, what small action can you take to improve your community, or help a humanitarian cause you’re interested in?

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Digging deep will always be a part of who you are, but July is about expanding your horizons. You might find yourself being drawn to spiritual teachings. Really feel into what beliefs resonate with you rather than obsessing over the details. Like most of June, you’ll want to take action in your career. But again, don’t take yourself too seriously! You might feel more frustrated with things at the beginning of the month. If things don’t feel like they’re going your way, ask yourself, “what is the lesson in this?” Travel before the Sun moves into Leo, if possible, or at least get near a body of water - anywhere that makes you feel connected to the sublime, limitless nature of the Universe.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising 

Did you get a chance to travel last month, Sagittarius? If not, do what you can to plan a trip ASAP or at least focus your energies on places other than your immediate surroundings. Bonus points if you can incorporate your friends. You find it easy to go outward, but your major themes in July are investigating your own deep psychological truths and being fully in touch with your emotions. Eclipse season might have felt wonky for you, but if you can reflect on these during the Cancer New Moon on the 10 in a loving way and not just dismiss your inner world by distracting yourself, your soul will thank you.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

There might be some shifts in your relationships this month, Capricorn, but whether you interpret this in a positive or negative light, it’s going to be for the best. At the beginning of the month, you might find yourself dealing with struggles of personal power and strange vibes amongst your friends or people close to you. Ride the waves of transformation in July, don’t overexert yourself when it comes to taking action or try to force anything. Use the New Moon in Cancer to set intentions related to the way you want to feel in your relationships, and if you want to manifest a new partner or a close friend, this would be a wonderful time for that. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising 

How’s your health been since the Sun moved into Cancer on June 21? Now is not the time to ignore your body! The beginning of the month will compel you to take action and quickly make a change. It should easily become a habit if it’s related to deepening your connection with your body in a sustainable, everyday way. Whatever you’ve been wanting to change, it would be wise to involve a close friend or partner, as for most of this month you’ll be valuing and wanting to spend your energy on your 1 on 1 relationships. On the 24, celebrate your sweet self with the Aquarius Full Moon, and let go of anything getting in the way of being 100% you. 

Pisces & Pisces Rising 

Dear Pisces, so much of the past couple of months have been about finding your groove in creative expression. Remember, you don’t have to be a trained artist to paint, you don’t have to be a full-on pianist to play around on the piano, you’ve just got to let it out. Everything you’ve been allowing (or not) in terms of creating will be on your mind. It would be wise to make sure you’re getting nice movement in and putting effort into the things you love every day. You’ll likely also be more comfortable speaking your mind to people, especially in the last week of the month. The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 24 will be quite a spiritual one for you.

Aries & Aries Rising 

We know you can do it all on your own, but don’t forget your family and roots this month, Aries! Even though you’ve probably been out in the world, getting things done, consider calling a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while or checking in on someone from your hometown. Mars in Leo will still push you to move your body, and might increase your competitive edge. It could also be fun to spend time with children and soak up their playful vibes. You might find it more difficult than usual to discipline yourself this month, especially with all the romantic energy in the air for you. Between the 12 and 14, use your extra confidence to make a move on someone you’ve been flirting with. 

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Seeing everything through a lens of curiosity, soaking up information, and communicating will be your modus operandi for most of July, Taurus. Exploring your immediate surroundings, finding and reminding yourself of places that feel like home to you will be supportive this month. Use your energy on and spread love to your family and home, whatever that means to you. If your nest is already satisfying, consider how you could add beauty to your neighbourhood. You might feel some extra distance between yourself and people in your life around the 6 and 7, and rather than overthinking it, communicate what you need to and let the situation sort itself out. 

Gemini & Gemini Rising 

With all the Gemini, Eclipse, and Mercury Retrograde energy swirling around since early May, you’ve likely been very much in your head. Now it’s time to really sink into your surroundings, and ask yourself if your physical world is an accurate reflection of your personal values. Also, how’s your relationship with money? If you feel like you need a fresh start in this area of your life, the New Moon in Cancer is an opening to do so in a nurturing way, to feel it on an emotional level rather than over-rationalizing it. What do you truly need to feel comfortable? With more of a clear mind post-Mercury Retrograde, make time to let your friends know how amazing you think they are. 


August 2021, Holiscopes


June 2021, Holiscopes