June 2021, Holiscopes


Welcome to Gemini season!

We can expect more action this month, especially when Mars moves into Leo on June 11. Just before on the 10th, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini, which provides a powerful opportunity for renewal in the area of communication - of speaking and sharing but also listening.

Venus, planet of love, values, and beauty, moves twice this month, to Cancer on the 2nd and then into Leo on the 27th. For the majority of June, find ways to fill up your self-nurturing cup so that it can healthily spill over to others. 

Mercury stations Retrograde until June 22 - nothing to fear. Be extra mindful of your words, accept that miscommunications are more likely to happen, and take the time to review and reflect on the way you interact with the world. As Mercury is in the mutable air sign of Gemini, this Retrograde may affect Gemini and the other mutable signs more strongly - Pisces, Virgo, and Sagittarius.

Saturn in Aquarius is currently Retrograde, asking us to take a look at our boundaries and self-discipline, while Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces begins just before the Sun moves into Cancer on June 20 and lasts until July 1. Reflect on your beliefs, and the ways you wish to expand your spirituality and creativity.

The stable Full Moon in Capricorn on June 24 asks us to release anything holding us back from stepping into our greatest power and responsibility.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

As a Mercury-ruled being with Mercury Retrograde in Gemini happening until June 22, this is a great time for you to re-examine and reflect on yourself. Try writing, especially journaling, or anything word-related, just get it all out! Retrograde energy is more about going inward, so don’t feel pressured to share these reflections with others. The New Moon in your sign on the 10th provides a fresh start, perhaps with a dash of reinvention. Your reputation and public self is in a state of expansion, so be sure to balance your self-inquiry with an openness to new opportunities.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

You might be feeling like you want to hide in your shell until the Sun moves into your sign on the 21st. However, you’re expanding your horizons in your own way, with the theme of spiritual re-evaluation coming through most of the month. There’s a big opportunity for renewal in this area, especially around the New Moon on the 10th. It would be wise to take action on any revelations you have that evening in the following days. On May 24th's Full Moon in Capricorn, take responsibility for the way you show up in relationships and release any behaviours that might be blocking you from this.

Leo & Leo Rising

You’ll shine in the company of others for most of the month. Use this as an opportunity to learn from these groups of people and maybe even change your mind! You’ll be emboldened towards self-improvement when Mars enters Leo on June 11, it could be an excellent time to switch up your appearance if you’ve been thinking about it, especially when Venus, planet of beauty, joins Mars in Leo on the 27th.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Virgo, it’s time for you to flex that attention to detail during Mercury Retrograde this month...Triple check everything! There will be an emphasis on your career but be patient, as in addition to Mercury Retrograde there could be some miscommunications with Neptune in the mix from June 3-7. Get involved with some sort of group initiative or humanitarian cause that piques your interest. After the 11th, make time to do things that get you out of your head, consider spending more time alone in nature and away from screens.

Libra & Libra Rising

Libra, June’s energies encourage you to continue venturing outside your comfort zone. Consider reading spiritual texts or watching videos for inspiration, and plant seeds to integrate more spiritual vibes in your day to day life on June 10th’s New Moon. If you’re hearing a call to get more disciplined with your creativity, listen to it and act accordingly! Your values are expanding at the beginning of the month. Are they shifting, especially when it comes to what you want to be known for?

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

You’ll be feeling right at home getting under the surface of things for most of June. Ask yourself - are your obsessions healthy? Do they lead you somewhere fruitful? If you haven’t already, consider channeling them into something creative, or in a way that makes them fun and light. Once Mars moves into Leo on June 11, you’ll want to take action regarding your career. Is there a way to integrate creative expression and playfulness in the way you move forward in this area?

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Give yourself permission to indulge and treat yourself, especially around June 3 and 4. You’re a natural explorer, but you’ll feel a more visceral urge to travel, especially when Mars moves into Leo - you want to be seen and play somewhere else! Relationships are a major theme for you this month. Be especially mindful in communicating with your partner and close friends during Mercury Retrograde. You might feel especially obsessive when it comes to your home around June 22-23. Is there something you can change around, add or take away to make your living space feel more expansive? 

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

It’s time to review and recalibrate your health and daily routines, Capricorn. Don’t use the fact that you have a lot going on as an excuse to neglect your self-care! Embrace unconventionality. You may even be shaken out of your typical patterns in June’s first couple of weeks. Expect and welcome self-transformation this month, particularly on the Full Moon in your sign June 24. Use it as an opportunity to let go of patterns holding you back. You’ll be valuing exchanges with others more than usual, so be sure to make time for one-on-one time with friends. 

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Creativity, self-expression, romance and play are on the horizon in June. It would be wise to keep these areas more inward and reflective while Mercury Retrograde is happening, or at least be aware of possible misunderstandings when others are involved. Find ways to incorporate your own unique sense of beauty into your daily life. Spend time in nature, eat and surround yourself with more plants. Revisit your favourite places and pay more attention to the wildlife thriving there.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

There might be some misunderstandings with family and home most of the month, particularly between June 3 and 7. This could be a bit more of the same from May. Don’t abandon yourself! Commit to expressing yourself at the beginning of June. Whether or not you managed to start something creative last month, keep going! Stay rooted in optimism and knowing who you really are, even if you have a tendency to go with the flow. If you feel stuck, channel your energy into loving actions towards your body, it can be as simple as preparing a special meal for yourself.

Aries & Aries Rising

You’ll be led by curiosity and your need to communicate in June. Be especially wary of jumping to conclusions this month during Mercury Retrograde. Carve out the space and time to re-examine your beliefs and and your relationship with yourself, dear Aries, particularly when Jupiter stations retrograde from June 20 - July 1. After Mars moves into Leo on June 11, make sure you have a suitable outlet for your energy on a physical level - sports or dance, anything to do with bodily expression. Moving your body will likely have a wonderful effect on your creative energy.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Self-worth is on your mind most of this month. Be open to a beautiful opportunity to grow into it around June 3 and 4. Don’t look outside for your worth, turn inwards to shift how you value yourself. Take stock of your talents. Are there parts of you that need more love? What about your inner monologue when it comes to abundance in all its forms? You’ll be appreciating knowledge in all of its forms, communication, and different perspectives in June. Gather and hold onto the wisdom that makes you feel more at home in yourself. 


July 2021, Holiscopes


May 2021, Holiscopes