May 2021, Holiscopes


Taurus & Taurus Rising

Go inwards this month, dear Taurus. You may be thinking about how you’d like your career to be more unconventional and this might be daunting. If fears are coming up, ask yourself, “What am I really afraid of?” Consider your power and responsibility, and make mindful decisions accordingly. Allow yourself to be vulnerable - your true friends will be there to help you through any conundrums.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Embrace stillness this month, Gemini, whether that’s through meditation or committing to periods where you can disconnect from the world a little bit. Notice the ways you value yourself and speak to yourself. Be especially vigilant with your choice of words, especially with your close friends when your ruling planet Mercury stations Retrograde on May 29.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

Dearest Moonchild, are you feeling a little overwhelmed trying to figure out where you fit in? Check-in with yourself and pay attention to your energy when you find yourself in a group setting. Mars is asking you how you really feel about yourself, and encourages you to take aligned, self-directed action. Take advantage of The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius to reconnect to the truth that you are inherently creative and worthy of expression just as you are.

Leo & Leo Rising

As much as you like to shine, Leo, May is not a month to force anything. For the first few weeks, you’ll be preoccupied with matters of ambition and reputation, but instead of jumping to action right away, allow yourself to rest and pay attention to your dreams. You might feel some resistance, but if you can let go more than usual and are open to looking at things differently, this will be a transformative time.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Despite being a creature of habit, you’ve been feeling the pull to expand your horizons. Joining a new group might be the best way to go about it in May. If your routine is in a good place, you should feel centred enough to go beyond your everyday. Before Mercury stations retrograde at the end of the month, ensure you’ve got both feet firmly on the ground. You may feel a bit foggy around the 21-24, and more emotional than usual during the Lunar Eclipse on the 26. Don’t go at it alone, breathe and connect with your community, old or new.

Libra & Libra Rising

Do something outside your comfort zone, anything where you can practice compassion for others, would be great. See where your impulse to dig under the surface of things takes you, the more you uncover now, the more growth you’ll cultivate next month. Success is motivating you, likely in a more emotional way. Consider how your personal triumphs can positively affect others. Make time to connect with friends on May 26’s Lunar Eclipse if it feels right.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

This month, focus on nurturing your relationships and observe how the people that are right for you help you grow and learn more about your own beliefs. Take note of any transformations in your friendships in particular, especially around the 6th. May 26’s Lunar Eclipse is a powerful time to reevaluate the stories you tell yourself about your worthiness and ensure they’re anchored in optimism.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

You’ll likely be quite busy most of the month, but it’s a fruitful time to tweak your routine and take a more grounded approach to your health and wellbeing. As of May 13, you’ll be expanding your ideas of family and home for the next little while. How do you want this area of your life to evolve? Be mindful of taking on too much around the 21st, especially when it comes to relationships. Take the opportunity during the Lunar Eclipse in your sign to reaffirm your belief in yourself!

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Be gentle with yourself, Capricorn, especially at the beginning of the month with its extra layer of cosmic frustration. Although you can take yourself very seriously, May wants you to express yourself, flirt, play, and connect with your inner child. With your ruling planet, Saturn stationing retrograde on May 23, don’t panic, take time to reflect on any serious decisions you made or have been considering since February of this year.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

You’ve been feeling quite optimistic, Aquarius, and May is a time where you’re focusing on your family, roots, and home. You’re also finding yourself driven towards being or service and improving your health. This month would be a great time to take care of some plants, adopt that pet you’ve been pondering, or cook a meal for someone who you consider family who could use a break.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

You’ll feel a boost of optimism and confidence on May 13, when Jupiter enters your sign, dear Pisces! A big theme this month is curiosity and learning, with your drive towards creation and self-expression. The 13th would be a great day to start something creative, especially if you’ve been thinking about learning a new skill. Around the 21-24, you might have some communication issues with family or those you live with, but there’s nothing to fret about if you assert your boundaries and commit to expressing yourself.

Aries & Aries Rising

Aries, let your emotions flow where they want to go this month. Your values have been shifting, and you will have some epiphanies about your self-worth, finances, and talents in May’s first few weeks. Try doing things differently or taking more of a risk than you normally would between May 10 and 14, perhaps at home since this is a great month for you to improve the environment of your inner sanctuary. It could be a physical change, but first, see where those flowing emotions take you.


June 2021, Holiscopes