October 2024, Holiscopes


In September, the Eclipse portal opened once more with the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. It comes to a close with the Solar Eclipse in Libra on the 2, showing us a renewed understanding of relationships and the balance between the masculine and the feminine as we move through Libra season. Due to certain planetary alignments this month, there will certainly be shifts in how we relate to others.

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini begins on the 9 and will be with us until February 2025. It’s a time to reflect on how we’ve grown since Jupiter moved into Gemini in May. What new ideas and beliefs do we have about the world?

Pluto stations Direct in the sign of Capricorn on the 12. In the last months of Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime, we will inevitably witness the collapse of certain structures and institutions, and the further exposure of corrupt power.

Mercury shifts into Scorpio on the 13, a great opportunity to immerse yourself in deep research and get to the bottom of something. On the 17, we have a regular Full Moon in Aries, but don’t be fooled — the energies here are intense and dynamic. Mars and Pluto are in the mix, adding tension and transformation. Venus moves into Sagittarius shortly after the Full Moon is exact. Here, we might be craving more adventure and expansion in our relationships, and potentially more freedom.

Finally on the 22, Scorpio season begins. It’s time to discover the depths of our emotions, to connect deeply, and to bring our own magnetic power to all that we do.

Libra & Libra Rising

Happy Solar Return, Libra! It’s sure to be a memorable one with this Eclipse action. On the Solar Eclipse in your sign, be open to letting go of aspects of yourself in order to step into a new cycle. With Jupiter Retrograde, you’ll be reevaluating your beliefs and mining things you’ve already learned for new ideas. Pluto Direct may make certain transformations in your home and family more obvious. Your mind wants to dig into your values, self-worth, and finances with Mercury in Scorpio. These will all be important themes to explore once Scorpio season comes around. The Full Moon in Aries brings dynamism when it comes to your relationship to yourself and others, your public and private selves. Something wants to be released. Once Venus moves into Sagittarius, make time to explore and be expanded by your immediate surroundings.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

As you move through Libra season, tap into the hidden parts of yourself. You may find some revealed to you on the Solar Eclipse in Libra. With Jupiter Retrograde, some soul-searching might be in order. Notice also how you’ve evolved on a soul level this year. With Pluto Direct, transformations when it comes to your communication, mindset, and your interactions with your immediate surroundings become more evident. You focus more on deep interactions and can express yourself with depth thanks to Mercury in Scorpio. On the Full Moon in Aries, your beliefs and ideas are in tension with the reality of your everyday life and something more transcendent. Venus in Sagittarius can bring abundance and help you with financial negotiations. Once your season comes around, focus on what you need to nourish yourself for the rest of the year.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

In Libra season, it’s time to get out there and mingle amongst different groups. Get inspired by different ideas of balance and beauty. On the Libra Solar Eclipse, you may find new connections come into your life. Reflect on how people you’ve met this year have helped you understand yourself and the world better during Jupiter Retrograde. You may notice more tangible transformation when it comes to your finances and values with Pluto Direct. Dive into the unseen parts of life with Mercury in Scorpio and give yourself lots of alone time. The Full Moon in Aries brings forth tension between your personal expression, your expression in the collective, your personal values and those you share with others. With Venus in your sign, share your warmth with others, although during Scorpio season you may need more moments of solitude.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

This Libra season has been highlighting your career and public self. Be open to new beginnings in this area of life on the Solar Eclipse in Libra. With Jupiter Retrograde, reflect on how you’ve grown in everyday life. Have your routines changed? How about your relationship to productivity? The last moments of profound personal transformation are sure to be more evident with Pluto Direct in your sign. Once Mercury is in Scorpio, you might be more inspired when it comes to how you can contribute to friend groups or the collective in general. Your relationship with yourself and others, your public and private selves are all at a point of tension on the Full Moon in Aries. You might find yourself wanting to give back to those around you with Venus in Sagittarius. Scorpio season in general is a great time to get involved in different communities.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

Libra season expands your horizons through beauty in all its forms and interactions with others. On the Solar Eclipse in Libra, you may find you’re called to travel somewhere or learn something new. During Jupiter Retrograde, reflect on how you’ve grown in terms of your creative expression and your relationship to your inner child. Pluto Direct will help you clear any lingering psychic debris once and for all, so you’re ready for more personal transformation before Pluto moves back into your sign. You’ll feel like strategizing your next power moves when it comes to career while Mercury is in Scorpio. On the Full Moon in Aries, your beliefs and ideas are in tension with the reality of your everyday life and something more transcendent. Get out there and socialize with Venus in Sagittarius. Your best, friendliest self will be reflected in others. Scorpio season is a good time to network and buckle down when it comes to what you want to achieve and be known for.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

Deeper cooperation with others as well as more attention brought to the deepest parts of yourself are being asked of you this Libra season. Notice what wants to be illuminated on the Solar Eclipse in Libra. Reflect on how you’ve cultivated inner peace and security during Jupiter Retrograde. Is this evident in your home environment? With Pluto Direct, you will become more aware of the transformation that has taken place when it comes to groups you’re a part of. You may find yourself wanting to engage in deep study once Mercury is in Scorpio. The Full Moon in Aries brings forth tension between your personal expression, your expression in the collective, your personal values and those you share with others. You’re able to be more direct with others about what you desire when it comes to your career, thanks to Venus in Sagittarius. Scorpio season is a time to explore, but not just on the surface of things.

Aries & Aries Rising

Your relationships come into focus this Libra season, particularly on the Solar Eclipse. Be open to new evolutions in this area of your life. Jupiter Retrograde is for reflecting on how you’ve expanded in your immediate surroundings and in your own consciousness. You will also likely be aware of transformations and uncoverings when it comes to your career, thanks to Pluto stationing Direct. With Mercury in Scorpio, you’ll be craving depth. It’s also a good time for self-inquiry and reflection. In general during Scorpio season you’ll want to experience life on the level of feelings. Your relationship with yourself and others, your public and private selves are all at a point of tension on the Full Moon in Aries. Shake off what you need to — perhaps a physical outlet for this energy build-up will be helpful. With Venus in Sagittarius, expose yourself to new things to allow for expansive experiences.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

Continue to see how your daily life wants to be rebalanced throughout Libra season. Pay special attention to what comes up around the Solar Eclipse. Notice how your beliefs have expanded when it comes to your finances and self-worth. Has there been a mentor demonstrating new possibilities? Have you gained new understanding to figure it out on your own? As Pluto stations Direct, it may become more evident how your beliefs about life have been deeply transforming. With Mercury in Scorpio, you’ll want to have deep conversations with people in your life to get closer to them. In general, these 1:1 relationships will come into focus for you during Scorpio season. On the Full Moon in Aries, your beliefs and ideas are in tension with the reality of your everyday life and something more transcendent. Relationships with a foundation of love can become more intense but also more expansive once Venus is in Sagittarius.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Focus on your own creativity and beauty in all its forms this Libra season. Notice what you’re inspired to create on the Solar Eclipse in Libra — is there anything that feels like it’s getting in the way? With Jupiter Retrograde in your sign, reflect on your personal growth journey this year. What’s truly moved the needle, and what didn’t really help in the end? Notice if transformation on a deep level feels more prominent with Pluto Direct. You may also receive some unexpected inheritance in the next couple of months. Mercury in Scorpio stimulates your interest in everyday life and health. See what classes you’re drawn to on the Ora app to really dig in. Generally throughout Scorpio season, this is a helpful thing to focus on. The Full Moon in Aries brings forth tension between your personal expression, your expression in the collective, your personal values and those you share with others. Venus in Sagittarius pulls you towards the close relationships in your life that help you grow and expand.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

You’ve likely been feeling at home this Libra season —literally — as your energy wants to be with your innermost self. During the Solar Eclipse, notice also if any familial relationships are evolving. Reflect on what you’ve learned about spirituality and the parts of yourself that you keep hidden or judge during Jupiter Retrograde. Over the next couple of months, you may be more aware of deep transformations when it comes to your close relationships thanks to Pluto Direct. With Mercury in Scorpio, your creative juices are flowing. Generally in Scorpio season, allow your deepest emotions to fuel your self-expression and don’t forget to have fun. Your relationship with yourself and others, your public and private selves are all at a point of tension on the Full Moon in Aries. Venus in Sagittarius might have you travelling for work, or at least wanting to expand what’s possible when it comes to your daily routines.

Leo & Leo Rising

Embrace the beauty of your immediate surroundings and opportunities to socialize this Libra season. Check in with your mindset and how you’re communicating with others on the Solar Eclipse. With Jupiter Retrograde, reflect on how you’ve expanded through your friends and different groups you’re a part of. You may notice more tangible transformation in your health and daily life once Pluto stations Direct. Be open to deep insights about your past and family once Mercury is in Scorpio. Generally, your focus is on your roots and home during Scorpio season. On the Full Moon in Aries, your beliefs and ideas are in tension with the reality of your everyday life and something more transcendent. Connect with creative people who expand your view of what’s possible when Venus is in Sagittarius.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Continue to hone in on your personal values and finances throughout Libra season. The Solar Eclipse in Libra can reveal new possibilities in this area of your life. During Jupiter Retrograde, reflect on how your career has grown and expanded this year. Notice if you’re more drawn to intense creative self-expression once Pluto stations Direct. If there’s been a deep need within you to create something, commit yourself to it completely over the next two months. With Mercury in Scorpio, you’ll be more curious about your immediate surroundings and want to get to the core of things. The Full Moon in Aries brings forth tension between your personal expression, your expression in the collective, your personal values and those you share with others. Share your warmth with family and loved ones at home while Venus is in Sagittarius. In Scorpio season, life will inevitably get busier but also more emotionally intense.


September 2024, Holiscopes