September 2024, Holiscopes


After the retrospection of August’s Mercury Retrograde, September brings forward momentum and portals of transformation.

The month begins with Uranus stationing Retrograde in Uranus on the 1, helping us integrate changes that have been taking place, ideas of rebellion, and breaking free. The following day, Pluto Retrograde moves into the sign of Capricorn. From now until mid-November, we will witness some final upheavals when it comes to large societal structures and institutions.

The New Moon in Virgo arrives on the 3. There is renewed inspiration, while at the same time, possible confusion when it comes to action or next steps. We are called to let go of values and relationships that aren’t serving us, as we pay renewed attention to the small things that matter.

On the 4, Mars moves into the sign of Cancer. Our action and drive takes on a more emotional dimension — we may be motivated more by feelings and concerned with protecting those we love. When Mercury moves back into Virgo on the 9, some Mercury Retrograde issues may begin to resolve themselves and we can return to organization and precision.

Approaching the Equinox, we have a Lunar Eclipse in the sign of Pisces on the 17. We will begin to understand our next collective evolution, previewing the shift of the Lunar Nodes that will take place next year.

With the Autumnal Equinox on the 22, we begin Libra season. A time for fresh starts on the level of relationships and different kinds of harmony, you may have a renewed interest in socializing and making things beautiful.

We dive deeper into our relationships once Venus moves into Scorpio on the 23, and on the 26, Mercury’s shift into Libra supports us in being diplomatic and fair in our communication. September concludes with a Mercury Cazimi in Libra on the 30, inspiring ideas and visions of beauty.

Virgo & Virgo Rising

Now that Mercury Retrograde is over, you can enjoy your season to the fullest, Virgo. Set intentions for self-improvement and your appearance on the New Moon in your sign. With Mars in Cancer, you might find your energy is best used in cooperation with others. Notice if there is any friction or strong opposition with someone around the 8. It will pass. With Mercury in your sign, communication becomes clearer and you express yourself more easily. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces illuminates your close relationships. Is there anything you need to let go of here? Once Libra season begins, the focus is on your values. What truly matters to you? When Mercury moves into Libra and especially with Mercury Cazimi, you’ll get more ideas. With Venus in Scorpio, you may forge deeper bonds with those in your immediate surroundings.

Libra & Libra Rising

The last bits of transformation when it comes to your home and family will continue to reveal themselves to you, Libra. Allow these changes in your innermost self to unfold as you prepare for your upcoming season. On the New Moon in Virgo, set intentions for trusting your intuition more and pay closer attention to your dreams. Mercury in Virgo will enhance your mind on a subconscious level, assisting you with all this. With Mars in Cancer, you are motivated to put yourself out there when it comes to your career. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces might throw your daily life off course. Sit back and observe what happens, and wait to gain clarity before you make any major adjustments. Once your season begins, the focus is on you! You may find yourself more social, especially with Mercury moving into your sign. Mercury Cazimi will give you insights on what to focus on. Venus in Scorpio attracts financial abundance to you, but be mindful of excess extravagance.

Scorpio & Scorpio Rising

Continue to focus on groups and your greater vision for humanity, Scorpio. Get into the details and nuances of what this looks like, and set intentions accordingly on the Virgo New Moon. Mercury in Virgo will help inspire new ideas and connections to make this a reality. During Uranus Retrograde, reflect on the transformations in your close relationships. Mars in Cancer may bring about a desire to travel somewhere you’re emotionally connected to. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces has the power to reignite your creativity and sense of play. Let yourself get lost in the fog if any emerges. As Libra season comes along, you may be feeling the need to retreat, and you might find socializing in a setting of serving others the most rewarding. With Venus in your sign, you are more magnetic to others than usual. With Mercury in Libra and Mercury Cazimi, be open to insights when it comes to the hidden parts of yourself.

Sagittarius & Sagittarius Rising

Virgo season is very much about your career and what you want to be known for. Write out the details of your ideal vision for this on the Virgo New Moon. Once Mercury is in Virgo, you can begin to make specific plans for how you can get there. Do you need to learn something new? Acquire some new skills? With Pluto back in Capricorn, notice any transformation when it comes to your finances and values. Speaking of values, Mars in Cancer might provoke conflict when it comes to values you share with others, and once Venus is in Scorpio, unresolved issues may come to the surface, but you’re devoted to finding a solution. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse highlights your domestic life. What’s working when it comes to home and family and what’s not? With Libra season and Mercury in Libra you’ll likely feel more social. Notice what ideas come to you about groups you’re a part of during Mercury Cazimi.

Capricorn & Capricorn Rising

Your soul wants to explore this Virgo season, and Pluto back in your sign reinitiates deep transformation. There is a feeling of growth and expansion permeating through this month for you, Capricorn. The New Moon in Virgo would be a great opportunity to plan your next trip or start learning something new, and Mercury in Virgo will give you the mental bandwidth to do so. With Mars in Cancer, you’ll find renewed energy in your close relationships, and working in partnership will likely be fruitful. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse may shift your mindset in one way or another — be open to new ways of perceiving the world around you. Libra season ignites your career and is an excellent time to network. Mercury in Libra will help here, and new inspiration comes to you on Mercury Cazimi. Venus in Scorpio will compel you to go deeper with friends.

Aquarius & Aquarius Rising

As Uranus stations Retrograde and Virgo season continues, you’re on an inner journey, strengthening the deepest layers of yourself. Don’t be afraid to seek extra support if you need it. Set intentions for the changes you’d like to see on a soul level on the Virgo New Moon. Once Mercury moves back into Virgo, you might be thinking a lot about shared resources and how you can improve your finances. With Mars in Cancer, your energy is well spent taking care of your emotions through healthy habits. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will illuminate how your values and relationship to money have shifted. Once Libra season comes around, there is the potential to meet new people that can expand your horizons. Be open to new beliefs on Mercury Cazimi. You will be magnetic to others when it comes to your career and public self while Venus is in Scorpio.

Pisces & Pisces Rising

As you move through Virgo season, focus on your 1:1 relationships. What did you discover during Mercury Retrograde last month? Set intentions for this area of your life on the Virgo New Moon. You might feel tension between your needs and boundaries and those you’re close with over the next few weeks, and this will be illuminated on the Lunar Eclipse in your sign. Reflect on how your mindset may have radically changed in the past few years during Uranus Retrograde. Channel your emotions into fun and self-expression while Mars is in Cancer. Mercury in Virgo may help you communicate better with those you’re collaborating with. Once Libra season comes along, you are being called to cooperate with others more deeply. Reflect on this while Mercury is in Libra, and see what insights come to you during Mercury Cazimi. Allow yourself to have deep, mind-expanding encounters with art or other cultures during Venus in Scorpio.

Aries & Aries Rising

Keep finding the bliss in getting back to your supportive routines and the rhythm of daily life throughout Virgo season. Set intentions for how you’d like your every day to be on the New Moon in Virgo. With Mars in Cancer, you can get a lot done at home. As well, be mindful of past patterns emerging, and address them head on. With Mercury in Virgo, you have the power to get organized and precise when it comes to work. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces is a wonderful opportunity to withdraw a little from life and dig into something spiritual. Once Libra season comes around, your close relationships are in focus. How is the balance of give and take within them? Talk things through with others while Mercury is in Libra, and be open to new insights when it comes to getting along with the public during Mercury Cazimi. With Venus in Scorpio, you’ll be craving depth and deep transformation with others.

Taurus & Taurus Rising

It’s Uranus Retrograde in your sign again. Reflect on the ways you’ve fundamentally changed and how you want to break free from norms. Virgo season is for losing yourself in the details of your creative expression and for simply having fun. Set intentions for these on the Virgo New Moon, and follow through with your plans once Mercury is in Virgo. Life feels like it’s moving faster with Mars in Cancer, and you might find yourself connecting on a more emotion level to acquaintances. If you’re looking for a specific activity on the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, see how you can give back to your community or a charitable cause. Libra season is for rebalancing your daily life. Think about what needs to be shifted with Mercury in Libra and get new insights on Mercury Cazimi. Once Venus moves into Scorpio, you will likely crave time to get even closer to those already close to you.

Gemini & Gemini Rising

Continue to enjoy your domestic environs during Virgo season. You might even find yourself inspired to reorganize your space, especially with Mercury in Virgo. If you’ve been wanting a change when it comes to your home or relationship with your family, set intentions on the New Moon in Virgo. With Mars in Cancer, there’s a danger of impulsive spending driven by your emotions. Some EFT tapping on the Ora app could be supportive. On the flip side, you are more likely to really defend what you value. Be open to new possibilities when it comes to your career on the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Libra season opens the door to new levels of beauty and self-expression. See what you’re inspired by while Mercury is in Libra, and be especially ready for creative downloads during Mercury Cazimi. If you’ve been having any issues with people at work, Venus in Scorpio can help you get to the bottom of it.

Cancer & Cancer Rising

As life gets busier for you this Virgo season, don’t forget to take moments to appreciate the little things, especially in your immediate surroundings. There is also a lot of potential to shift your mindset in a positive way — set intentions for this on the Virgo New Moon. And then follow through on new ways of looking at the world as Mercury is in Virgo. With Mars in your sign, you can assert yourself better and go after what you want. The Lunar Eclipse in Pisces will show you the mystical ways your soul wishes to expand. You might also feel like learning more about spirituality at this time. Once Libra season comes around, there is a pull to spend more time at home or connecting with family. Focus on balance in your space as well as emotionally. Mercury in Libra is a good time to just reflect, and Mercury Cazimi could help with a breakthrough. Express yourself and plan for lots of fun during Venus in Scorpio.

Leo & Leo Rising

Continue to tap into your values and your finances this Virgo season. Set intentions for your financial future on the Virgo New Moon, and follow through with Mercury in Virgo. Pluto dipping back into Capricorn may reveal some transformation when it comes to your daily life. Be open to shifts. Mars in Cancer might make you a little more irritable than usual. Bring consciousness to whatever comes up, and work alone when you can. There may be a lot to let out on the Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. Make space to let your emotions flow. You’ll likely feel quite social during Libra season, and that there’s lots to do. There’s the potential to make new connections with people in your immediate surroundings. Mercury in Libra makes you more likely to strike up a conversation. See what insights come to you on Mercury Cazimi. If you really want to get to know someone better, bring them to your house during Venus in Scorpio.


August 2024, Holiscopes