The key is within (you have the power)

With Elina Pavlidis
Human Potential Activator

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This online class blends theory and practice to understand your heart as a key to happiness and wellbeing.

You will explore the role of your heart in your own experience of life. Understand how the heart expands or shrinks before the mind can form thoughts in the presence of specific objects and people. The heart will either facilitate the transcendence of challenges or crystallise them in our systems as traumas. It has the power to sustain or shut down our immune system.

The state of the heart can facilitate gratitude, happiness and better communication. Learn everything you need to know about the energy of your heart space and why the body knows best. You’ll realise that the best way to use the mind is to become in sync with your heart and pay attention to your heart space instead of your head space.



Class outline

  • Inner technologies to shift our heart's frequency

  • The primordial role of the heart (in our health, experience of life, overcoming illness, life challenges and relationships)

  • Exploration of the coherent state

  • Q&A

You will learn about

  • Shifting your heart frequency

  • Diving into the fuller expression of your own greatest power

  • The heart sustaining or reducing immunity

  • The heart space and trauma

  • Expanding the heart for wellbeing and happiness

What you will need

  • A notebook and pen

  • A relaxing drink (optional)


Your facilitator


Elina Pavlidis

Elina is known as a Human Potential Activator. She enables individuals to access their inner guidance for a better life. Having trained in Jivamukti Yoga, Elina uses the power of yoga, meditation, sound and breath to expand our unique potential.

Elina is based between Mexico and Greece and is constantly inspired by her surroundings. She puts this inspiration into helping others recognise their essence and free their minds from limiting beliefs.

Read Elina's bio here.


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