Initiating mindfulness: start from where you are.

With Johanna Melchiorre
Holistic Life Coach & Mindfulness Coach

Mindfulness or mindful awareness means increasing your life quality, moment by moment, with more presence. It is about experiencing, not understanding. The beauty is that you can find mindfulness in the most simple activities in life.

In this session, Life Coach and Mind-Body Practitioner Johanna Melchiorre would like to share her experiences and practices to help you move from "human-doing" to "human-being".

Drawing on experiences from her journey through mindfulness, Johanna will show you simple exercises and mindful practices that you can integrate in your life. With the power of acceptance, these exercises will help you navigate your life with an increased sense of effortlessness.



Class outline

  • The contradictions we contain within ourselves.

  • How they affect the way we think, feel and make our decisions.

  • Simple exercises and mindful practices.

You will learn about

  • Mindfulness and sharing experiences.

  • Mindful practices and exercises.

  • Breathing.

What you will need

  • Wear comfortable clothes.

  • A pen and a notebook.

  • A candle (to be lit).

  • An empty glass and a full glass of water (intrigued?!).


Your facilitator


Johanna Melchiorre

Born and raised in the South of France, Johanna lived in many cities before settling in Berlin. She believes that feeling the heartbeat of a particular city and getting to know the people at their core, can be as nourishing as the experience she gains from her diverse background in theatre, business, and communication.

For years, Johanna worked as a Brand and Marketing Specialist for start-ups. She quickly realised that finding one’s truth and purpose in such fast-paced environments, would lead to a certain form of freedom and a healthier mindset.

From a young age, Johanna suffered from T.E.D (trouble eating disorder) for eight years. She underwent the long process of self-discovery and acceptance, mainly with self-help books about psychology and eastern practices, and eliminated T.E.D.

Johanna discovered Reiki energy healing, yoga and meditation which offered inner-peace, clarity and guidance. Following those practices and her intuition, she found her calling in life. “Life coaching came to me as obvious and made me connect the dots of my so-far life experience.”

She became a Holistic Life Coach & MindBody Practitioner, passionate about neuroscience, understanding modern stress and mindfulness.


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