Spirituality for beginners

30.11.2023, 19:00 - 20:00 CET

With Bianca Giulione
Cosmic Clarity Coach

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A mind-expanding crash course in spirituality with our in-house Astrologer, Bianca Guilione.

Spirituality for Beginners is a gentle invitation to experience living life in a way that honours the unseen. Many of us understand that we are more than just physical bodies. We may even be sensitive to energies or have experienced things we can't explain with mere logic.

This workshop aims to answer the question - "Why should I care about spirituality?" - and supports you in finding your own answers. Bianca distils her own studies of spiritual concepts and paradigms such as Vedic philosophy, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Zen, Buddhism, along with science and quantum physics into an accessible and practical exploration.

Whether or not you consider yourself spiritual, religious, agnostic, atheist, or anything in-between, you are welcome. You will learn tools to help you navigate daily life, whatever you believe, with plenty of time for questions and conversation at the end.



Class outline

We are more than just the physical world:

  • Exploring definitions of spirit and spirituality

  • Energy bodies according to Vedic philosophy

  • Neutrinos and quantum physics

    We are all interconnected:

  • What it means to be connected and united in a world that seems so divided

  • Kabbalistic teachings and practical tools

    Choose your own adventure

  • Choosing your own path of curiosity

  • Moving through triggers and pain and seeing the lesson in them

  • Critical thinking vs. blind belief


  • A mind-expanding crash course in spirituality

  • A chance to set aside daily tasks and obligations

  • An exploration of the self and the Universe

  • Feel empowered to move through whatever it is you’re going through

  • Touch on Vedic philosophy, Kabbalah, Gnosticism, Zen, Buddhism

  • Practical tools to add to your everyday life

  • Reflection questions, books and resource recommendations

What you will need

  • A notebook and pen

  • An open mind and heart

  • A soothing beverage


Your facilitator


Bianca Giulione

Bianca is a Cosmic Clarity Coach who specialises in tarot, astrology and human design. She curates monthly horoscopes (Holiscopes) especially for Ora Collective and hosts New Moon Workshops with the public that combine her speciality areas with breathwork, meditation and kundalini.

Through her work, Bianca enables individuals to connect deeper with themselves and others through the mind, body and spirit.

Read Bianca’s bio here.


Journey within: reconnecting with deeper emotions


Flow through change: smooth life transitions